Research on the Frontier of Contemporary Western Sports Basic Theory


Western sports culture has a profound influence on the development of world sports. In the development of sports in China, we should not only pay attention to the study of the basic theories of sports in China, but also cannot ignore the study of the basic theories of sports in the west. In view of this, centering on the basic theory of western sports, this paper expounds the basic characteristics of western sports culture, which emphasizes human-centered, closely related to religion, individual-centered and multicultural. The basic theories of ideal, reality, practicality, nature and humanism are analyzed concretely.

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Zheng, Z.Q. and Xue, T. (2022) Research on the Frontier of Contemporary Western Sports Basic Theory. Open Access Library Journal, 9, 1-6. doi: 10.4236/oalib.1108690.

1. Introduction

At present, the level of science and technology is constantly developing, the educational cause is gradually reforming, and the basic theory of sports has changed to some extent. Some new antiques gradually appear in people’s vision. The traditional Western sports are slowly developing into the modern western sports. In the process of the development of sports in our country, we should draw lessons from the basic theories of western sports to add luster to the development of sports in our country. Therefore, it is required that the personnel involved in related sports should focus on studying the basic theories of western sports. The purpose of this paper is to sort out the basic theories and ideological characteristics of western sports, hoping to provide theoretical reference and practical guidance for the study of western sports theory, hoping to bring inspiration to the relevant people.

2. Basic Characteristics of Western Sports Culture

2.1. Emphasizing the People-Oriented Approach

The ancient Greek region is of great significance to the development of western sports. This region is not only the origin of the development of Western sports culture, but also the key position of the development of Western culture. The most outstanding achievement of ancient Greek sports thought is that it raises the problem of sports people as the primary and core problem of philosophy [1] . They placed human beings at the center of the universe and emphasized human-centered culture, which was also the prosperity of humanistic sports in Ancient Greece. Greek sports attaches great importance to the value of human body, emphasizes the development of human body beauty and kindness, the pursuit of harmonious body proportion, muscular fitness, and the promotion of individual life ability. At the same time, the pursuit of the harmony of human body and mind and the emphasis on the beauty of the heart constitute the important characteristics of ancient Greek humanistic sports thoughts, endows the western sports culture with a unique national spirit, and this kind of sports spirit and sports culture has been inherited and spread in the Western society. Athenians inherited Greek thought well and formed liberal education with humanistic characteristics. For the first time in the history of human development, Athenian education proposed the goal of balanced development of human beings: to achieve the same and good development of body and mind as a complete human being [2] . Human-centered, emphasizing the all-round development of people laid a precedent for later sports thoughts.

2.2. Having Close Ties with Religions

The society of western countries has always been characterized by religious society. In the specific development process, religion plays a key role. Competitive games can highlight local religious belief to a certain extent, which is not only specific social activities and cultural forms that maintain national emotions in the name of religion. At the same time, it also became the key content of the Greek happy life and the cultivation of sentiment. Ancient Greece had a unique homomorphic characteristic of god and man, which could purify and cultivate the unique aesthetic consciousness and sports consciousness of ancient Greece represented by Athens to a certain extent by combining city-state citizens. When Olympic athletes offer sacrifices to the gods, they can also bring happiness to themselves, which is just an important embodiment of the spirit of western sports culture.

2.3. Focus on Individuality

In western sports culture, individual development is emphasized, the value orientation is to meet the needs of individual sports development, and the independence of people is emphasized, which is characterized by separation from others. At the same time, it is also a reflection of individual spirit. This social environment with individual personality as the main body advocates individual struggle, making individualism an important branch of western sports culture, mainly reflected in sports thinking mode, sports thought and sports value. In western competitive sports, athletes’ individual value and individual fighting spirit can be fully displayed, pushing individual heroism to a climax. However, it should not be ignored that although western sports culture attaches great importance to individual value, it also attaches great importance to the tolerance of others and the strength of team, which is an important factor influencing the rapid development of Western sports culture.

2.4. Diversified Cultural Values

In the process of European historical development, culture is pluralistic, and the division of nationalities is characterized by diversity, and the division of regions is characterized by dispersion. Since the Renaissance, the phenomenon of countries and nations everywhere, each culture to show their own style. The development of western sports, to a certain extent, properly shows the characteristics of different nationalities of rich and colorful sports culture collection in a body, form a pattern of the family of western sports culture, fuses each national culture, construct the complete system of western sports culture, and become the main content of today’s world sports, sparked a wave of popular sports culture.

