
Dr. Solina Richter
Faculty of Nursing
University of Alberta, Canada


2001  Ph.D., Nursing, Rand Afrikaans University, South Africa
1990  B.A., University of South Africa, South Africa
1984  B.N.S., University of Stellenbosch, South Africa


  1. Mill, J., Harrowing, J. N., Rae, T., Richter, S., Minnie, K., Mbalinda, S., Hepburn, C. (Accepted 24 August 2012), The Influence of Stigma on AIDS Care in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean. Qualitative Health Research
  2. Oladele Rabiu, D., Richter, M.S., Clark, A. & Lang, L. (In Press: Accepted in January 2012), Critical Ethnography – a useful methodology in conducting health research in different The Qualitative Report, 18, (1)
  3. Mogale, R.S., Kovacs Burns, K. & Richter, M.S. (2012), Violence against Women in South Africa: Policy Position and Recommendations. Violence Against Women, 18(5), 579 – 593. doi10.1177/1077801212453430
  4. Darkwah V, Yamane H, Richter S, Caine V, Maina, G, Johnson, & L. Chamber, T. (2012), A Systematic Review on the Intersection of Homelessness and Healthcare in Canada. Journal of Nursing Care 1:15. doi:10.4172/2167-1168.1000115
  5. Richter, M.S., Kovacs Burns, & Botha A.D.H (2012), Planning for Global Homelessness Research: A Joint Canadian-South African Initiative. Online Journal of Social Sciences Research, 1(3), 85-91. Available Online at
  6. Mao, Y. Richter, M.S., Kovacs Burns, K., & Chaw-Kant, J. (2012), Homelessness Coverage, Social Reality, and Media Ownership: Comparing A National Newspaper with Two Regional Newspapers in Canada. Journal of Mass Communication and Journalism 2:7. Available at
  7. Richter, M.S.; Mill, J.; Muller, C.E.; Kahwa, E., Etowa, J., Dawkins, P. & Hepburn, C. (In press, Accepted April 2012), Nurses Engagement in AIDS Policy Development. International Nursing Review
  8. Calder, M., Richter, S., Kovacs Burns, K., & Mao, Y. (2011), Framing homelessness for the Canadian public. The news media and homelessness. Canadian Journal of Urban Research, 20(2), 1-19.
  9. Kovacs Burns, K., & Richter, S. (2011), Alberta’s urban homelessness research capacities: A comprehensive environmental scan from 1990 to 2010. Canadian Journal of Urban Research, 20(2), 71-90.
  10. Higginbottom GMA, Richter S, Ortiz L, Young S, Forgeron J, Callendar S, Boyce M. (2012), Evaluating the utility of the FamCHAT ethnocultural nursing assessment tool at a Canadian tertiary care hospital: a pilot study with recommendations for hospital management. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice 2(2), 24-40.
  11. Richter, M.S., Kovacs Burns, K., Mao, Y, Chaw-Kant, J., Calder, M., Mogale, S., Goin, L. & Schnell, K. (2011), Homelessness Coverage in Canadian newspaper: 1987 to 2007. Canadian Journal of Communication, 36 (4), 619 – 636.
  12. Davidson. P.M., McGrath, S.J., Meleis. A, Stern. P., DiGiacomo, M., Dharmendra. T., Correa-de-Araujo, R, Campbell, J.C., Hochleitner, M., Messias, D.K.H., Brown, H., Teitelman, A., Sindhu, S., Reesman, K., Richter, S. Sommers, M.S., Schaeffer, D. Stringer, M., Sampselle, C., Anderson, D., Tuazon, J.A., Cao, Y. & Krassen Covan, Y. (2011), The Health of Women and Girls Determines the Health and Well-Being of Our Modern World: A White Paper From the International Council on Women's Health Issues. Health Care for Women International, 32, 870–886. DOI: 10.1080/07399332.2011.603872 Available at
  13. Higginbottom G.M.A., Richter S., Ortiz L, Mogale R.S,Young S, Mollel, A. (2011), Identification of nursing assessment models/tools validated in clinical practice for use with diverse ethno-cultural groups: an integrative review of the literature. Biomed Nursing Journal Available at doi:10.1186/1472-6955-10-16
  14. Dhamani, A.K. & Richter, M.S. (2011), Translation of Research Instruments: Process, Pitfalls and Challenges in Health Services. African Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 13 (1), 3-13.
  15. Richter, M.S., Kovacs Burns, K. & Chaw-Kant, J. (2010), Analysis of newspaper journalists’ portrayal of the homeless and homelessness in Alberta, Canada. International Journal of Child Health and Human Development, 3(1), 125- 136.
  16. Richter, M.S. & Chaw-Kant, J. (2010), Canadian homeless women. Gaps in the research agenda. International Journal of Child Health and Human Development, 3(1), 7-15.
  17. MacDonald, S.E., Newburn-Cook, C.V., Schopfocher, D., & Richter, S. (2009), Addressing nonresponse bias in postal surveys. Public Health Nursing, 26(1), 95–105.
  18. M.S. Richter & J Chaw-Kant. (2008), A case study:Retrospective analysis of homeless women in a Canadian city. Women’s Health and Urban Studies, 7(1), 7-19.
  19. Richter, M.S., Parkes, C. & Chaw-Kant, J. (2007), Listening to the voices of the hospitalized high-risk ante partum patient. JOGNN, Jul-Aug; 36(4): 313-8.
  20. Richter, M.S., Groft, J.N. & Prinsloo, L. (2007), Ethical issues surrounding studies with vulnerable populations: A case study from South African street children. International Journal of Adolescent Medical Health, 19 (2), 117 - 126.
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Last Updated: September 2012
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