Toward a Children’s Savings and College-Bound Identity Intervention for Raising College Attendance Rates: A Multilevel Propensity Score Analysis
William Elliott, Gina Chowa, Vernon Loke
DOI: 10.4236/sm.2011.14025   PDF    HTML     4,942 Downloads   8,961 Views   Citations


It has been suggested that children’s savings programs will be more effective if they are combined with strategies to build children’s college-bound identities. In this study we use a multi-level treatment approach to propensity score analysis to test this proposition. Findings suggest that children who have savings and are certain they will graduate from a four-year college are more likely to attend college than their counterparts. Given this, we suggest that children’s savings policies designed to increase college attendance rates will be more effective if they include strategies for building children’s college-bound identity and college-bound identity programs will be more effective if they are linked to children’s savings programs.

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Elliott, W. , Chowa, G. & Loke, V. (2011). Toward a Children’s Savings and College-Bound Identity Intervention for Raising College Attendance Rates: A Multilevel Propensity Score Analysis. Sociology Mind, 1, 192-205. doi: 10.4236/sm.2011.14025.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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