Rape and HIV as Methods of Waging War: Epidemiological Criminology’s Response


Rape is normally committed, examined and conceptualized as an act committed by an individual and is explained as an act of power and control over the victims. Rape is less often examined from the context of group behavior and as a function of group dynamics. In wartime, rape has historically been associated with “spoils of war” and rape has only recently been used a tactical weapon of war. One tactical objective of rape is to demoralize populations and a more sinister objective is to promote slow genocide when systematic rape is coupled with high rates of HIV infection such as is found in much of continental Africa. We provide an integrative theoretical response, Epidemiological Criminology, and specific policy suggestions to combat this crime.

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Chowdhury, I. and Lanier, M. (2012) Rape and HIV as Methods of Waging War: Epidemiological Criminology’s Response. Advances in Applied Sociology, 2, 47-52. doi: 10.4236/aasoci.2012.21006.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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