A. K. DOBBS ET AL. 163
Figure 1. ECoG values by comparison.
transtympanic method according to the results of our
study. The implication is that a diagnosis of Meniere’s
disease or hydrops could be disregarded utilizing the ex-
tratympanic method. This study utilized techniques per-
formed by one physician so there was less chance of va-
riation in technique.
In a retrospective review, Pou, Hirsch, Durant, Gold,
& Kamerer, demonstrated a specificity for endolym-
phatic hydrops of 94% with extratympanic ECOG [11].
The sensitivity was 57% however. The study by Pou, et
al. demonstrated the usefulness of ECoG in the diagnosis
of hydrops while underscoring the need for more sensi-
tive testing. The use of transtympanic ECoG would be
expected to increase the sensitivity of diagnosing Me-
niere’s disease or endolymphatic hydrops according to
the results of our study. A prospective study by Ghosh,
Gupta, and Mann, also illustrated a greater sensitivity
and specificity with TT ECoG over ET ECoG [12]. Fur-
thermore, ECoG appears to be more sensitive detecting
endolymphatic hydrops than alternate tests, such as Co-
chlear Hydrops Analysis Masking Procedure (CHAMP)
Hornibrook, Kalin, Lin, O’Beirn, & Gourley, deter-
mined that TT ECoG correlates more closely to Gibson
scores than the American Academy of Head Neck Sur-
geons Committee on Hearing and Equilibrium (AAO-
HNS CHE) guidelines for diagnoses of Meniere’s dis-
ease [14]. Such a finding emphasizes the need to use
more than one diagnostic tool when making the diagnosis
of Meniere’s or endolymphatic hydrops. The study also
highlights the need to preferably perform ECoG during
symptomatic periods in order to gain meaningful test re-
sults. ECoG testing during asymptomatic phases are less
likely to yield meaningful results.
The study by Roland et al compared TT ECoG and ET
ECoG in patients who were free of otologic disease [2].
The study found no difference in TT ECoG and ET
ECoG in patients who were free of otologic disease. The
findings validate that ECoG is valueless in patients who
do not demonstrate symptoms of Meniere’s or endolym-
phatic hydrops.
In conclusion, TT ECoG appears to be a more sensi-
tive test for the detection of Meniere’s disease or endo-
lymphatic hydrops. This is likely to be more apparent
during episodes of exacerbations of Meniere’s or hydro-
pic symptoms. It would be desirable to utilize TT ECoG
when available according to the results obtained in this
study. Further research with TT ECOG from a multitude
of testing locations would be worthwhile to reinforce the
conclusions of this study. It is important to note that the
results of ECoG studies should correlate with the history
and audiometric results as per the guidelines in place by
the American Academy of Head and Neck Surgeons
(AAO-HNS). One review found that only 39.8% of pa-
pers on Meniere’s disease actually adhered to the AAO-
HNS guidel ines [15].
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