Is it plausible to expect a close encounter of the Earth with a yet undiscovered astronomical object in the next few years?
Lorenzo Iorio
DOI: 10.4236/ns.2010.211146   PDF         5,108 Downloads   10,939 Views  


We analytically and numerically investigate the possibility that a still undiscovered body X, moving along an unbound hyperbolic path from outside the solar system, may penetrate its inner regions in the next few years posing a threat to the Earth. By conservatively using as initial position of X the lower bounds on the present‐day distance of X dynamically inferred from the gravitational perturbations induced by it on the orbital motions of the planets of the solar system, both the analyses show that, in order to reach the Earth’s orbit in the next 2 yr, X should move at a highly unrealistic speed , whatever its mass is. For example, by assuming for it a solar ( M ) or brown dwarf mass ( ), now at not less than kau (1 kau=1000 astronomical units), v would be of the order of and of the speed of light c, respectively. By assuming larger present‐day distances for X, on the basis of the lacking of direct observational evidences of electromagnetic origin for it, its speed would be even higher. Instead, the fastest solitary massive objects known so far, like hypervelocity stars (HVSs) and supernova remnants (SRs), travel at , having acquired so huge velocities in some of the most violent astrophysical phenomena like interactions with supermassive galactic black holes and supernova explosions. It turns out that the orbit of the Earth would not be macroscopically altered by a close (0.2 au) passage of such an ultrafast body X in the next 2 yr. On the contrary, our planet would be hurled into the space if a Sun‐sized body X would encounter it by moving at . On the other hand, this would imply that such a X should be now at just 20-30 au, contrary to all direct observational and indirect dynamical evidences.

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Iorio, L. (2010) Is it plausible to expect a close encounter of the Earth with a yet undiscovered astronomical object in the next few years?. Natural Science, 2, 1181-1188. doi: 10.4236/ns.2010.211146.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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