Z. Miao et al. / J. Biomedical Science and Engineering 4 (2011) 100-104 103
(g) (h)
(i) (j)
(k) (l)
under differe
sults with the standard FCM segmentation results and
rithms are applied in the differe
ing and subjective factors, the
good repeatability. Therefore, automatic segmentation
B. and Morel, J.M. (2005) A non-local
ge denoising. IEEE Computer Society
Figure 2. Segmentation resultsnt noise levels
compared (a), (e) and (i) contain 3%, respectively, 5% and 7%
of the noise of the image. (b), (f) and (j) are the application of
the segmentation algorithm proposed. (c), (g) and (k) are the
segmentation results. (d), (h) and (l) are Ground Truth.
Ground Truth compare the accuracy of our method can
obviously be shown.
Next, the six algont
ise levels of the three-dimensional brain image seg-
mentation; this division is carried out by the order biopsy.
It can be seen, when the image does not contain noise or
low noise level, all the results generated by those algo-
rithm are the same but with the noise level enhanced, in
contrast to several other algorithms, the segmentation
algorithm proposed in this paper.
Because of time-consum
artificial segmentation of brain MR images results is not
method of brain tissue is needed to complete the Auto-
matic segmentation of MR images. But the morphology
of brain tissue structure for the complex maneuver,
combined with noise, partial volume effect (PVE) and
image bias field (BF) existing the division of their or-
ganization with strong pixel ambiguity and uncertainty,
which makes the fuzzy clustering compared to other
technologies are more widely used in brain MR image
segmentation. In this paper, proposed a modified fuzzy
C means clustering algorithm. In medical images, there
is often a large noise to exist. The noise can seriously
affect the accuracy of the segmentation results. This
method use of non-pixel neighborhood information to
suppress the image of the noise, through a new distance
calculation method to replace Euclidean distance meas-
ure algorithm of the traditional fuzzy C means to achieve
the process of denoising in the during division. Through
a large number of experiments and different algorithms
comparison, proved the validity and correctness of the
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