PHYLIP-GUI-Tool (PHYGUI): adapting the functions of the graphical user interface for the PHYLIP package
Yukinori Eguchi
DOI: 10.4236/jbise.2011.42012   PDF    HTML     4,351 Downloads   8,677 Views   Citations


The PHYGUI for the PHYLIP package is a simple and user-friendly piece of software that acts such as a Windows based graphical-user-interface for the PHYLIP phylogenetic data analysis package. PHYLIP is a useful and powerful tool for phylogenetic research that is regretfully operated using a character-user-interface. Therefore, PHYLIP is difficult for beginner level users. The PHYGUI for PHYLIP adds a GUI function, which makes it a more user-friendly and powerful tool. PHYGUI runs on multiple platforms such as MS-Windows and X windows on Mac OS-X and Linux systems and is mainly operated using a mouse. The input data file and the output result data files can be viewed and edited using internal or ex-ternal text editors, which can be accessed via a button on the PHYGUI for PHYLIP.

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Eguchi, Y. (2011) PHYLIP-GUI-Tool (PHYGUI): adapting the functions of the graphical user interface for the PHYLIP package. Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering, 4, 90-93. doi: 10.4236/jbise.2011.42012.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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