How to Determine a Jump in Energy Prior to a Causal Barrier, with an Attendant Current, for an Effective Initial Magnetic Field. In the Pre Planckian to Planckian Space-Time

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DOI: 10.4236/jhepgc.2018.42021    498 Downloads   987 Views  Citations


We start where we use an inflaton value due to use of a scale factor . Also we use as the variation of the time component of the metric tensor in Pre-Planckian space-time. Our objective is to find an effective magnetic field, to obtain the minimum scale factor in line with Non Linear Electrodynamics as given by Camara, et al., 2004. Our suggestion is based upon a new procedure for an effective current based upon an inflaton time exp (i times (frequency) times (cosmological time)) factor as a new rescaled inflaton which is then placed right into a Noether Current scalar field expression as given by Peskins, 1995. This is before the Causal surface with which is, right next to a quantum bounce, determined by , with the next shift in the Hubble parameter as set up to be then . And is an initial degree of freedom value of about 110. Upon calculation of the current, and a resulting magnetic field, for the space time bubble, we then next obtain a shift in energy, leading to a transition from too. We argue then that the delineation of the term is a precursor to filling in information as to the Weyl Tensor for near singularity measurements of starting space-time. Furthermore, as evidenced in Equations ((26) and (27)) of this document, we focus upon a “first order” that checks into if a cosmological “constant” would be invariant in time, or would be along the trajectory of the time, varying Quinessence models. We close this document, with Maxwell equations as to Post Newtonian theory, for Gravity, with our candidates as to a magnetic field included in, with what we think this pertains to, as far as Gravo Electric and Gravo Magnetic fields, and then make suggestions as to a quantum version of this methodology for future gravitational wave physics research. This is Appendix G, this last topic, and deliberately set up future works paradigm which will be investigated in the coming year. It is based upon a Gravo Electric potential, and we make suggestions as to its upgrade in our future works, in early universe cosmology. In the reference by Poisson, and Will, they write and in this last section we come up with a value of U, based in part on the comparison with the alteration of velocity, due to a massive graviton, namely via the substitution, we write as , so as to come up with a post Newtonian approximation result for a magnetic field. We compare this magnetic field, as far as the Inflaton magnetic field, and use it to come up with observations with regards to the phenomenology of gravity in Pre Planckian to Planckian regime limits. We close, then with the observation given in Appendix H, of the inhomogeneity of Pre Planckian-to Planckian space time as a necessary condition for a Gravi-Magnetic field. We also reference an Appendix I, which does a summary of a 5th force calculation, and we then compare those results, with our temporary results of a Gravi Magneitc field, as we have tried to start up as a future works project.

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Beckwith, A. (2018) How to Determine a Jump in Energy Prior to a Causal Barrier, with an Attendant Current, for an Effective Initial Magnetic Field. In the Pre Planckian to Planckian Space-Time. Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology, 4, 323-353. doi: 10.4236/jhepgc.2018.42021.

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