Comparative Assessment of Corrosion Behaviour of MCS and KS7 SS in Saline and Carbonate Environments ()
The major objective of this experimental study is to investigate and compare the corrosion resistance of medium Carbon steel (MCS) and KS7 stainless steel in saline and sodium carbonate environments. The MCS and KS7 SS were exposed to 0.5 M each of NaCl and Na2CO3 solutions for a period of 36 days. The weight loss was taken every 3 days in order to evaluate CPR. The results obtained showed that KS7 SS generally offers a better corrosion resistance than the MCS in the selected media. While MCS is found to be inappropriate alloy in saline and sodium carbonate environments, KS7 SS is an unfailing choice material for manufacturing machines and other engineering amenities in which their service lives are predominant in Na2CO3 medium and fairly pleasing in NaCl environment.
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Ajide, O. and Agara, K. (2012) Comparative Assessment of Corrosion Behaviour of MCS and KS7 SS in Saline and Carbonate Environments.
Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering,
11, 836-840. doi:
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