
Prof. Jamil Salmi

Boston College, USA; 

Diego Portales University, Chile




2001 Executive Development Program on Change Management, Harvard Business School and Kennedy School of Government, USA

1981 Ph.D., Economics and Sociology of Education, University of Sussex, UK

1975 M.S., Economic and Social Development, University of Pittsburgh, USA

Publications (Selected)


  1. Curaj, A., Deca, L. and R. Pricopie, Eds.; Bergan, S., Hazelkorn, E., Matei, L., Salmi, J., and H. de Wit, Co-Eds. (2018). European Higher Education Area: The Impact of Past and Future Policies. Cham: Springer.
  2. Altbach, P., Reisberg, L., Salmi, J., and I. Froumin, Eds (2018). Accelerated Universities: Ideas and Money Combine to Build Academic Excellence. Boston and Rotterdam: Brill Publishers.
  3. Salmi, J. (2017). The Tertiary Education Imperative: Knowledge, Skills and Values for Development. Boston and Rotterdam: Sense / Brill Publishers.
  4. Mambo, M. M., Meky, M. S., Tanaka, N., and J. Salmi (2016). Improving Higher Education in Malawi for Competitiveness in the Global Economy. Washington, DC. The World Bank.
  5. Middlehurst, R. and J. Fielden – International Case Studies Authors: Gillard, E., Green, M., Murray, D., Salmi, J. and A. Sursock (2016). Learning Excellence: A Summary Analysis of 26 International Case Studies. York: Higher Education Academy.
  6. Horta, H., Heitor, M., and J. Salmi eds. (2016). Trends and Challenges in Science and Higher Education: Building Capacity in Latin America. Heidelberg: Springer.
  7. Curaj, A., Matei, L., Pricopie, R., Salmi, J., and P. Scott, eds. (2015). The European Higher Education Area: Between Critical Reflections and Future Policies. Heidelberg: Springer.
  8. Curaj, A., Deca, L., Egron-Polak, E., and J. Salmi, eds. (2014). Higher Education Reforms in Romania: Between the Bologna Process and National Challenges. Heidelberger: Springer.
  9. Altbach, P. and J. Salmi, eds. (2011). The Road to Academic Excellence: the Making of World-Class Research Universities. Washington DC: The World Bank. Directions in Development. Published in Chinese, English, French and Korean.
  10. Salmi, J. (2009). The Challenge of Establishing World-Class Universities. Washington DC: The World Bank. Directions in Development. Published in English, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Korean, and Turkish.
  11. Rodriguez, A., with C. Dahlman and J. Salmi (2008). Knowledge and Innovation for Competitiveness in Brazil. Washington DC: the World Bank.
  12. Salmi, J. and A. Verspoor, eds, (1994). Revitalizing Higher Education. Oxford: Pergamon.
  13. Salmi, J. (1993). Violence and Democratic Society: New Approaches to Human Rights. London: Zed Books.
  14. Salmi, J. (1985). Crise de l'Enseignement et Reproduction Sociale au Maroc. Casablanca : Éditions Maghrébines.
  15. Salmi, J. (1985). Les Dividendes de la Violence : Essai sur les Droits de l'Homme dans la Société Libérale. Casablanca : Éditions Maghrébines.
  16. Salmi, J. (1979). Planification sans Développement : Évaluation de l'Expérience Marocaine de Planification. Casablanca : Éditions Maghrébines.

Articles, Book Chapters, Reports and Blogs

  1. Salmi, J., Arnhold, N., and R. Malee Bassett (2020). “The Big Bad Wolf moves south: How COVID-19 affects higher education financing in developing countries”. World Bank blog. 24 June 2020.
  2. Salmi, J. (2020). “New Challenges for Tertiary Education in the Twenty-First Century”. In Schwartzman, S. (Ed.). Higher Education in Latin America and the Challenges of the 21st Century. Springer. Pp. 19-30.
  3. Brown, C., and J. Salmi (2020). “Putting fairness at the heart of higher education”. University World News. 18 April 2020.
  4. Salmi, J. (2020). “Measuring the Impact of Equity Promotion Policies”. International Higher Education. Number 101 Spring 2020, pp. 32-33.
  5. Brown, C. and J. Salmi (2020). “Readying for the Future: COVID-19, Higher Ed, and Fairness”. The Lumina Foundation.
  6. Salmi, J. (2020). “Tertiary Education is Indispensable to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals”. International Higher Education. Number 100 Winter 2020, pp. 14-15.
  7. Salmi, J. (2019). Measuring the Impact of Equity Promotion Policies: Lessons from National and Institutional Case Studies. Indianapolis and London: Lumina Foundation.
  8. Salmi, J. (2019). “Rethinking Tertiary Education: High-Level Skills and Research”. El Tayeb El-Kogali, S. and C. Krafft (eds). Expectations and Aspirations: A New Framework for Education in the Middle East and North Africa. Washington DC: the World Bank, pp. 263-270.
  9. Andoh, H., and J. Salmi (2019). “The Internationalization Agenda of African Universities in the Next Decade”. International Higher Education. Number 99: Fall 2019, pp. 21-23.
  10. Salmi, J. and Ly Thi Pham (2019). “Academic Governance and Leadership in Vietnam: Trends and Challenges”. Journal of International and Comparative Education, Volume 8, Issue 2, pp. 103-118.
  11. Salmi, J. (2019). “Equity Policies Worldwide”. International Higher Education. Number 98, Summer 2019.
  12. Guerra Botello, R., Mohamedbhai, G., Pijano, C., and J. Salmi (2019). “Is free tuition the panacea to improve equity in higher education?” Washington DC: Council for Higher Education Accreditation, Policy Brief Number 13, April 2019.
  13. Salmi, J. (2019). “All Around the World – Higher education equity policies across the globe”. Quality International. Volume 15, February 2019.
  14. Salmi, J. (2018). All Around the World – Higher education equity policies across the globe. The Lumina Foundation.
  15. Salmi, J. (2018). “The Art of Starting a New University: Lessons of Experience”. In Wu, Y., Wang, Q, and N. Cai Liu (Eds). World-Class Universities: Towards a Global Common Good and Seeking National and Institutional Contributions. Leiden and Boston: Brill Sense (pp. 125-140).
  16. De Maret, P., and J. Salmi (2018). “World-Class Universities in a Post-Truth World”. In Wu, Y., Wang, Q, and N. Cai Liu (Eds). World-Class Universities: Towards a Global Common Good and Seeking National and Institutional Contributions. Leiden and Boston: Brill Sense (pp. 70-87).
  17. Salmi, J. (2018). “Las dimensiones sociales en el aseguramiento de la calidad”. In ANECA (2018). Informe sobre el Estado de la Evaluación Externa de la Calidad en las Universidades Españolas. Madrid: Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad en España, pp. 182-188.
  18. Salmi, J., and A. Sursock (2018). “Access and Completion for Underserved Students: International Perspectives.” Washington DC: American Council on Education.
  19. Salmi, J. (2018). “Social Dimension Within a Quality Oriented Higher Education System”. In Curaj, A., Deca, L. and R. Pricopie, Eds.; Bergan, S., Hazelkorn, E., Matei, L., Salmi, J., and H. de Wit, Co-Eds. (2018). European Higher Education Area: The Impact of Past and Future Policies. Cham: Springer. Pages 141-154.
  20. Le Prestre, P. et al (2018). “France’s Quest for Excellence in Higher Education”. Journal of the European Higher Education Area. Vol. 1, pp. 79-94.
  21. De Maret, P., and J. Salmi (2018). “World-Class Universities in a Post-Truth World.” Inside Higher Education. 9 April 2018.
  22. Altbach, P. and J. Salmi (2017). “India: World-Class Universities?” International Higher Education. No. 91, Fall 2017.
  23. Salmi, J., Sursock, A., and A. Olefir (2017). Improving the performance of Ethiopian universities in science and technology : a policy note. Washington, DC: The World Bank.
  24. Salmi, J. (2017). “Tertiary Education is Indispensable to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals”. Inside Higher Education.
  25. Salmi, J and R. M. Helms (2017). “Fighting corruption in higher education through good governance.” IAU Horizons. Vol. 22 No. 1 May 2017.
  26. Salmi, J. (2017). “Young University Rankings 2017: 14 mistakes new universities make.” Times Higher Education. 5 April 2017.
  27. Salmi, J. and K. Salmi (2017). “Is the brain drain always negative?” University World News. 24 March 2017 Issue No:452.
  28. Salmi, J. and K. Salmi (2017). “What is the Brain Drain: Definition and Scope.” In Higher Education in the World 6: Towards a Socially Responsible University – Balancing the Global with the Local. Barcelona: GUNI Global Network for Innovation.
  29. Altbach, P. and J. Salmi (2016). “World-Class Universities.” In Shin, J.C. and P. Teixeira (Eds). Encyclopedia of International Higher Education Systems and Institutions. Springer Netherlands.
