Ethics without Morality, Morality without Ethics—Politics, Identity, Responsibility in Our Contemporary World


Ethics without morality and morality without ethics are the characteristics of two distinct eras: modernity and post-modernity. The duty to obey the law is an ethical act, but not always moral. Morality in fact is something more: a principle of responsibility and an index of humanity. This paper aims to explain the historical relationship between morality, ethics and politics up to the present day. The erosion of the nation-state, global capitalism, bio-economy leads us to rethink the meaning of ethics, morality and politics. A utilitarian ethics and a necessary morality may be the new frontiers of our contemporary world.

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Palese, E. (2013) Ethics without Morality, Morality without Ethics—Politics, Identity, Responsibility in Our Contemporary World. Open Journal of Philosophy, 3, 366-371. doi: 10.4236/ojpp.2013.33055.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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