Structural features of the nucleotide sequences of virus and organelle genomes
Masaharu Takeda
DOI: 10.4236/jbise.2011.411089   PDF    HTML     4,803 Downloads   8,418 Views   Citations


The four nucleotides (bases), A, T (U), G and C in small genomes, virus DNA/RNA, organelle and plastid genomes were also arranged sophisticatedly in the structural features in a single-strand with 1) reverse-complement symmetry of base or base sequences, 2) bias of four bases, 3) multiple fractality of the distribution of each four bases depending on the distance in double logarithmic plot (power spectrum) of L (the distance of a base to the next base) vs. P (L) (the probability of the base-distribution at L), although their genomes were composed of low numbers of the four bases, and the base-symmetry was rather lower than the prokaryotic-and the eukaryotic cells. In the case of the genomic DNA composed of less than 10,000 nt, it was better than to be partitioned at 10 of the L-value, and the structural features for the biologically active genomic DNA were observed as the large genomes. As the results, the base sequences of the genomic DNA including the genomic-RNA might be universal in all genomes. In addition, the relationship between the structural features of the genome and the biological complexity was discussed.

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Takeda, M. (2011) Structural features of the nucleotide sequences of virus and organelle genomes. Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering, 4, 719-733. doi: 10.4236/jbise.2011.411089.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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