Plug-In Vehicle Acceptance and Probable Utilization Behaviour
Patrícia Baptista, Catarina Rolim, Carla Silva
DOI: 10.4236/jtts.2012.21008   PDF    HTML     5,223 Downloads   9,859 Views   Citations


This paper presents a study undertaken to understand the plug-in vehicle acceptance and probable utilization behaviour in terms of charging habits and utility factor (probability of driving in electrical mode). A survey was designed to be answered via World Wide Web, throughout 3 months and only accessible to Portuguese inhabitants. The survey was composed by biographical and car ownership info, mobility patterns, awareness toward plug-in vehicle technologies, price premium and, finally, potential buyer’s attitudes regarding charging vehicles with electricity from the grid. An explanation of how each vehicle technology works in the case of a regular hybrid (HEV), a plug-in hybrid (PHEV) and a pure electric vehicle (EV) was provided. A total sample of 809 volunteers answered the survey, aged above 18 years old, 50% male and 50% female. The results allowed the estimation of the typical daily driving distance, the Utility Factor curve for plug-in hybrid future users, the charging preferences for future users of pure electric or plug-in hybrid vehicles and the necessary feebates to promote the market penetration of such technologies. Other correlations were also analyzed between driving patterns, type of owned car, price premium and the willingness to buy pure electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles. The main policy implications are that an increase of awareness campaigns is necessary if the government intends to support the plug-in electric vehicle technology widespread and a minimum of 5000 € investment per ton of avoided CO2 will be necessary in a year.

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P. Baptista, C. Rolim and C. Silva, "Plug-In Vehicle Acceptance and Probable Utilization Behaviour," Journal of Transportation Technologies, Vol. 2 No. 1, 2012, pp. 67-74. doi: 10.4236/jtts.2012.21008.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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