Resilience of High Voltage Transmission System
Naim H. Afgan, Dejan B. Cvetinovic
DOI: 10.4236/epe.2011.35075   PDF    HTML     5,386 Downloads   9,788 Views   Citations


The resilience of a system can be achieved by reducing its probability of failure as well as reducing the consequences from such failures and the time to recovery. Quantification of resilience is first approached from the broader societal context, from which the engineering sub-problem is formulated as an important building block of the integrated tool ultimately needed. Nonlinear structural responses are considered, as well as the impact of retrofit or repair. Impact on time to recovery is considered in all cases. The proposed framework makes it possible to relate probability functions, fragilities, and resilience in a single integrated approach, and to further develop general tools to quantify resilience. The high voltage transmission system is typical engineering system which requires the assessment of the resilience as the measure for evaluation of the po- tential hazard event development. In this respect the resilience of the high voltage transport system is highly vulnerable: central generation creates high value targets, long vulnerable transmission lines, unique high voltage transformers, vulnerable substations. The assessment of the resilience of the high voltage transmis- sion system is based on the evaluation of the resilience index as the result of the sudden changes of the char- acteristic indicators.

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Afgan, N. and Cvetinovic, D. (2011) Resilience of High Voltage Transmission System. Energy and Power Engineering, 3, 600-606. doi: 10.4236/epe.2011.35075.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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