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![]() American Journal of Plant Sciences, 2011, 2, 561-568 doi:10.4236/ajps.2011.24067 Published Online October 2011 ( Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AJPS 561 The Cost-Benefit Analysis for Bananas Diversity Production in China Foc. Zones Linbing Xu, Bingzhi Huang*, Yuanli Wu, Yonghong Huang, Tao Dong Banana Research Center, Fruit Research Institute, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guangzhou, China. Email: * Received December 24th, 2010; revised March 10th, 2011; accepted July 11th, 2011. ABSTRACT Over 50 years ago, banana export plantations in Panama were ruined by Fusarium wilt race 1 (Foc. R1) since the popular cultiva r Gros Michel is susceptible to Foc. R1 [1]. Fortunately, the resistant cultivar Ca vendish replaced Gros Michel as the world biggest commercial fruit after ten years’ research and development. Due to its good economic profit, banana industry develops very fast recently in China. Unfortunately, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense tropical race 4 (TR4) brought disaster to Cavendish plantation since 1996. Most of traditional banana planting zones of Guangdong and Hainan provinces were infected by Foc. TR4 to the end of 2009. In order to fight against Foc. TR4, here we tried to investigate the cost-ben efit and disease resistance of six b anana cultivars (Cavendish Baxijia o, Dajiao, Guangfen No. 1, Fenzha No. 1, Gongjiao, Haigo ngjiao) planted in China Foc. Zones. Comparisons were conducted on their economic characteristics, cost, benefit, as well as the advantage and disadvantage and their application in rota- tion. Generally, supposing the investment of $ 4400/ha, the banana plantation attains a good economic profit as $ 2200/ha. Rotation of these cultivars can maintain the biodiversity as well as improve the sustainable development of banana industry. Keywords: Banana, Diversity, Foc. TR 4 Zone, Cost-Benefit, Disease Resistance 1. Introduction Banana is the biggest tropical fruit in China, which cov- ers an area of 350,224 ha, production of 9,006,450 tones fruit in 2009 [2], promoting employment of over 2 mil- lion people. The good economic profit of banana cultiva- tion has stimulated the rapid development of banana production in recent years. However, since 1996, the outbreak of Fusarium wilt (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense “tropical” race 4) (Foc. TR4) spread quickly in the main production areas of Cavendish [3]. According to incomplete statistics, an areas of 200,000 hectares in Guangdong and Hainan provinces have been affected. The land suitable for banana planting was gradually re- duced and the banana industry is facing the fate as Pa- nama’s banana industry did 50 years ago [1]. More than 30 varieties were evaluated for resistance to Foc. in Guangdong province, south China [4]. In this paper, commercial banana plantations with an area of 10 ha were investigated in Guangdong and Hainan during 2008-2009. Economic characteristics, production costs and efficiency of cultivars such as: Baxijiao (AAA Cavendish), Dajiao (ABB P. Kapuk), Guangfen No. 1 (ABB P. Awak), Fenzha No. 1 (ABB P. Awak), Gong- jiao (AA P. Mas), Haigongjiao (AA P. Lampung) were analysed. We compared their advantages in production, suitable planting areas as well as marketing potential. The existing problems for further development of banana production is discussed. The commodity value chains were proposed to promote the sustainable development of banana industry. 2. Economic Characteristics of Banana Cultivars in China Biological characteristics and economic characteristics of banana cultivars are very important for farmers. The in- vestigation conducted in the commercial plantations in Guangdong and Hainan provinces focus on the items as planting density, bunch mass, harvest rate, yield, life cycle, ratoon cycle, susceptibility of Foc. Race 1 (R1) & TR4. Comparisons are shown in Table 1. 