Providing Sustainable Supports for Street Children in Nigeria:Stakeholders Challenges and the Policy Options Available


This article examines the limitations of all stakeholders in providing support for street children in Nigeria in the face of continuous increase in their number with a view to identify possible policy options in the light of inabilities of the stakeholders to adequately support the children. Qualitative research techniques were employed to collect the primary data from NGOs, community members and government agencies saddled with the responsibility of caring for the children. It was found that the stakeholders are incapable of addressing the problems of street children due to inadequate skills, lack of necessary facilities and stakeholders working in parallels among others. It emphasizes the need for collaboration among stakeholders to enjoy the benefit of synergy while there is also need to embark on capacity development for all the stakeholders in order to make meaningful progress and the situation of the street children improved in the country.

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Aransiola, J. (2013) Providing Sustainable Supports for Street Children in Nigeria:Stakeholders Challenges and the Policy Options Available. Advances in Applied Sociology, 3, 172-177. doi: 10.4236/aasoci.2013.33023.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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