School of Social Work, Centre for Education and Research on Aging and Health, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Canada
School of Medicine, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada
School of Social Work and Northern Ontario School of Medicine, Centre for Education and Research on Aging and Health, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Canada
School of Public Health and Health Systems, Faculty of Applied Health Sciences, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada
School of Nursing, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada
School of Nursing, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada
Population Health Research Institute, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada
School of Social Work and Northern Ontario School of Medicine, Centre for Education and Research on Aging and Health, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Canada
School of Public Health and Health Systems, Faculty of Applied Health Sciences, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences, Hamilton, Canada
Population Health Research Institute, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada
Copyright © 2012 Jill Marcella, Jayanthini Nadarajah, Mary Lou Kelley, George A. Heckman, Sharon Kaasalainen, Patricia H. Strachan, Robert S. McKelvie, Ian Newhouse, Paul Stolee, Carrie A. McAiney, Catherine Demers et al. This is
an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
How to Cite this Article
Marcella, J. , Nadarajah, J. , Kelley, M. , Heckman, G. , Kaasalainen, S. , Strachan, P. , McKelvie, R. , Newhouse, I. , Stolee, P. , McAiney, C. and Demers, C. (2012) Understanding organizational context and heart failure management in long term care homes in Ontario, Canada.
4, 725-734. doi: