Authorized Service Vendors in Mobile Terminals Voice
Andi Mwegerano, Jyrki Sippola
Nokia Corporation, Salo, Finland.
DOI: 10.4236/ib.2014.61003   PDF    HTML     2,487 Downloads   3,841 Views  


This study examines whether authorized service vendors (ASV) for mobile terminals (MT) are satisfied with the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) in terms of service provided to them and also how the ASV is performing at their premises. A seamless relationship between the OEM and the ASV is essential for both sides to prosper in this business. When the ASV supplies good services to end-users, this contributes to an increase in the customer satisfaction rating, loyalty and retention. The study employs an exploratory research design; in-depth survey interviews were carried out in six different ASV in Europe. The study was conducted at Nokia Corporation in Finland. The survey analysis of the association between category variables is descriptively analyzed. The main findings in this work were that the ASV is satisfied with the MT product manufacturer, and that the internal working practice of the ASV organization was perceived as more positive than negative. From the OEM side, the issue resolution time (iRT) and training before product launch are items that should be focused on in the first place, as these affect customer satisfaction. The ASV management should seek a way to share the end-user customer feedback to the ASV teams, and internal information communication should also be improved.

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Mwegerano, A. and Sippola, J. (2014) Authorized Service Vendors in Mobile Terminals Voice. iBusiness, 6, 18-28. doi: 10.4236/ib.2014.61003.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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