Open Journal of Urology

Volume 1, Issue 1 (February 2011)

ISSN Print: 2160-5440   ISSN Online: 2160-5629

Google-based Impact Factor: 0.29  Citations  

Effect of Timing of Circumcision on Sexual Satisfaction and Function

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DOI: 10.4236/oju.2011.11003    5,344 Downloads   10,738 Views  Citations




Objectives: Male circumcision is a commonly-performed surgical procedure in the world. Currently, no consensus exists about the role of the foreskin or the effect circumcision on sexual satisfaction. All previous studies have evaluated the effect of adult circumcision on sexual function. In this study, we responded to “Does circumcision timing have different effects on sexual function?” Methods: Based on circumcision timing (receiving circumcision in less than 18 year olds or older than 18 year olds), the participants were divided into two groups. The following data and measurements were investigated: IIEF-5 score, sexual satisfaction, sexual activity [number of sexual attempt/week] and ability to achieve or maintain an erection. Results: Two hundred and fifty cases including 125 men were investigated in each group. The baseline demographic (age, marital status, education, smoking) was similar in the 2 groups. No statistically significant differences were seen regarding their sexual satisfaction (P = 0.65), sexual activity [number of sexual attempt/week] (P = 0.74), ability to achieve or maintain an erection (P = 0.44), (P = 0.9). The total mean IIEF-5 score was 24.21 +/- 1.94 and 22.23 +/- 1.12 in groups 1 and 2, respectively (p = 0.5). Conclusion: We concluded that the age at which the circumcision is preformed has no effect on the degree of sexual function and satisfaction.

Share and Cite:

S. Hosseini and M. Mohseni, "Effect of Timing of Circumcision on Sexual Satisfaction and Function," Open Journal of Urology, Vol. 1 No. 1, 2011, pp. 8-10. doi: 10.4236/oju.2011.11003.

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