Looking at Graviton Properties, as Either Classical or QM, in Nature, via Alicki-Van Ryn Experimental Realization


Recently, the author read the Alicki-Van Ryn test as to behavior of photons in a test of violations of classicality. The same thing is propoosed via use of a spin two graviton, using typical spin 2 matrices. While the technology currently does not exist to perform such an analysis yet, the same sort of thought experiment is proposed in a way to allow for a first principle test of the either classical or quantum foundations of gravity. The reason for the present manuscript topic is due to a specific argument presented in a prior document as to how h is formed from semiclassical reasoning. We referred to a procedure as to how to use Maxwell’s equations involving a closed boundary regime, in the boundary re- gime between Octonionic Geometry and quantum flat space. Conceivably, a similar argument could be made forgravi- tons, pending further investigations. Also the anlysis of if gravitons are constructed by a similar semiclassical argument is pending if gravitons as by the Alicki-Van Ryn test result in semiclassical and matrix observable eigenvalue behavior. This paper also indirectly raises the question of if Baysian statistics would be the optimal way to differentiate between and matrix observable eigenvalue behavior for reasons brought up in the conclusion.

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A. Beckwith, "Looking at Graviton Properties, as Either Classical or QM, in Nature, via Alicki-Van Ryn Experimental Realization," Open Journal of Microphysics, Vol. 2 No. 4, 2012, pp. 49-52. doi: 10.4236/ojm.2012.24007.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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