Relations between Teachers’ Goal Orientations, Their Instructional Practices and Students’ Motivation


Relations between teachers’ goal orientations, their instructional practices as expressed in perceived classroom goal structures and students’ goal orientations were analyzed, focusing also on potential moderators. Results of a questionnaire study with 46 Mathematics teachers and their 930 students supported the assumption that teachers’ goal orientations affect their instructional practices and students’ goal orientations. These effects were, in part, moderated by teacher beliefs (implicit theories, self-efficacy beliefs). Overall, the results provided strong support for the notion that the mechanisms underlying these effects are based on the functionality of certain instructional practices for the attainment of teachers’ goals.

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Dresel, M. , Fasching, M. , Steuer, G. , Nitsche, S. and Dickhäuser, O. (2013) Relations between Teachers’ Goal Orientations, Their Instructional Practices and Students’ Motivation. Psychology, 4, 572-584. doi: 10.4236/psych.2013.47083.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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