Constitutive Model for Rubberlike Materials ()
The isotropic continuum stored energy (CSE) functional, fully combined with the Poisson function, has been applied to constitutively model compressible as well as incompressible rubberlike materials. The isotropic CSE constitutive model fits uniaxial tension test and predicts unfitted pure shear and equibiaxial tension tests of incompressible S4035A thermoplastic elastomer (TPE). Furthermore, the isotropic CSE model along with the Poisson function fits uniaxial tension test along with the kinematic relation test and predicts unfitted pure shear and equibiaxial tension tests along with the corresponding kinematic relation tests of a compressible synthetic rubber. The detailed procedures for uniquely identifying constitutive parameters are emphasized, the experimental characterization results are discussed, and the principles for constitutive models are summarized and augmented.
Share and Cite:
Zhao, F. (2024) Constitutive Model for Rubberlike Materials.
Advances in Pure Mathematics,
14, 633-649. doi:
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