
Prof. Osmar A. Centurión

Facultad de Ciencias Médicas

Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Paraguay



PhD Degree, Nagasaki University School of Medicine, Nagasaki, Japan

MD Degree, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Asuncion National University, Asuncion, Paraguay

Publications (Selected)

  1. Centurión OA, Fukatani M, Konoe A, Tanigawa M, Shimizu A, Isomoto S, Kadena M, Hashiba K:  Electrophysiological abnormalities of the atrial muscle in patients with sinus node dysfunction without tachyarritmias. Inter J of Cardiol 1992; 37:41-50.
  2. Centurión OA, Fukatani M, Konoe A, Tanigawa M, Shimizu A, Isomoto S, Kaibara M, Hashiba K:  Different distribution of abnormal endocardial electrograms within the right atrium in patients with sick sinus syndrome. Br Heart J 1992; 68:596-600.
  3. Konoe A, Shimizu A, Isomoto S, Centurión OA, Fukatani M:  Combined oral administration of dysopiramide and propranol in high risk patients with wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome.  Progress in Medicine 1991; 11:237-240.
  4. Isomoto S, Fukatani M, Tanigawa M, Konoe A, Centurión OA, Hashimoto T, Kadena M, Shimizu A, Hashiba K:  The influence of advancing age on abnormal right atrial electrograms obtained by intraatrial catheter mapping during sinus rhythm in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Jpn J Electrocardiol 1992; 12:216-223.
  5. 5. Isomoto S, Fukatani M, Konoe A, Tanigawa M, Centurión OA, Seto S, Hashimoto T, Kadena M, Shimizu A, Hashiba K:   The influence of advancing age on the electrophysiological changes of the atrial muscle induced by programmed atrial stimulation.  Jpn Circulation J 1992; 56:776-782.
  6. Shimizu A, Fukatani M, Centurión OA, Konoe A, Isomoto S, Kaibara M, Yano K:  Double response of the ventricle during transient entrainment in a common atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia.  PACE 1993; 16:39-45.
  7. Centurión OA, Fukatani M, Shimizu A, Konoe A, Isomoto S, Tanigawa M, Kaibara M, Yano K:  Anterograde and retrograde decremental conduction over left-sided accessory atrioventricular pathways in the Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome.  Am Heart J 1993; 125:1038-1047.
  8. Shimizu A,  Fukatani M,  Konoe A,  Isomoto S,  Centurión OA, Yano K:  Electrophysiological effects of a new class III antiarrhythmic agent (E-4031) on the conduction and refractoriness in the in vivo human atrium. Cardiovasc Res 1993; 27:1333-1338.
  9. Centurión OA, Isomoto S, Fukatani M, Shimizu A, Hirata T, Hano O, Konoe A, Tanigawa M, Kaibara M, Sakamoto R, Yano K:  Relationship between atrial conduction defects and fractionated atrial endocardial electrograms in patients with sick sinus syndrome.  PACE 1993; 16:2022-2033.
  10. Shimizu A, Kaibara M, Centurión OA, Kapuku G, Hirata T, Fukatani M, Yano K:  Electrophysiological effects of a new class III antiarrhythmic agent, E-4031, on the atrial flutter, atrial refractoriness, and conduction delay in a canine sterile pericarditis model.  J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 1993; 21:656-662.
  11. Isomoto S, Shimizu A, Konoe A, Kaibara M, Centurión OA, Fukatani M, Yano K:  Electrophysiologic effects of E-4031, a new class III antiarrhythmic agent in patients with supraventricular tachyarrhythmias. Am J Cardiol 1993; 71:1464-1467.
  12. Shimizu A, Fukatani M, Konoe A, Isomoto S, Kaibara M, Sakamoto R, Tanigawa M, Centurión OA, Yano K:  Electrophysiological properties of the atrial muscle in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (idiopathic, and associated with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome and sick sinus syndrome).  Heart 1993; 25:398-405.
  13. Centurión OA,  Isomoto S,  Shimizu A,  Konoe A,  Hirata T,  Kaibara M,  Hano O, Yano K:  Supernormal atrial conduction and its relation to atrial vulnerability and atrial fibrillation in patients with sick sinus syndrome and paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Am Heart J 1994; 128:88-95.
  14. Centurión OA, Isomoto S, Hayano M, Yano K:  Evidence of quadruple anterograde AV nodal pathways in a patient with atrioventricular node reentry. J electrocardiol  1994; 27:71-78.
  15. Shimizu A, Konoe A, Tanigawa M, Isomoto S, Fukatani M, Centurión OA, Yano K, Hashiba K:  Electrophysiologic characteristics of repetitive atrial firing: Atrial extrastimulus at four sites. Jpn J of Cardiac Pacing  Electrophysiology 1993; 9:126-131.
  16. Isomoto S, Shimizu A, Konoe A, Tanigawa M, Kaibara M, Centurión OA, Fukatani M, Yano K:  Effects of intravenous verapamil on atrial vulnerability. Jpn Circulation J 1994; 58:1-8.
  17. Centurión OA,  Shimizu A,  Isomoto S,  Hano O,  Hirata T,  Konoe A,  Kaibara M, Yano K: Incidence and electrophysiological characteristics of the supernormal atrial conduction in man.  J electrocardiol 1994; 27:61-69.
  18. Shimizu A, Fukatani M, Konoe A, Centurión OA, Isomoto S, Kadena M, Kaibara M, Yano K: Double ventricular response revealed by entrainment of AV nodal reentrant tachycardia.  Clin Cardiac Electrophysiol 1993; 16:37-48.
  19. Centurión OA,  Shimizu A,  Isomoto S,  Konoe A,  Hirata T,  Kaibara M,  Yano K:  Repetitive atrial firing and fragmented atrial activity elicited by extrastimuli in the sick sinus syndrome with and without abnormal atrial electrograms. Am J Med Sciences 1994; 307(4):247-254.
  20. Centurión OA,  Isomoto S,  Konoe A,  Shimizu A,  Hayano M,  Yano K:  Electrophysiologic demonstration of anterograde fast and slow pathways within the His bundle in patients with normal intraventricular conduction. Inter J Cardiol 1994; 44:251-260.

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