2.1. Cultivars and the Evaluation Baxijiao is the most popular banana cultivar in China hich account for 50% the area under banana, with w ![]() The Cost-Benefit Analysis for Bananas Diversity Production in China Foc. Zones 562 Table 1. Economic characteristics of main banana cultivars in China. Cultivars Density (plants/ha) Bunchmass (kg) Harvest Rate (%) Yield (kg/ha)Life cycle (d) Ratoon harvest Rate (%) Ratoon cycle (d) Foc. susceptible Cavendish Baxijiao 2010 21.8 92.5 40531.5 316 85.9 235 Resistant to R1 high suscept. TR4 Dajiao 1590 17.5 98.5 27408 405 97 275 Hi. resistant Guangfen No. 1 1650 26.0 71.7 30759. 472.5 ― — Hi. suscept. R1 & TR4 Fenzha No. 1 2000 13.2 96.8 25551 403 100 263 Hi. resistant to TR4, resistant to R1 Gongjiao 2475 11.0 91 24766.5 303 85 233 Resistant to R1 Suscept. to TR 4 Haigongjiao 3030 7.67 96.7 22473 257 100 165 Resistant to R1 & TR4 *The life cycle means the average time from plantlet planting to harvest. The ratoon cycle means the average time from first crop harvested to ratoon harvested. higher-yield, better quality, larger market and stable purchase price. However, it is very susceptible to Foc. TR4. Dajiao is widely adapted tolerant, disease resistant and wind resistance. But it tastes sour, and is only sold in Guangdong and the Hong Kong market with low price. Guangfen No. 1 was screened by Huang Bingzhi, Scien- tist of Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences in the 1990s. It is variety with high-yield and better quality. But it is also susceptible to fursarium wilt. Fenzha No. 1 (MUSA ABB Fenjiao) (Guangfen No. 2) came from hy- bridization of ♀ MUSA ABB Fenjiao X ♂ MUSA BBw Balbisiana, crossed by Li Fengnian, scientist of Guang- dong Academy of Agricultural Sciences in the 1990s. The hybrid is resistant to fungus diseases (Foc. Sigatoka, Freckle, BBTV, CMV. etc.), with good quality fruit and shorter life cycle compare to Guangfen No. 1. But the yield is low. Gongjiao keeps the best quality and highest price of bananas, but is low-yielding and susceptible to Foc. TR4. Haigongjiao was introduced from Southeast Asia, fruit cracking in autumn and winter, with a shorter life cycle. The shelf life. It is resistant to Foc. TR4 [5]. 2.2. Planting Density, Bunch Mass, Yield, Plant Crop and Ratoon Harvest Rate Planting density was investigated on the Pearl River Delta and Hainan Island. The planting density of Baxi- jiao is ranged from 1650 - 2550/ha. Dajiao is only planted commercially in Pearl River Delta; Guangfen No. 1’s planting density is 1500 - 1800/ha. Fenzha No. 1’s planting density was 1800 - 2175/ha. Gongjiao’s planting density was 2100 - 3450/ha. Haigongjiao’s planting den- sity range 2700 - 3600/ha. Ratoon suckers were retained mainly as the mother plant’s density. About 10% - 40% twin suckers were retained to replace Foc. and virus dis- eases infected (BBTV, CMV) damaged plants. Bunch mass is related to the cultivar and season, less during December to May, more during June to November. Ratoon would weight about 30% - 50% more than plant crop. The bunch mass in Table 1 is the average of plant crop and ratoon. Among Dajiao, Dongguan Dajiao yield- ing more than Panyu Dajiao. Guangfen No.1 is which the best one among Fengjiaos. Which about 10% more than other Fenjiao. Fengzha No. 1 yield of 10 kg/bunch during winter-spring, and 20 kg/bunch in summer-autumn. Gongjiao yield is 5 - 16 kg/bunch. Haigongjiao yield is 4 - 14 kg/bunch. The harvest rates of the plant crop and the ratoon are related to the former crop and soil type. If a few plants are infected by Foc. TR4 in Baxijiao and Gongjiao plan- tation, they may not remain an ratoon crop. Incase the incidences of Foc. is more than 10% that the plantation can not be ratooned, since the ratoon harvest rates may be as low as 40%. Guangfen