Green’s Function Technique and Global Optimization in Reconstruction of Elliptic Objects in the Regular Triangle
Antonio Scalia, Mezhlum A. Sumbatyan
DOI: 10.4236/am.2011.23034   PDF    HTML     5,912 Downloads   9,798 Views   Citations


The reconstruction problem for elliptic voids located in the regular (equilateral) triangle is studied. A known point source is applied to the boundary of the domain, and it is assumed that the input data is obtained from the free-surface input data over a certain finite-length interval of the outer boundary. In the case when the boundary contour of the internal object is unknown, we propose a new algorithm to reconstruct its position and size on the basis of the input data. The key specific character of the proposed method is the construction of a special explicit-form Green's function satisfying the boundary condition over the outer boundary of the triangular domain. Some numerical examples demonstrate good stability of the proposed algorithm.

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Scalia, A. and Sumbatyan, M. (2011) Green’s Function Technique and Global Optimization in Reconstruction of Elliptic Objects in the Regular Triangle. Applied Mathematics, 2, 294-302. doi: 10.4236/am.2011.23034.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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