  30. Salmi, J. (2016). “Tertiary Education and the Sustainable Development Goals: In Search of a Viable Financing Model.” Background Paper The Learning Generation. New York City: The International Commission on Financing Global Education Opportunity.
  31. Mihut, G., Altbach, P. G., and J. Salmi (2016). International advisory councils and internationalization of governance: a qualitative analysis”, European Journal of Higher Education.
  32. Salmi, J. and O. Tavares (2016). “The Business of Cross-Border Higher Education.” In Rosa, M. J., Sarrico, C.S., Tavares, O., and A. Amaral (2016). Cross-Border Higher Education and Quality Assurance: Commerce, the Services Directive and Governing Higher Education. London: Palgrave MacMillan.
  33. Altbach, P. G., Mihut, G., and J. Salmi (2016). “International Advisory Councils: A New Aspect of Internationalization”. International Higher Education. Number 87, Fall 2016.
  34. Salmi, J. (2016). “Excellence Initiatives to Create World-Class Universities: Do They Work?” International Higher Education. Number 87, Fall 2016.
  35. Altbach, P. G., Mihut, G., and J. Salmi (2016). “Are international advisory councils the future?” University World News. Issue No. 420. 1 July 2016.
  36. Salmi, J. “Excellence Strategies and the Creation of World-Class Universities.” In Hazelkorn, E. ed. (2016). Global rankings and the geopolitics of higher education: Understanding the influence and impact of rankings on higher education, policy and society. London: Routledge (2016).
  37. Altbach, P., Mihut, G., and J. Salmi (2016). Sage Advice: International Advisory Councils at Tertiary Education Institutions. Washington DC and Boston: The World Bank and Boston College Center for International Higher Education. CIHE Perspectives No. 1.
  38. Salmi, J. (2016). “Principle 5: Quality and Accountability.” In Uvalic-Trumbic, S. (2016). The CIQG International Quality Principles: Toward a Shared Understanding of Quality. Washington DC: CHEA Council for Higher Education Accreditation, pp. 39-46.
  39. Heitor, M., Horta, H., and J. Salmi (2016). “Looking Forward: Building Capacity in Latin America.” In Horta, H., Heitor, M., and J. Salmi eds. (2016). Trends and Challenges in Science and Higher Education: Building Capacity in Latin America. Heidelberg: Springer.
  40. Salmi, J. (2015). Study on Open Science: Impact, Implications and Policy Options. Brussels: the European Commission.
  41. Altbach, P. and J. Salmi (2015). “Is there a ‘special sauce’ for university innovation?” University World News. Issue No. 383, 25 September 2015.
  42. Salmi, J. (2015). “Novos Desafios para o ensino superior no século XXI.” Schwartzman, S. (2015), ed. A educação superior na América Latina e os desafios do século XXI. Campinas: Editora Unicamp.
  43. Salmi, J. (2015). “To be or not to be … a world-class university?”. International Higher Education. Number 80: Spring 2015 - Special Issue: IHE at Twenty.
  44. Salmi, J. (2015). Is Big Brother Watching You? The Evolving Role of the State in Regulating and Conducting Quality Assurance. Washington DC: Council of Higher Education Accreditation.
  45. Salmi, J. (2015). “Ibero-America still lags”. Inside Higher Education. 11 January 2015.
  46. Salmi, J. (2014). “The Challenge of Sustaining Student Loans Systems: Lessons from Chile and Colombia”. In Chapman, B., Higgins, T., and J. Stiglitz (eds). Income Contingent Loans: Theory, Practice and Prospects. London: Palgrave MacMillan.
  47. Salmi, J. (2014). “La educación en un punto decisivo”. Ruta Maestra. Bogotá: Santillana Publishers. Volume 9.
  48. Salmi, J. (2014). “Las reformas de educación superior en Iberoamérica en una perspectiva global.” In Brunner, J.J. and C. Villalobos, eds. Políticas de Educación Superior en Iberoamérica 2009-2013. Santiago: Ediciones Universidad Diego Portales.
  49. Salmi, J., Hâj, C. M., and D. Alexe (2014). “Equity from an Institutional Perspective in the Romanian Higher Education System.” In Curaj, A., Deca, L., Egron-Polak, E., and J. Salmi, eds. (2014). Higher Education Reforms in Romania: Between the Bologna Process and National Challenges. Heidelberger: Springer. Pp. 63-86.
  50. Salmi, J. (2014). “El desafío de pensar una política de internacionalización de la educación superior en Colombia”. Ministry of Education of Colombia. Reflexiones para la Política de Internacionalización de la Educación Superior en Colombia. Bogota: Ministry of Education.
  51. Salmi J. (2014). “Peril and Promise: 10 years on.” The Bulletin (Issue 182, July 2014), the magazine of the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU).
  52. Salmi, J. (2014). “La urgencia de ir adelante: propuestas para la transformación de la educación superior en Colombia.” Varelo, A. R. and I. Pacheco (eds). Educación Superior en Colombia: Doce Propuestas para la Próxima Decena. Boston and Barranquilla: Boston College and Universidad del Norte.
  53. Salmi, J. and R. Malee Bassett (2014). “The equity imperative in tertiary education: Promoting fairness and efficiency.” International Review of Education: Volume 60, Issue 3 (2014), Page 361-377.
  54. Malee Bassett, R. and J. Salmi (2014). “International Higher Education: Bridging Academia and Global Policy Development at the World Bank”. Maldonado-Maldonado A., and R. Malee Bassett, Eds. The Forefront of International Higher Education: A Festschrift in Honor of Philip G. Altbach. Heidelberg: Springer.
  55. Salmi, J. (2014). "The Governance Challenge for Ibero-American Universities". Inside Higher Education. Posted on 29 January 2014.

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