No. 1 can only be planted in the land free of cultivation of Cavendish and Fenjiao, when the incidences of Foc. are more than 10% of the Fenjiao plantation that can not be ratooned. Fenzha No. 1 and Haigongjiao can be ratooned. The mortality of Foc. TR4, CMV, BBTV in Baxijiao normally is bout 3% - 60%. Twin suckers can increase the number of harvested bunches. Foc. TR4 spread in basalt laterite soil are slower than in sa Guangfen ndy loam. Ratoons depend on soil types. Dajiao generally can be harvested 100%; No. 1 can be generally harvested around 60% if there is no special disinfection and pre- vention of treatment. Fenzha No. 1 and Haigongjiao on the 1st harvest rates can generally be more than 95%, through the appropriate remaining twin suckers can be harvested more than 100%. Gongjiao is more resistant to Foc. TR4 than Cavendish, particular in Laterite. Yield is the number of plants multiplied by bunch mass, and the harvest rate. The production of Guangfen No. 1, Braxijiao, Gongjiao may decrease 10% - 30% because of harvest rate. While Guangfen No. 1 is har- vested only one crop, Baxijiao, Gongjiao can be harvest two crops. Fenzha No. 1, Haigongjiao can be ratooned. Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AJPS ![]() The Cost-Benefit Analysis for Bananas Diversity Production in China Foc. Zones563 2.3. Life Cycle and Ratoon Cycle The life cycle and ratoon cycle of Braxijiao are 316 days and 235 days respectively. Dajiao is 405 days and 275 days, respectively. Guangfen No. 1 is 472.5 days. Fenzha No. 1 is 403 days and 263 days respectively. Gongjiao are 303 days and 233 days respectively. Haigongjiao are 257 days and 165 days respectively. 2.4. The Susceptibility of Foc. The susceptibility of Foc. is defined as highly susceptible, susceptible, mildly susceptible, moderate resistant, resis- tant and highly resistance. Baxijiao, Gongjiao and Guangfen No. 1, are highly susceptible to Foc. TR4. Guangfen No. 1 is highly susceptible to Foc. R1. Hai- gongjiao and Dajiao are high resistance to Foc. TR4 & R1. Fenzha No. 1 is high resistance to Foc. TR4 and re- sistant to Foc. R1, while the infected plants can remain sucker or replanting, the use of biological agents such as Bacillus subtilis also allows plants to restore or ratoon. 3. Cost Structure and Analysis of Banana Production Generally the production and management cost include: land rent, plantation building, plough, buildings and other infrastructure facilities, irrigation system installa- tion, seeds, tools, bagging, support poles (fir or bamboo), fertilizer, pesticides, energy cost, wages, temporary worker’s wages, management cadres wages and other incidental expenses etc. Comparative costs are listed in the following Table 2. 3.1. Rent, Build Plantation and Other Infrastructure Investment Along with economical development, rent of land is also increasing. Moreover the investment also enlarge with the level of production, i.e. infrastructure (work sheds, irrigation and drainage systems, and water source). The spreading of Foc., made many banana plantations be- come nomadic, moving every 2 - 3 years. So the invest- ment of infrastructure is quite big. Land rent of Baxijiao planta- tion is $ 1320 - 2860/ha/year. Open up wasteland, the preparation of soil in addition, the furrow, the simple water conservation irrigation, $ 880 - 1760/ha/crop, as- sessed as two years. Gongjiao’s plantation is the same situation. Wasteland is used for Dajiao plantation, the cost is less. Guangfen No. 1’s rent per year and a half. The construction costs of $ 1057.5/ha/crop. If former crop is leek for many years, rents of up to $ 4400/ha/crop. The cost of rent amounted to $ 6600/ha/crop. The Foc. incidence of Guangfen No. 1 is relatively low in which planted in leek and sugar cane field for years. The har- vest rate goes as high as 80% - 95%. Fenzha No. 1 and Haigongjiao can take advantage of abandoned banana plantation, the rent is cheaper. Fenzha No. 1 takes ap- proximately 13 month to harvest. So the rent is higher. Since these two cultivars can ratoon a few years, other investment-sharing down. The ratoon costs are $ 2875.4/ ha/crop and $ 2391.4/ha/crop respectively. Ratoon costs goes down to $ 1760/ha/crop, and $ 1320/ha/crop respec- tively. 