3. Research on the Basic Theory of Western Sports

3.1. Idealism

According to the idealistic view, the fundamental purpose of education is to acquire knowledge and develop thinking. Education is a process of self-learning. In the whole process, students should focus on highlighting their central position. Under the guidance of relevant educational personnel, students should show their creativity, learn relevant content creatively and develop their own skills, so as to achieve ideal learning results in relevant learning fields. Under the influence of idealism, western sports view holds that sports is not only the education of students’ body, but also the cooperative cultivation of students’ mind and body. Western sports culture, guided by idealism, attaches importance to developing consciousness and thinking, and ensures their coordinated development. The importance of good health is mainly manifested in the individual personality development which on the one hand, in western sports activities, to pay attention to highlight the ideal and idea, the teacher in front of the students to play a good role models, especially to the students pass the correct value orientation, develop the students’ healthy personality, through the sports teaching to promote students’ self development.

3.2. Realism

Realism is centered on the idea that the world is material, and everything that happens in the universe has a certain relationship with the movement of natural laws, and is a result of the movement of natural laws. Nature can be controlled by related behaviors. Through scientific methods, we can further understand the truth. Human feeling and experience can help them to understand nature deeply. Under the influence of realism, it is believed that physical education actually develops for the sake of life, and physical education should pay attention to the overall development of people. The value of physical education lies in helping students develop a healthy body and promoting the healthy growth of their body and mind together [3] . Healthy students will have rich life experience and achieve the goal of long-term development both mentally and physically. Western sports always take science as the core foundation and attach importance to extensive sports training and competition activities in the gradual process.

3.3. Pragmatism

Only by constant exploration and practice can we gain experience in the process of practice, and the process of practice and exploration is exactly the road to truth. Pragmatism believes that truth is closely related to students’ personal experience, and reality will constantly change. Appropriate changes will be made according to students’ personal experience and their growing environment. The sense of social responsibility is very important for individual students, who are just an integral part of the whole society. Pragmatism points out that western PE curriculum should always consider students’ interest and take students’ interest as the foundation. In the design of physical education curriculum, we should pay attention to the design of diversified content, so as to strengthen students’ interest in learning physical education curriculum, promote them to develop good sports spirit in the process of physical education practice, and actively solve the problems in physical education learning. Western sports do not train independent students, but high-quality social citizens, to ensure that students can master sports skills in the process of learning western sports, and develop a good moral awareness and social responsibility.

3.4. Naturalism

From the naturalist point of view, life is governed by natural laws. All existing realities can be discovered through natural materials, nature is the fundamental source of value, and the individual is more valuable than the society. Physical education needs to meet the long-term development demands of individual students, including the development of individual body, individual consciousness and individual emotion. Under the guidance of naturalism, western sports theories believe that physical literacy has a significant impact on the overall development of students, and physical literacy is the key material medium to improve students’ emotional ability, moral ability, will ability and physical ability. PE teachers should take into account students’ PE learning demands and future development direction, attach importance to promoting students’ self-guidance, so as to truly mobilize students’ individual initiative and further achieve their PE learning goals [4] .

3.5. Humanism

In the humanistic view, objective things are closely related to individual experience, and individual experience will determine objective things. The existence of students is the only real reality, and the individual students are responsible for themselves and the decisions they make. Individual students need to establish a unique value system, and to follow this system in the later learning process of physical education, to truly accept the consequences of their own behavior. Individual is far more important than the society, individuals need to undertake the social responsibility of itself, however, western sports believe every student can from the curriculum of individual freedom to choose a variety of activities, the diversity of student activities for the development of their consciousness and improve their personal responsibility to provide a great opportunity to PE teachers allow students to combine their own choice for learning and development. Under the influence of western sports culture, teachers should play a “consultant” role in the process of students’ independent learning and guide students to make correct decisions and reflect on themselves [5] .

4. Conclusion

To sum up, western physical education is a long process with the core goal of improving students’ physical fitness and promoting students’ development. Western sports involve a variety of sports; students need to continue to acquire sports skills in the learning process, maintain the best health, and generate good sports learning attitude and emotion. In the process of the development of western sports, the scientific use of modern philosophical theory to guide the development of physical education has a vital impact on promoting the quality of physical education and development. However, this paper only stays at the theoretical level of western sports thoughts, without considering related sports practices. The basic theory of western sports can be further studied in the construction of sports, such as the construction of lifelong sports.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


[1] Robin, L. (2003) Greek Thought and the Origin of Scientific Spirit. Guangxi Normal University Press, Guilin.
[2] Freeman, W.H. (2001) Physical Education and Sport in a Changing Society. Allyn and Bacon, Boston
[3] Kong, Y. (2021) Research on the Current Situation of Foreign Sports Sociology Based on Sports Culture Philosophy. Journal of Shandong Normal University (Natural Science), 36, 423-428.
[4] Zhao, L. and Wang, Z. (2021) Global Process of Sports Cultural Diversity. Journal of Shaoguan University, 42, 57-62.
[5] Xiong, H. (2021) Return from Social Body to Material Body—A New Trend of Body Culture Research in Western Sports Sociology. Beijing Sport University, Beijing.

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