Ultimate Physical Reality of the Universe

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DOI: 10.4236/jmp.2018.93027    1,078 Downloads   3,011 Views  Citations


According to modern concepts, space continues in all directions, and has no known limits. The sun and billions of other stars make up a giant galaxy whirling through space. Countless other galaxies are scattered throughout space as far as man can see with the largest telescopes. The Newtonian uni-verse, Minkowski universe, Einstein’s General Relativistic Universe and the Big-Bang and Steady State models deal with creation and evolution of the universe. Following Einstein, Milne, Friedman, Lemaitre, De Sitter, Bondi and Gold, Hoyle, Narlikar and Brons Dicke have given their own models and tried to explain the nature of the universe. All the above mentioned concepts and models are not able to explain the Ultimate Physical Reality of the Universe. Here I suggest for the first time, the Ultimate Physical Reality of the Universe by explaining that there is no separate “space” without the presence of matter. I give the answer for the unexplained puzzling question: “What the universe expands into?” and explain that the universe is just closed and finite. I explain that the universe is ever expanding. I also give answers to important unan-swered questions so far.

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Vijayakumar, M. (2018) Ultimate Physical Reality of the Universe. Journal of Modern Physics, 9, 387-394. doi: 10.4236/jmp.2018.93027.

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