3.2. Seedling Baxijiao seedling cost $ 0.1 - 0.24/plantlet in different size,approximately cost $ 345.4/ha. Dajiao suckers are used which cost $ 6.6/ha. Guangfen No. 1 can only use disease-free tissue culture plantlets, $ 0.24 - 0.46/plantlet respectively, approximately cost $ 594/ ha. Fenzha No. 1’s tissue culture seedling costs $ 0.29 - 0.44/plantlet, approximately cost 695.2/ha. Gongjiao cost $ 0.22/plantlet, approximately cost $ 576.4/ha. Haigongjiao cost $ 0.22 - 0.26/plantlet in different size respectively, approximately cost $ 733.4/ha. Table 2. The new banana varieties and ratoon production c osts ($/ha). Cultivars Land rent Infrastructure Seeds Tool bag poleFeritilizerChemical & WaterLabor cost Other Total Baxijiao 2230 1103 345.4 960 3275.8 585.2 1463 253 10215.5 Baxijiao ratoon 1650 440 0 581.7 3128.8 622.4 1358.5 253 8034.4 Dajiao 1100 330 290.4 111.5 671.8 76.2 733.3 66 3379.2 Dajiao ratoon 1100 330 0 111.5 671.8 76.2 733.3 66 3088.8 Guangfen 1 3313.2 1057.5 590 1082.8 3379.9 906.4 1540 227.3 12097.1 Fenza 1 2213 663.5 695.2 1087 3439.4 507 1369.5 170.5 10149.5 Fenza 1 ratoon 1324 436 0 435.6 2012.4 429.6 1100 148.5 5886.1 Gongjiao 2263 1373.6 576.4 742.5 3076.6 571 1271.6 292.6 10167.3 Gongjiao ratoon 1463 480.3 0 586.7 1920.5 492.2 1070.7 190.7 6204 Haigongjiao 1719.2 673.3 733 827.9 3029.8 345 1273.4 159.5 8761.3 Haigongjiao ratoon 990 330 0 513.3 1577.2 256.1 843.3 88 4597.8 *Guangfen 1 can not ratoon crop for Foc. race 1 demage. Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AJPS ![]() The Cost-Benefit Analysis for Bananas Diversity Production in China Foc. Zones 564 3.3. Tools, Bagging and Banana Pole The new tools cost $ 22 - 44/ha/crop for the Baxijiao plantations with 2 - 3 years. The disposable bunch bags cost $ 264 - 396/ha/crop. The banana pole (fir or bamboo) cost $ 0.15 - 0.74/plant which can be used 1 - 3 years, a total of $ 960/ha/crop, ratoon is $ 581.7/ha/crop. Dajiao’s tools cost $ 11/ha/crop. The bunch covers with black film bag that cost $ 44 - 66/ha/crop. $ 22/ha/crop for banana pole (in most cases without pole), a total of $ 110.9/ha/ crop, and the ratoon are the same. Guangfen No. 1 do not need bagged. It’s higher yield in summer and autumn. Pole surport is necessary after flowering. Some plants are dead before harvest, so that a total of $ 1082.8/ha/crop. Fenzha No. 1 does not require bagging, but pole is needed after flowered during summer and autumn be- cause of high yields. In winter, no pole is need because of lower yield, a total cost $ 1087.2/ha/crop, ratoon $ 435.6/ha/crop. Gongjiao is slender, some time need pole. The bags cost $ 198/ha/crop, a total of $ 634.3/ha/crop, ratoon $ 585.2/ha/crop. Haigongjiao’s new tool cost $ 22 - 33/ha for 2 - 3 years, bagging $ 231/ha/crop, pole $ 110/ha/crop, a total cost $ 827.9/ha/crop, ratoon $ 513.4/ha/crop. 3.4. Fertilizer, Pesticides and Water Cost The cost of fertilizer for Baxijiao is general $ 0.88 - $ 1.76/plant. Total fertilizer is $ 1770 - 3537/ha/crop. The cost of irrigation and drainage depend on geography and climate, the energy of pump for irrigation and drain- age costs $ 0.04 - 0.29/plant. Pesticide and fungicide costs are $ 0.08 - 0.21/plant in humid regions. The total cost is $ 585.2/ha. Ratoon costs are reduced to $ 527/ha. Dajiao usually require less fertilizer, the fertilizer from former crops was used, and the cost is $ 0.29 - 0.37/plant. Pesti- cide and power cost $ 0.044/plant, $ 0.03/plant re- spec- tively, integrated $ 784/ha. The cost of fertilizer for Guangfen No. 1 is $ 1.03 - 2.35/plant, organic fertilizer, microbial fertilizer cost $ 0.88 - 1.62/plant. Foc. inci- denced plants would stop fertilizer. Pesticide and power cost $ 0.074/plant, $ 0.12/plant respectively, integrated $ 4285.6/ha. Fenzha No. 1 cost of fertilizers is $ 0.74 - 2.06/plant, pesticides $ 0.74/plant, integrated $ 3944.6/ha. Ratoon’s fertilizer and pesticides are significantly re- duced to $ 2442/ha. Gongjiao cost of fertilizer $ 0.74 - 1.76/plant, mainly organic fertilizer and microbial fertil- izer. Pesticide cost $ 0.074/plant, power cost $ 0.06/plant, integrated $ 3647.6/ha. Gongjiao’s ratoon cycle is short, only cost $ 2411.2/ha. Haigongjiao cost of fertilizer is $ 0.44 - 1.03/plant. Pesticide and power cost $ 0.74/plant and $ 0.06/plant respectively, integrated $ 3385.8/ha, the ratoon cycle is shorter, only $ 1832.6/ha. 3.5. Labor Cost Due to the healthy development of economic benefit of the banana industry in recent years; the wages of Indus- trial workers increase year by year. The labor costs in- creased accordingly. Labor costs including: the wage of fixed workers, temporary workers and managers. The fixed wage of banana workers costs $ 132.35 - 191.18/ month, a post culture 1.0 - 1.33/ha of land, plus man- ager’s salaries $ 132.35/1.0 - 1.33 ha/year. Converted into a payment linked to output for contract workers: $ 0.0353 - 0.0441/kg of banana and manager: $ 0.0147/kg of banana, temporary worker’s wage is according to sea- son, region and the different types of work about $ 4.41 - 8.82 per day, temporary worker work from planting to harvest (bunch transport) in each post costs about $ 117.6/crop. Dajiao are mostly planted by locally, labor costs of local farmer is about $ 1764.7 for 2 ha, rarely requested temporary workers. The worker wage for Guagfen No. 1 costs $ 132.35 - 191.18/month for 1.33 ha. Manager wage is $ 132.35/year for 1.3 ha, also in the Fenzha No. 1 reference to Baxijiao. The fixed wages of worker for Fenjzha No. 1 are $ 132.35 - 191.18/person/ month for post of 1 - 1.33 ha, plus $ 132.35/ha/year of manager’s salaries. Converted into a payment linked to output for contract worker: $ 0.0382 - 0.0441/kg of ba- nana and manager $ 0.0147/kg of banana, each post costs about $ 44.12 for temporary worker. Fixed wage of worker for Gongjiao is $ 132.35 - 191.18/person/month for post of 1 - 1.33 ha, plus $ 132.35/ha/year of man- ager’s salaries. Converted into a payment linked to out- put for contracted worker: $ 0.0588 - 0.0882/kg of ba- nana and manager $ 0.0294/kg of banana, each post costs about $ 44.12 for temporary worker. Fixed wage of worker for Haigongjiao is $ 132.35 - 191.18/person/month for post of 1 - 1.33 ha, plus $ 132.35/ha/year of man- ager’s salaries. Converted into a payment linked to out- put, contracted worker: $ 0.0588 - 0.0882/kg of banana and manager $ 0.0294/kg of banana, each post costs about $ 44.12 for temporary worker. 3.6. Other Other costs include: Referral fee for rent land, public relations meals, security fees, transportation, communi- cations, medical expenses, festivals fees. Dajiao and Haigongjiao is the use of local old plantation, other ex- penses are less. Guangfen No. 1 is planted in plant crop, with longer growing cycle cost higher. Baxijiao, Fenzha No. 1, Gongjiao basically are same. 3.7. Total Cost Baxijiao plant crop costs $ 10234.4/ha, ratoon cost is $ 8034.4/ha that reduce to build plantation, seeds, banana Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AJPS ![]() The Cost-Benefit Analysis for Bananas Diversity Production in China Foc. Zones565 pole, fertilizer, labor and other costs. Dajiao plant crop costs $ 3379.2/ha. Ratoon costs $ 3088.8/ha, save the seed only. Guanfen No. 1 costs $ 12095.6/ha. Fenzha No. 1, plant crop costs $ 10144.2/ha. Ratoon cycle is shorter, no plantation build, banana pole, less fertilizer, labor costs, so the cost dropped to $ 5885/ha. New Gongjiao costs $ 10166.2/ha, ratoon cycle is shorter time, the cost of plantation build, banana pole, fertilizer, labor are lower, so the cost dropped to $ 6204/ha. New Haigong- jiao costs $ 8760.4/ha, ratoon cycle is 3 - 5 months shorter, plantation building, banana pole, fertilizer, labor cost are cut down, the cost dropped to $ 4589/ha. 4. Cost Benefit Analysis Farm’s surveys of various kinds of banana cultivars, the average purchase price, calculated after deducting costs, output and profits, and conversion out of annual profit as Table 3. 