Natural Science

Volume 3, Issue 1 (January 2011)

ISSN Print: 2150-4091   ISSN Online: 2150-4105

Google-based Impact Factor: 1.08  Citations  

Hydrochemical characteristics of the major water springs in the Yarmouk Basin, north Jordan

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DOI: 10.4236/ns.2011.31003    7,006 Downloads   12,906 Views  Citations




The water quality of major springs in the Yar-mouk Basin (north Jordan) experienced degra-dation due to rapid urbanization and industri-alization. In order to check their suitability for irrigation, drinking and industrial purposes, a research work was conducted to assess the degree of ionic toxicity in these water sources. Thirty-six water samples were analyzed for dif-ferent elements of dominant cations and anions such as Ca, Mg, Na, K, Fe, and HCO3 together with other minor ions P, B, NO3, SO4, and Cl. To classify water quality, parameters such as so-dium adsorption ratio (SAR), soluble sodium percentage (SSP) and residual sodium carbon-ate (RSC) were calculated. Concentrations of major cations and anions are low compared to their permissible levels in potable water. The total dissolved solids is 617 mg/l or below, which indicates the presence of fresh water. The fresh water condition is also verified by low to mod-erate electrical conductivity (347-1234 ?S/cm) and lower than 8.09 pH values. The concentra-tion of total iron (0.0-0.09 mg/l) falls below the maximum permissible limit of 1 mg/l. The low SAR (0.5 to 1.34) coupled with low electrical conductivity, gives the water medium salinity hazard and low sodium hazard. Thus, the water is general of suitable chemical quality for do-mestic, agricultural and most industrial uses.

Share and Cite:

Batayneh, A. (2011) Hydrochemical characteristics of the major water springs in the Yarmouk Basin, north Jordan. Natural Science, 3, 28-35. doi: 10.4236/ns.2011.31003.

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