Materials Sciences and Applications, 2011, 2, 381-389
doi:10.4236/msa.2011.25049 Published Online May 2011 (
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. MSA
Electro-Optical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes
Obtained by High Density Plasma Chemical
Vapor Deposition
Ronaldo D. Mansano, Ana Paula Mousinho
Laboratório de Sistemas Integráveis da Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo, Cidade Universitária, São Paulo, Brasil.
Received January 19th, 2011; revised March 17th, 2011; accepted April 6th, 2011.
In this work, we studied the electro-optical properties of high-aligned carbon nanotubes deposited at room temperature.
For this, we used the High Density Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition system. This system uses a new concept of
plasma generation: a planar coil is coupled to an RF system for plasma generation. This was used together with an
electrostatic shield, for plasma densification, thereby obtaining high-density plasmas. The carbon nanotubes were de-
posited using pure methane plasmas. Three methods were used for the surface modification of the sample: reference
substrate (silicon wafer only submitted to a chemical cleaning), silicon wafer with surface roughness generated by
plasma etching, silicon wafer with a thin iron film and silicon wafer with diamond nano powder used as precursor ma-
terials. For each kind of silico n wafer surface, the carbon nanotubes were de posited with two differen t deposition times
(two and three hours). The carbon nanotubes structural characteristics were analyzed by Atomic Force Microscope and
Scanning Electronic Microscope. The carbon nanotubes electrical characteristics were observed by Raman Spectros-
copy and the carbon nanotubes electro- optical properties we re analyzed by current vs voltage electrical measurements
and photo-luminescence spectroscopy measurements. The photoelectric effect in the carbon nanotubes were determined
by photo-induced current measurements. In this work, we obtained carbon nanotubes with semiconductor properties
and carbon nano tubes with metallic pr operties. The electro-optica l effects depend strongly on th e substrate prepara tion
and the deposition parameters of the carbon nanotubes. The carbon nanotubes are high aligned and show singular
properties that can be used for many applications.
Keywords: Carbon Nanotubes, CVD Process, Electro-Optical Properties
1. Introduction
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were discovered in 1991. Re-
markable progress has been made in the ensuing 14 years,
including the discovery of the two basic types of nano-
tube (single-wall and multiwall). Great strides have been
taken in their synthesis; purification and elucidation of
the fundamental physical properties, with important steps
are being taken toward realistic practical applications [1].
The CNTs exhibit excellent properties for many applica-
tions, including: electrical, electro-optical, optical, op-
toelectronic, mechanical, electromechanical, magnetic,
electromagnetic, chemical, electrochemical, thermal and
thermoelectric properties [2].
Carbon nanotubes are a unique and novel material
with many interesting properties in the electronic, me-
chanical and optical domains. Additionally, their incredi-
ble strength (a consequence of the famously strong car-
bon bond in the tubular structure) poses further advan-
tages in nanomechanic applications. Optically, they ex-
hibit photoluminescence, electroluminescence, photo-
conductivity, and optical nonlinearity, as well as strong
and interesting excitonic effects [3].
The CNTs are optically homogeneous; they possess
excellent optical transmittance and good electrical con-
ductivity. The effects of photoluminescence and high
absorption of CNTs are attributed to the inter-bands opt-
ical transitions [4,5]. Moreover, because they are direct
band gap materials with very similar effective masses for
holes and electrons, they hold great potential for optical
detection applications [3].
Carbon nanotubes are generally produced by three
Electro-Optical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes Obtained by High Density Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. MSA
main techniques, arc discharge, laser ablation and che-
mical vapor deposition [6]. In this work, the CNTs have
been deposited at room temperature by high-density
plasma chemical vapor deposition.
The structural characteristics of the CNTs were ana-
lyzed by micro-Raman spectroscopy, atomic force mi-
croscopy and scanning electronic microscopy [1,2,7,8].
Additionally, the electro-optical properties of the CNTs
were analyzed by I × V electrical measurements, photo-
luminescence spectroscopy measurements and photo-
induces current measurements. The carbon nanotubes
obtained in this work, are high aligned and can show
semiconductor or metallic properties. The surface energy
of the sample was changed using two different materials
as a precursor (diamond powder and iron film) and sam-
ples with a surface roughness obtained by plasma etching.
These parameters influence the structural and electro-op-
tical properties of the carbon nanotubes obtained by
high-density plasma chemical vapor deposition.
2. Materials and Methods
The CNTs were produced in an HDPCVD system (High
Density Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition) that uses a
new concept of plasma generation. In this case, a planar
coil coupled to an RF system for plasma generation, and
an electrostatic shield for plasma densification are used.
In this mode, high-density plasmas are obtained. For the
ion acceleration another RF system in planar configura-
tion is used as seen in Figure 1. The substrate tempera-
ture was not controlled, but measured by a type K ther-
mocouple, which indicated that the temperature never
exceeded 90˚C. For the deposition of the nanotubes, pure
methane plasma processes were used.
The HDPCVD system has a main chamber (with a
diameter of 35 cm) where the electrostatic shield (with a
diameter of 30 cm) is localized. The electrostatic shield
can be heated up to 600˚C by an infrared heater. The
planar coil has been placed in the upper part of the
chamber, above a borosilicate window and is covered
with an electrode shield. RF power (13.56 MHz) is ap-
plied to the planar coil centre and also at the lower elec-
trode (the RF systems are independent).
The vacuum system is formed by a turbo-molecular
pump (with nominal outflow of 400 l/s) and an auxiliary
mechanical pump. The minimum basis pressure that the
system can reach is 2 × 107 Torr. In the HDPCVD sys-
tem, there are two gas distributors. The main distributor
was constructed in the cover of the chamber, where a
small homogenization chamber (secondary distributor of
gases) exists. The distribution of the gases in the process
chamber has been made by a holed ring. The HDPCVD
Figure 1. Design of the High Density Plasma Chemical Va-
por Deposition system. 1) Planar Coil with an electrode
shield, 2) Pyrex window, 3) Electrode, 4) Secondary distrib-
utor of gases and 5) Main distributor of gases.
system has been created to work with gases (six different
types) and liquids (two different types) at the same time,
thus it is possible to obtain DLC films with additives
(nitrogen, fluorine, oxygen, etc).
The substrates used to deposit the films were three-
inch diameter silicon wafers, 380 µm thick and with
orientation (100). They were submitted to a Piranha clean,
followed by a diluted HF dip, before the modification of
the surface. The surface modification is important for the
increase of the surface energy of the silicon wafers. Thus,
it is possible obtaining CNTs with different structural
and electro-optical properties. In this manner, three me-
thods were used for the surface modification of the sam-
ples: 1) Diamond powder (<1 µm) in alcohol dispersion
(deposition by spinner, 1000 rpm, 30 section), 2) Iron
film deposited by Magnetron Sputtering (5 mTorr, 15
min, 30 sccm of argon) and 3) Roughness generated by
plasma etching (RIE system, SF6 plasma, 50 mTorr, 100
W, 2 min.). Besides, the CNTs were deposited in refer-
ence substrate (silicon wafers only submitted to a chem-
ical cleaning). For each method, the carbon nanotubes
were deposited with two different deposition times: 2 and
4 hours.
The CNTs were deposited after the preparation of the
samples, with the parameters: 15 mTorr, 250 W (coil
power, RF, 13.56 MHz, remote plasma), 40-sccm methane.
The structural properties of the CNTs were analyzed by
Raman spectroscopy. The spectra were collected using a
Renishaw micro-Raman 2000 spectrometer on a 40x ob-
jective with a photo multiplicator. Unpolarized Raman
spectra were acquired at
= 514.5 nm, the spectral resolu-
tion was about 4 - 6 cm1 and the power on the sample was
kept well below 1 mW. The analysis is traditionally car-
Electro-Optical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes Obtained by High Density Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. MSA
ried out at wavelengths in the blue-green spectral region
(about 514.5 nm) for analyzing the carbon nanotubes. To
calculate the intensities and the areas of the peaks in the
Raman spectra, we have made the deconvolution of these
spectra (with Gaussian fit), using the Microcal Origin pro-
gram, with Peak Fitting Mode.
The CNTs were also analyzed by Atomic Force Mi-
croscope (AFM). We used an AFM microscope model
SPM 9500J3 (Shimadzu). Each sample was analyzed in
the AFM in the tapping mode. For each sample, we made
ten analyses: five analyses in different areas of 15 m ×
15 m and five analyzes in different areas of 5 m × 5
m. Additionally the CNTs were analyzed by Scanning
Electronic Microscope. The Scanning Electronic Micro-
scope used for analyzing the CNTs was a FEI model
NOVA nanoSEM 500 microscope.
To analyze the electro-optical properties of CNTs we
used a Jobin Yvon–SPEX HR model 460, in the range of
500 to 900 nm, with a laser of 480 nm and 514 nm; the
power used was 0.2 mW for the photoluminescence
measurements. For the I × V measurements, was used a
picoamperimeter HP 4140B model, with a microprovator
Wentworth labs, extremity of 20 m and halogen lamp of
100 W.
3. Results and Discussions
The Raman spectroscopy can explore information of the
structure, diameter and electronic properties of the car-
bon nanotubes [9]. In this work, the Raman spectra ob-
tained to the carbon nanotubes deposited on the different
samples topography, showed three frequency ranges:
low-frequency range, intermediate frequency range and
high-frequency range [2].
The low-frequency range (100 to 350 cm1) is called
Radial Breathing Mode (RBM). The RBM is a unique
phonon mode, appearing only in carbon nanotubes. Its
observation in the Raman spectrum provides direct evi-
dence that a sample contains single-walled carbon nano-
tubes (SWNTs) [10]. The RBM mode is also related to
the diameter distribution of the carbon nanotubes.
Figure 2 shows the Raman spectra for the carbon na-
notubes deposited on etched silicon wafers by plasma,
silicon wafers with diamond powder, silicon wafers with
iron and silicon wafers only submitted to a chemical
cleaning (reference), detaching the RBM range of the
carbon nanotubes.
Observing Figure 2, it is possible to prove that the fi-
nal time of the deposition processes and the sample sur-
face preparation before the CNT deposition influence the
Raman spectra (peaks position and peaks intensity). The
RBM peaks appear in all samples obtained in this work,
showing the CNT deposition independent of the final
time deposition and the sample surface preparation. How-
Figure 2. Raman spectra of the CNTs in the RBM region
(200 to 400 cm1).
ever, for silicon wafers with roughness generated by
plasma etching and under silicon wafer with iron, the
peaks related with the RBM appear with high intensity
and better definition. For silicon wafers with diamond
powder and reference samples, the results were inferior.
The strength of the RBM peaks showed less intensity and
less definition.
The frequency of the RBM is very sensitive to the na-
notube diameter, and the results indicate the influence of
the final time deposition and the surface preparation in
the structural properties of the CNTs. The G band is an
important band in Raman spectrum of the CNTs. Thus, in
this work the G band appeared centered at 1580 cm1.
The G band is the tangential multi-features at high-fre-
quencies range, as we can see in Figure 3 (typical Ra-
man spectrum of the CNTs obtained by HDPCVD). Ob-
serving Figure 3, it is possible to observe others bands in
the Raman spectrum. The disorder-induced D band
(1250 cm1), the M band (1845 cm1) that is an over-
tone mode, the iTOLA band (2230 cm1) that is a com-
bination of optical and acoustic modes) and the G' band
(2700 cm1). These bands are related to the single-
walled carbon nanotubes presence, with the intensity of
the bands in the Raman spectra related with the final time
deposition and the surface silicon wafer before the CNTs
The M and iTOLA band present in the Raman spec-
trum indicates that the CNTs show semiconducting fea-
tures and spectra, whereas without these bands there is
indicatation of CNTs with metallic features. In this work,
the CNTs deposited on silicon wafers with iron showed
metallic features. The CNTs deposited on silicon wafers
with diamond powder, on etched silicon wafers by plas-
ma and on silicon wafers only submitted to a chemi-
Electro-Optical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes Obtained by High Density Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. MSA
Figure 3. Typical Raman spectrum of the CNTs obtained by
HDPCVD (detailing the vibrational modes and bands).
cal cleaning (reference), showed semiconducting features.
These results can be confirmed with the electrical mea-
surements of the samples.
Figures 4 and 5, show the AFM images and the SEM
micrographs of the CNTs obtained by HDPCVD, respec-
tively. The influence of the surface topography in the
structure formation of the CNTs can be observed in these
pictures. The CNTs deposited on silicon wafers just
submitted a chemical cleaning, are masked due the amor-
phous matrix presence. This amorphous matrix, formed
by special diamond-like carbon (DLC), grows together
with the CNTs. In this situation, the growing CNTs occur
forming conical islands (as can see in SEM micrograph).
The CNTs growth on silicon wafers etched by plasma
and silicon wafers with diamond powder occurs to form
sheaves of CNTs. This growth occurs preferentially on
the diamond grains and on regions attacked by plasma,
respectively. For these samples, the diamond powder
presence and the reactive ion etching attack promote
surfaces with high roughness. This roughness encourages
an increase of the C-C bonds, promoting the nanometric
structure formation and CNTs growth.
For silicon wafers with iron, the CNTs growth is con-
tinuous, forming a film of CNTs. The CNTs deposited on
iron are highly aligned and this effect is related to the
surface energy of the silicon wafers due the iron presence.
In this situation, a preferential region for CNTs growth
(as for the other samples used in this work) does not exist.
The results can be confirmed analyzing Figure 5.
Figure 6 shows the photoluminescence spectra for
CNTs obtained in this work (final time deposition of four
hours), for different kinds of silicon surface topographies.
The reference sample spectrum shows several fluores-
cence bands. This effect is due to the presence of other
structures. The presence of the amorphous matrix com-
bined with CNTs of different diameters promotes this
effect in the photoluminescence spectrum for CNTs de-
posited on silicon wafers just submitted to a chemical
cleaning. A similar effect occurs with CNTs grown on
iron. However, in this situation the several bands present
are related to CNTs of different diameters. Observing the
SEM micrograph of CNTs deposited on silicon wafers
with iron, we observed the presence of high-aligned
CNTs without carbon amorphous material (as in refer-
ence sample). Thus, in this situation the presence of some
bands in the photoluminescence spectrum are due to
CNTs diameter variation.
The photoluminescence spectra obtained for CNTs
grown on silicon wafers with diamond powder and sili-
con wafers etched by plasma, show high intensity of flu-
orescence. The increase of surface energy encouraged by
the roughness generated by the plasma etching and the
diamond powder, generate organized carbon amorphous
structures. This effect promotes an emission of a unique
band in the photoluminescence spectra and the widening
of the fluorescence band due to the CNTs growth in dif-
ferent directions (see Figure 5).
Figure 7 shows the optical absorption spectra for
CNTs obtained in this work (final time deposition of four
hours), for different kinds of silicon surface topographies.
The optical absorption spectroscopy is an excellent tool
to study photonic materials because it shows the emis-
sion mechanisms in materials, especially CNTs. All
samples showed an absorption peak at 1050 nm, charac-
teristic of carbon material films. The most important re-
gion in an optical absorption spectrum is the range be-
tween 450 nm and 1000 nm, because this region is re-
lated to the CNTs presence. The position of the peaks
within this region depends on the chirality and diameter
of the CNTs.
Observing the spectra in Figure 7 it is possible to no-
tice the presence of peaks in the range 450 nm to 1000
nm, and that these peaks are more pronounced with sam-
ples deposited on silicon wafers with iron. In this case,
the peaks are related to the different diameters of the
CNTs present in the samples. The results obtained by
Raman spectroscopy and by SEM show the CNTs ob-
tained on iron are highly aligned and well defined. Thus
the results obtained by optical absorption spectroscopy
confirm the results obtained previously. Within the spec-
trum acquired for CNTs deposited on samples with iron,
there are peaks in the range above of 1050 nm. These
peaks are related to the CNT interfaces, promoting emis-
sion in different wavelengths.
For the other samples, the presence of the peaks in this
region (450 - 1000 nm) is tenuous. The results obtained
for CNTs deposited on silicon wafers just submitted to a
Electro-Optical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes Obtained by High Density Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. MSA
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 4. AFM images of CNTs, (a) silicon wafer just submitted to a chemical cleaning, (b) silicon wafer etched by plasma, (c)
silicon wafer with diamond powder and (d) silicon wafer with iron.
chemical cleaning, and on diamond powder and silicon
wafers etched by plasma, indicate the CNTs deposition
with different diameters, but also indicate the deposition
of the other kinds of carbon structures as amorphous
carbon, fullerenes, etc. (as can see in Figure 5).
Figures 8 and 9, show the results obtained by I × V and
photoinduced current measurements for CNTs obtained
in this work (final time deposition of four hours); with
different kinds of silicon surface topographies respec-
tively. The electrical measurements are important to de-
fine the carbon materials that can be used to fabricate
phototransistors, photodiodes, etc.
In this work, it was verified that the photoactivity of
CNTs deposited by HDPCVD, when they are exposed to
a light source with continuous spectrum. For the electric-
al measurements of CNTs, we applied an electric poten-
tial between –10 V and +10 V, for all samples. In general,
as could be seen previously, the CNTs deposited on sili-
con wafers with iron show metallic properties. Within the
results of the I × V measurements it is possible to notice
that the proximity between the positive current and the
negative current prove the metallic properties of these
CNTs. The photoinduced current measurement results
prove the metallic character of CNTs deposited on sili-
con wafers with iron, because there is no evidence of
charge injection due to the light effect, as is observed in
Electro-Optical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes Obtained by High Density Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. MSA
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 5. SEM micrographies of CNTs, (a) Silicon wafer just submitted to a chemical cleaning, (b) Silicon wafer etched by
plasma, (c) Silicon wafer with diamond powder and (d) Silicon wafer with iron.
results obtained for the others samples that have semi-
conducting characteristics.
For highly aligned CNTs (deposited on silicon wafers
with iron), the photoinduced current decreases when we
used a light source of continuous spectrum and an in-
crease of absorption in the infrared region. These effects
occur mainly due to the conduction mechanisms of elec-
trons in CNTs. These effects can be divided into: 1) The
jumping between the gaps of the CNTs diameter, espe-
cially by the electrons present in the last structures, 2)
The tunneling effect between neighboring carbon nano-
tubes, and 3) The conduction effect along graphene
structures. The first two effects are responsible for the
emission in the visible spectrum. The first mechanism is
responsible for the emission in smaller wavelengths (ul-
tra-violet) and the second mechanism is responsible for
the emission in bigger wavelengths. The third mechan-
ism is responsible for modulation and electric conduction
along the graphene structure. The third mechanism de-
fines the characteristics of the electric conduction (if me-
tallic or semiconducting) of the CNTs and is also respon-
sible for the emission in the infrared.
Thus, the electro-optical properties of the CNTs depo-
sited in this work show photoconductive response un-
Electro-Optical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes Obtained by High Density Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. MSA
Figure 6. Photoluminescence spectra for CNTs obtained by
Figure 7. Optical absorption spectra for CNTs obtained by
Figure 8. I × V measurements results for CNTs obtained by HDPCVD.
Electro-Optical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes Obtained by High Density Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. MSA
Figure 9. Photo induced current measurement results for CNTs obtained by HDPCVD.
der continuous wave illumination, providing interest not
only for a fundamental understanding of the CNT photo-
induced process, but also for the development of new
photosensitive materials with unique optical and conduc-
tive features.
4. Conclusions
The main objectives of this work were to: apply CNT
deposition by High Density Plasma Chemical Vapor
Deposition at room temperature using different surface
topographies in silicon wafers, and to the study of the
electro-optical properties of CNTs. Using Raman spec-
troscopy, AFM, SEM, photoluminescence measurements,
optical absorption measurements, I vs V measurements,
and photoinduced current measurements, it was possible
to prove parameters used in the process influence the
structural and electro-optical proprerties of the CNTs
obtained in this work. The CNTs showed metallic prop-
erties when they were deposited on silicon wafers with
iron, and showed semiconducting properties when they
were deposited on silicon wafers with diamond powder,
on silicon wafers only submitted to chemical cleaning,
and silicon wafers etched by plasma. With the increase of
roughness to the silicon wafers surface by the plasma
etching and the diamond powder, the surface energy was
changed. This promoted the CNTs growth locally, form-
ing CNT clusters. The CNTs degree of alignment de-
pends on the surface energy of the silicon wafers. The
CNTs obtained in this work showed photonic properties,
as photoluminescence and optical absorption are influ-
enced by the alignment degree of the CNTs, the diameter
of the CNTs, and the quantity of amorphous carbon in
the samples. The CNTs deposited on silicon wafers with
diamond powder, submitted to a chemical cleaning and
etched by plasma, showed semiconducting properties,
and the CNTs deposited on silicon wafer with iron showed
metallic properties. All CNTs obtained in this work,
showed photoactivity with the presence of a photoin-
duced current with a light source of continuous spectrum.
The study of the electro-optical properties permitted the
Electro-Optical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes Obtained by High Density Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. MSA
proposition of three mechanisms of conduction to CNTs,
more distinct with high-alignment degree. These me-
chanisms are responsible for the electrical and optical
properties of the CNTs. This study, demonstrated that the
single-walled carbon nanotubes are capable of absorbing
infrared light and generating a photocurrent under low
applied bias. These results prove the possibility of using
the CNTs in photodetectors, photodevices, phototransis-
tors, etc.
5. Acknowledgements
The authors would like to thank Dr. Marcos Massi and
Mr. Silvio A. de Souza for supporting the AFM analyses,
Dr. Patrick B. Verdonck and MSc. Peter L. Polak for
supporting this work and Mr. Nelson Ordonez, Mr.
Alexandre Camponucci for technical input and support,
Mr. Dave Devito for supporting the English corrections,
and FAPESP, CAPES and CNPq for financial support.
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