Heliogeophysical factors as possible triggers of suicide terroristic acts


Using data on suicide terroristic attacks in Israel, Iraq and Afghanistan (1062 cases 1994-2008) it was found that certain patterns of heliogeo-physical factors were similar in all countries studied, and typically accompanied such acts. Geomagnetic activity significantly increased (p<0.0001) at the day of attack and at the next day following attack. Interplanetary magnetic field polarity tends to change at the day before attack (p<0.03) and at the day after attack (p<0.007).

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Grigoryev, P. , Rozanov, V. , Vaiserman, A. and Vladimirskiy, B. (2009) Heliogeophysical factors as possible triggers of suicide terroristic acts. Health, 1, 294-297. doi: 10.4236/health.2009.14048.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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