Discoloration Range and Shroud Image Depth Values Cannot Be Satisfied by the Same Proton Energy ()
The radiative hypothesis has been revisited showing other
characteristics, produced by the protons used as dyes in total disagree with
the ones of the Body Image that appears on
the Shroud of Turin. Our investigations highlight that for the protons to reach 3.7 cm in air, the distance
that measures the range of discoloration effects, must be emitted with an
energy of about 1.5 MeV using Wilson and Brobeck’s empirical formula and 1.35 MeV using Bethe’s. This
last formula provides a result closer to reality. Bethe shows that the
penetration depth is greater than that calculated empirically. Such a value of
proton energy (1.35 MeV) makes it possible to satisfy the discoloration effects range for the Shroud but it is
incompatible with a depth of penetration in linen that is only 200 nm.
Moreover, using the same subatomic particles, we obtained on the colored linen
a distribution of energy represented by regression but not linear. Thus, also
the possible I(z) correlation, between color intensity and body-sheet distance, which should be due to the oxidizing action of protons, does not agree with
that extracted from the Shroud of Turin.
Share and Cite:
Fazio, G. (2023) Discoloration Range and Shroud Image Depth Values Cannot Be Satisfied by the Same Proton Energy.
Open Journal of Applied Sciences,
13, 1224-1232. doi: