A quantum-chemical model of the inhibition mechanismof viral DNA HIV-1 replication by Iodine complexcompounds
Gulnara A. Yuldasheva, Georgii M. Zhidomirov, Aleksandr I. Ilin
DOI: 10.4236/ns.2011.37080   PDF    HTML     4,545 Downloads   8,563 Views   Citations


The interaction of molecular iodine with virus DNA nucleotide is studied by ab initio RHF/3-21G** method. Formation of the nucleoprotein complex of the HIV DNA, molecular iodine and the HIV-1 integrase co-factor is considered to cause the inhibition action of the integrase enzyme. Experimental data on the anti-HIV effect of the molecular iodine complex compounds and the results of calculations suggest that molecular iodine contained in iodine polymer complexes may be considered as a compound inhibiting the catalytic center of the integrase enzyme. Unlike the known integrase inhibitors, molecular iodine also changes the virus DNA structure and produces the N-I bond in the purine bases of adenosine and guanosine nucleotides.

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Yuldasheva, G. , Zhidomirov, G. and Ilin, A. (2011) A quantum-chemical model of the inhibition mechanismof viral DNA HIV-1 replication by Iodine complexcompounds. Natural Science, 3, 573-579. doi: 10.4236/ns.2011.37080.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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