International Journal of Medical Physics, Clinical Engineering and Radiation Oncology
Vol.6 No.3(2017), Paper ID 78049, 14
Dual-Energy X-Ray Computed Tomography Scanner Using Two Different Energy-Selection Electronics and a Lutetium-Oxyorthosilicate Photomultiplier Detector
Osahiko Hagiwara, Eiichi Sato, Yasuyuki Oda, Satoshi Yamaguchi, Yuichi Sato, Hiroshi Matsukiyo, Toshiyuki Enomoto, Manabu Watanabe, Shinya Kusachi
Department of Surgery, Toho University Ohashi Medical Center, Tokyo, Japan
Department of Physics, Iwate Medical University, Yahaba, Japan
Department of Physics, Iwate Medical University, Yahaba, Japan
Department of Radiology, School of Medicine, Iwate Medical University, Morioka, Japan
Central Radiation Department, Iwate Medical University Hospital, Morioka, Japan
Department of Surgery, Toho University Ohashi Medical Center, Tokyo, Japan
Department of Surgery, Toho University Ohashi Medical Center, Tokyo, Japan
Department of Surgery, Toho University Ohashi Medical Center, Tokyo, Japan
Department of Surgery, Toho University Ohashi Medical Center, Tokyo, Japan
Copyright © 2017 Osahiko Hagiwara, Eiichi Sato, Yasuyuki Oda, Satoshi Yamaguchi, Yuichi Sato, Hiroshi Matsukiyo, Toshiyuki Enomoto, Manabu Watanabe, Shinya Kusachi et al. This is
an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
How to Cite this Article
Hagiwara, O. , Sato, E. , Oda, Y. , Yamaguchi, S. , Sato, Y. , Matsukiyo, H. , Enomoto, T. , Watanabe, M. and Kusachi, S. (2017) Dual-Energy X-Ray Computed Tomography Scanner Using Two Different Energy-Selection Electronics and a Lutetium-Oxyorthosilicate Photomultiplier Detector.
International Journal of Medical Physics, Clinical Engineering and Radiation Oncology,
6, 266-279. doi: