International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics

Volume 11, Issue 1 (March 2021)

ISSN Print: 2161-4717   ISSN Online: 2161-4725

Google-based Impact Factor: 1  Citations  

A Lack of Evidence for Global Ram-Pressure Induced Star Formation in the Merging Cluster Abell 3266

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DOI: 10.4236/ijaa.2021.111007    413 Downloads   1,334 Views  Citations


Interaction between the intracluster medium and the interstellar media of galaxies via ram-pressure stripping (RPS) has ample support from both observations and simulations of galaxies in clusters. Some, but not all of the observations and simulations show a phase of increased star formation compared to normal spirals. Examples of galaxies undergoing RPS induced star formation in clusters experiencing a merger have been identified in high resolution optical images supporting the existence of a star formation phase. We have selected Abell 3266 to search for ram-pressure induced star formation as a global property of a merging cluster. Abell 3266 (z = 0.0594) is a high mass cluster that features a high velocity dispersion, an infalling subcluster near to the line of sight, and a strong shock front. These phenomena should all contribute to making Abell 3266 an optimum cluster to see the global effects of RPS induced star formation. Using archival X-ray observations and published optical data, we cross-correlate optical spectral properties ([OII, Hβ]), indicative of starburst and post-starburst, respectively with ram-pressure, ρv2, calculated from the X-ray and optical data. We find that post-starburst galaxies, classified as E + A, occur at a higher frequency in this merging cluster than in the Coma cluster and at a comparable rate to intermediate redshift clusters. This is consistent with increased star formation due to the merger. However, both starburst and post-starburst galaxies are equally likely to be in a low or high ram pressure environment. From this result, we infer that the duration of the starburst phase must be very brief so that: 1) at any time only a small fraction of the galaxies in a high ram pressure environment show this effect, and 2) most post-starburst galaxies are in an environment of low ram pressure due to their continued orbital motion in the cluster.

Share and Cite:

Henriksen, M. and Dusek, S. (2021) A Lack of Evidence for Global Ram-Pressure Induced Star Formation in the Merging Cluster Abell 3266. International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 11, 95-132. doi: 10.4236/ijaa.2021.111007.

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