Intelligent Control and Automation

Volume 15, Issue 4 (November 2024)

ISSN Print: 2153-0653   ISSN Online: 2153-0661

Google-based Impact Factor: 2.22  Citations  

Prediction of Abidjan Groundwater Quality Using Machine Learning Approaches: An Exploratory Study

  XML Download Download as PDF (Size: 10762KB)  PP. 215-248  
DOI: 10.4236/ica.2024.154010    37 Downloads   162 Views  


Continuous groundwater quality monitoring poses significant challenges affecting the environment and public health. Groundwater in Abidjan, specifically from the Continental Terminal (CT), is the primary supply source. Therefore, ensuring safe drinking water and environmental protection requires a thorough evaluation and surveillance of this resource. Our present research evaluates the quality of the CT groundwater in Abidjan using the water quality index (WQI) based on the analytical hierarchy process (AHP). This study also explores the application of machine learning predictions as a time-efficient and cost-effective approach for groundwater resource management. Therefore, three Machine Learning regression algorithms (Ridge, Lasso, and Gradient Boosting (GB)) were executed and compared. The AHP-based WQI results classified 98.98% of samples as “good” water quality, while 0.68% and 0.34% of samples were respectively categorized as “excellent” and “poor” water. Afterward, the prediction performance evaluation highlighted that the GB outperformed the other models with the highest accuracy and consistency (MSE = 0.097, RMSE = 0.300, r = 0.766, rs = 0.757, and τ = 0.804). In contrast, the Lasso model recorded the lowest prediction accuracy, with an MSE of 148.921, an RMSE of 6.828, and consistency parameters of r = 0.397, rs = 0.079, and τ = 0.082. Gradient Boosting regression effectively learns nonlinear events and interactions by iteratively fitting new models to errors of previous models, enabling a more realistic groundwater quality prediction. This study provides a novel perspective for improving groundwater quality management in Abidjan, promoting real-time tracking and risk mitigations.

Share and Cite:

Kressy, D. (2024) Prediction of Abidjan Groundwater Quality Using Machine Learning Approaches: An Exploratory Study. Intelligent Control and Automation, 15, 215-248. doi: 10.4236/ica.2024.154010.

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