
Dr. Xiuzhen Li

Archaeology, Emperor Qin Shihuang’s Mausoleum Site Museum, China

Senior Archaeologist



2012 Ph.D., Archaeology, University College London, UK

2004 M.A., Field Archaeology, University College London, UK

1989 B.A., Archaeology, Peking University, China

Publications (Selected)

  1. Li, X. J., Martinón-Torres, M., Meeks and Xia, Y. (2012). Scanning electron microscopy imaging of tool marks on Qin bronze weaopns using silicone rubber impressions, in N. Meeks, C. Cartwright, A. Meek and A. Mongiatti (eds.), Historical Technology, Materials and Conservation: SEM and Microanalysis, 62-68. London: Archetype and The British Museum.
  2. Martinón-Torres, M., Li, X. J., Bevan, A., Xia, Y., Zhao, K. and Rehren, Th. (2012). Forty thousand arms for a single Emperor: from chemical data to the labor organization behind the bronze arrows of the Terracotta Army. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory. DOI link»
  3. Li, X. J., Martinón-Torres, M., Meeks, N. D., Xia, Y. and Zhao, K. (2011). Inscriptions, filing, grinding and polishing marks on the bronze weapons from the Qin Terracotta Army in China. Journal of Archaeological Science 38, 492-501. DOI link»
  4. Li, X.J., Martinón-Torres, M., Bevan, A., Rehren, Th., Xia, Y., and Zhao, K. (2011). 秦俑坑出土青铜弩机生产的标准化及劳动力组织 (Standardisation and labour organisation in the Qin bronze triggers of the Terracotta Warriors). 《秦始皇帝陵博物院院刊》Qin Shihuangling Bowuyuan Yuankan, Vol.1.
  5. Martinón-Torres, M., Li, X. J., Bevan, A., Xia, Y., Zhao, K. and Rehren, Th. 2011. Making weapons for the Terracotta Army. Archaeology International 13/14, 65-75. DOI link»
  6. Li, X. and J., Gao (2010). Standardisation and limitations in production of the Qin bronze triggers: the inscription evidence. Relics and Museology, No. 2. 《从青铜弩机铭文看秦兵器生产标准化的局限性》,《文博》,2010年第2期。
  7. Li, X. (2008). Field archaeology in the British Virgin Islands, Caribbean. Relics and Museology, No. 5. 《加勒比海维京岛考古》,《文博》2008第5期。
  8. Li, X. (2008). The carriage tracks and other traces discovered from the ramps of Pit 2. Research on Qin Terracotta Warriors and Qin Culture 15. Shaanxi Press, China.《秦兵马俑二号坑门道中出土的遗迹及相关信息分析》,《秦文化论丛》第15辑,2008版。
  9. Li, X. (2008). The promotion strategy of the First Emperor Exhibition at the British Museum. Chinese Cultural Relics Newsletter, 1st, November. 《兵马俑大英展的宣传和营销》《中国文物报》2008年1月11日。
  10. Li, X. (2007). A pile of unfired bricks discovered in the north-west corner of Pit 2 and related research questions. Research on Qin Terracotta Warriors and Qin Culture Shaanxi Press, China. 《秦俑二号坑西北角出土的砖坯及相关问题的探讨》,《秦文化论丛》第14辑,2007版。
  11. Li, X. (2007). An investigation into ceramic production for the First Emperor from the distribution of kilns in his tomb complex. Research on Qin Terracotta Warriors and Qin Culture 14. Shaanxi Press, China.《从秦始皇陵区陶窑的分布看陵区陶制品的烧制》,《秦文化论丛》第14辑,2007版。
  12. Li, X. (2006). An investigation of the development of earthwork technologies in ancient China based on Qin rammed earth constructions. Research on Qin Terracotta Warriors and Qin Culture 13. Shaanxi Press, China. 《从秦代夯土建筑看中国古代夯土版筑技术的发展》,《秦文化论丛》第13辑,2006版。
  13. Li, X. (2001). Decorative patterns depicting animals and plants on Qin objects. Research on Qin Terracotta Warriors and Qin Culture 9. Shaanxi Press, China.《秦器物上的动植物纹饰研究》,《秦文化论丛》第9辑,2001版。
  14. Li, X. (2000). An investigation into climate during Qin dynasty based on magnetism and molluscan records from loess deposits. Proceedings of the conference on Qin terracotta warriors. Shaanxi Press, China. 《秦俑坑附近剖面全新世气候记录及春秋—秦汉历史时期的气候环境》,《秦俑学术讨论会论文集》,2000版。
  15. Li, X. (2000). Research into the changing etiquette and social stratification in the Qin and Han dynasty from the costume styles. Proceedings of the conference on Qin Terracotta Warriors. Shaanxi Press, China. 《秦汉服饰礼仪的发展变化》,《秦俑学术讨论会论文集》,2000版
  16. Li, X. (1999). Comparative research into the decorated costumes of the Qin terracotta warriors and minority dress throughout ancient central China. Research on Qin Terracotta Warriors and Qin Culture 7. Shaanxi Press, China. 《秦代士兵的衣饰、戎服及相关问题探讨 》,《秦文化论丛》第7期, 1999年版。
  17. Li, X. (1999). An investigation into the origin and composition of the grey soil from the pits of the Terracotta Warriors. Research on Qin Terracotta Warriors and Qin Culture 7. Shaanxi Press, China. 《秦俑坑青灰泥成分及其来源的测试研究》(合著),《秦文化论丛》第7期,1999年版。
  18. Guo, B. and X., Li. (1999). An investigation into the technology of mercury extraction in ancient China inspired by the legend of a mercury river in the tomb of the First Emperor. Research on Qin Terracotta Warriors and Qin Culture 7. Shaanxi Press, China.《从“以水银为江河”看中国古代的制汞技术》(合著),《秦文化论丛》第7期,1999年版。
  19. Li, X. (1997). A jade pendant worn by a Qin bronze charioteer and further discussion of the jade ornaments in ancient China. Research on Qin Terracotta Warriors and Qin Culture 5. North West University Press, China. 《秦御官俑所配玉环与我国古代的配绶制度》,《秦文化论丛》第5辑,1997版。
  20. Li, X. (1994). Research into the clothes supply of the Qin army from the decorated costumes of the Terracotta Warriors, Qin dynasty. Relics and Museology, No. 6. 《秦俑服饰配备问题试探》,《文博》,1994年6期。

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