International Journal of Modern Nonlinear Theory and Application

Volume 3, Issue 2 (June 2014)

ISSN Print: 2167-9479   ISSN Online: 2167-9487

Google-based Impact Factor: 0.5  Citations  

Book Announcement of L. Celentano, Robust Tracking Controllers Design with Generic References for Continuous and Discrete Uncertain Linear SISO Systems, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2012 (Short Communications)

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In this book new results on controller design techniques for the tracking of generic reference inputs are presented. They allow the design of a controller for an uncertain process, either continuous or discrete-time, without zeros, and with measurable state. The controller guarantees that the control system is Type 1 and has the desired constant gain and poles or that the control system tracks, with a specified maximum error and with a specified maximum time constant, a generic reference with bounded derivative (variation in the discrete-time case), also in the presence of a generic disturbance with bounded derivative (variation). In addition, it is considered the case in which the reference is known a priori.

The utility and the efficiency of the proposed methods are illustrated with attractive and significant examples of motion control and temperature control.

This book is useful for the design of control systems, especially for manufacturing systems, that are versatile, fast, precise and robust.

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Celentano, L. (2014) L. Celentano, Robust Tracking Controllers Design with Generic References for Continuous and Discrete Uncertain Linear SISO Systems, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2012. Book Announcement. International Journal of Modern Nonlinear Theory and Application, 3,I-III

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