Advances in Internet of Things

Volume 3, Issue 4 (October 2013)

ISSN Print: 2161-6817   ISSN Online: 2161-6825

Google-based Impact Factor: 4.62  Citations  

iPhone Independent Real Time Localization System Research and Its Healthcare Application

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DOI: 10.4236/ait.2013.34008    6,637 Downloads   12,856 Views  Citations


This project studied several popular localization algorithms on iPhone and, according to the demands, specifically designed it to improve healthcare IT system in hospitals. The challenge of this project was to realize the different localization systems on iPhone and to make balance between its response time and localization accuracy. We implemented three popular localization algorithms, namely nearest neighbor (NN), K-nearest neighbor (KNN), and probability phase, and we compared their performance on iPhone. Furthermore, we also implemented a real-time localization system using the ZigBee technology on iPhone. Thus, the whole system could realize not only self-localization but also others-localization. To fulfill the healthcare needs, we developed an application, which can be used to improve the hospital IT, system. The whole project included three phases. The first phase was to localize iPhone’s position using the received WiFi signal by iPhone, compare and optimize their performances. During the second phase, we implemented a ZigBee RFID localization system and combined it with the WiFi system. Finally, we combined new features of the system with a healthcare IT system. We believe that this application on iPhone can be a useful and advanced application in hospitals.

Share and Cite:

X. Lu, W. Liu and Y. Guan, "iPhone Independent Real Time Localization System Research and Its Healthcare Application," Advances in Internet of Things, Vol. 3 No. 4, 2013, pp. 53-65. doi: 10.4236/ait.2013.34008.

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[3] Fuzzy Decision Tree with Fuzzy Particle Swarm Optimization Clustering for Locating Users in an Indoor
[4] Exploring Security, Privacy, and Reliability Strategies to Enable the Adoption of IoT
ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2017
[5] User localisation using wireless signal strength-an application for pattern classification using fuzzy decision tree
International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology, 2016
[6] Cloud-Supported Cyber–Physical Localization Framework for Patients Monitoring
Systems Journal, 2015

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