Meaning in life and well-being of older stroke survivors in Chinese communities: Mediating effects of mastery and self-esteem


The study aims to examine the role of mastery and self-esteem as a potential mediator of the relationship of meaning in life and well-being among older Chinese stroke survivors. A cross-sectional study was conducted in 214 community-dwelling older stroke survivors (128 men and 86 women), ranging from 60 years to 88 years old. The meaning in life, mastery, self-esteem and subjective well-being were measured. The results indicated that: 1) The meaning in life and subjective well-being of stroke survivors were significantly positive correlated; 2) Mastery and self-esteem played partial mediating roles between existential vacuum and subjective well-being; Self-esteem played full a mediating role between suffer acceptance and subjective well-being; Mastery played a full mediating role between life control and subjective well-being; Mastery played a partial mediating role between death acceptance and subjective well-being; Self-esteem also played a partial mediating role between mastery and subjective well-being.

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Shao, J. , Shen, J. , Zhang, Q. and Lin, T. (2013) Meaning in life and well-being of older stroke survivors in Chinese communities: Mediating effects of mastery and self-esteem. Health, 5, 743-748. doi: 10.4236/health.2013.54098.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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