Motion Characteristics of Single Electrons of Atoms of Atomic Gas of Hydrogen and Single Electrons of Hydrogen-Like Ions in Form Gas or Vapour during Decays of Such Atoms and Ions. Emission Line Spectra ()
For the first
time the vector differential equation of central motion of single electron in electric
field of an atomic nucleus as in external central electric field is set up and solved.
Here the following findings are reported. Each of single electrons of a part of
atoms of atomic gas of hydrogen and a part of hydrogen-like ions in the form of
a gas or a vapour revolves around corresponding atomic nucleus in a flat spiral
which has an interior maximum of turns density. The distance between each of these
single electrons and corresponding atomic nucleus increases while a speed of single
electron decreases. Such motion of single electrons takes place with no expenditures
of external energy and points to decays of foregoing parts of atoms and ions. The
electric field strength of the atomic nuclei of atoms of atomic gas of hydrogen
and hydrogen-like ions in the form of a gas or a vapour is inversely proportional
to the distance between the atomic nucleus and the corresponding single electron
by greater than the power of 3. Calculated cyclic
frequency (rough value 3.5×1014 s-1) of revolution of the electron around the nucleus of atom of atomic
gas of hydrogen (in interior maximum of turns density of the flat spiral), which
moves at speed 2.2×106 ms-1, and central cyclic frequency of α-line of Balmer
series (4.5×1014 s-1) have the same order of magnitude. This fact and line structure of
experimental emission line spectra confirm the formation of all lines of these spectra
by continuous slight emission of light front by single electrons. The formation
of series of lines of emission line spectra is linked to repeated creations of atoms
of atomic gas of hydrogen and hydrogen-like ions in the form of a gas or a vapour.
Share and Cite:
Strilets, I. (2014) Motion Characteristics of Single Electrons of Atoms of Atomic Gas of Hydrogen and Single Electrons of Hydrogen-Like Ions in Form Gas or Vapour during Decays of Such Atoms and Ions. Emission Line Spectra.
Journal of Modern Physics,
5, 1302-1320. doi:
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