LDAP Injection Techniques
Jose Maria ALONSO, Antonio GUZMAN, Marta BELTRAN, Rodolfo BORDON
DOI: 10.4236/wsn.2009.14030   PDF    HTML     11,172 Downloads   18,131 Views   Citations


The increase in the number of databases accessed only by some applications has made code injection attacks an important threat to almost any current system. If one of these applications accepts inputs from a client and executes these inputs without first validating them, the attackers are free to execute their own queries and therefore, to extract, modify or delete the content of the database associated to the application. In this paper a deep analysis of the LDAP injection techniques is presented. Furthermore, a clear distinction between classic and blind injection techniques is made.

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Maria ALONSO, J. , GUZMAN, A. , BELTRAN, M. and BORDON, R. (2009) LDAP Injection Techniques. Wireless Sensor Network, 1, 233-244. doi: 10.4236/wsn.2009.14030.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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