4.1. Purchase Price The purchase price refers to the collection price in farms, including harvesting and transport to the packaging house costs, excluding packing materials and labor costs, in Guangdong province, the purchase price refers to the gross mass of bunch prices, in Hainan, that is the net weight prices. In some cases, Sometimes the price is classified by the yield, the looking and season. This pa- per calculated according to average price. Cavendish top price is up to $ 0.824/kg, the lowest is $ 0.12/kg; Da- jiao’s top price is up to $ 0.353/kg, lower price $ 0.074/kg in July-early September. Guangfen No. 1’s top price is up to $ 1.029/kg. Gongjiao and Haigongjiao are soled in good prices in Hainan. Gongjiao price is up to $ 1.853/kg. Haigongjiao’s top price is $ 1.559/kg. Lower is $ 0.441/kg. The Price of Guangfen No. 1 in Pearl River Delta is higher than Haigongjiao, because of the flavor and market demand. If Guangfen No. 1 is soled Northern China, the prices should rise. 4.2. First Crop Output First crop output is the purchase price multiplied the yield. Cavendish Baxijiao is $ 14708.8/ha/crop; Dajiao is $ 4622.9/ha/crop; Guangfen No. 1 is $ 20824.1/ha/crop; Fenzha No. 1 is $ 15798.2/ha/crop; Gongjiao is $ 18168.3 /ha/crop; Haigongjiao is $ 14502.6/ha/crop. 4.3. First Crop Profit First crop profit is output value of the plant crop’s minus the production costs. Table 3 showed that the plant crop profits are generally not high. Cavendish Baxijiao is $ 4493.3/ha/crop; Dajiao is $ 1243.7/ha/crop; Guangfen No. 1 is $ 8325.1/ha/crop; Fenzha No. 1 $ 5648.7/ha/crop; Gongjiao is $ 8001.0/ha/crop; Haigongjiao is $ 5741.3/ ha/crop. Guangfen No. 1 and Gongjiao are high risk sus- ceptible to Foc. The investigated plantations were luckily prevented and control, so that the better harvests were obtained. 4.4. First Crop Annual Profit The first crop annual profit is the plant crop profit con- verted plant crop’s cycle to 365-day’s value. Cavendish Baxijiao is $ 5190.0/ha/crop; Dajiao is $ 1287.6/ha/crop; Guangfen No. 1 is $ 6684.5/ha/crop; Fenzha No. 1 is $ 5527.5/ha/crop; Gongjiao is $ 10319.3/ha/crop; Hai- gongjiao is $ 9357.0/ha/crop. Guangfen No. 1 and Fen- zha No. 1 the annual profit is not high because of longer cycle. The shorter cycle one Haigongjiao and Gongjiao are better efficiency. 4.5. Ratoon Output The ratoon output is the output multiplied by the price. Cavendish Baxijiao is $ 13659.4/ha/crop; Dajiao is $ 4552.5/ha/crop; Fenzha No. 1 is $ 19375.2/ha/crop; Gong- jiao is $ 16970.4/ha/crop; Haigongjiao is $ 14997.6/ha/ crop. Ratoon banana production generally affected by the harvesting rate, bunch weight and purchase price. 4.6. Ratoon Profit The ratoon profit is output value of the ratoon crop minus the production costs. Due to lower production costs, the ratoon profits generally higher than the plant crop, espe- cially the cultivars that resistant to Foc. It would show advantage after second ratoon except lower harvest rate. Cavendish Baxijiao is $ 5625.0/ha/crop; Dajiao is $ Table 3. The cultivars of the income statement. Cultivars Collecting price ($/kg) Crop output ($/ha/crop) Crop profit ($/ha/crop) Annual profit ($/ha/aunnual) Ratoon output ($/ha/crop) Ratoon profi ($/ha/crop) Ratoon annual profit ($/ha/aunnual) Baxijiao 0.37 14708.8 4493.3 5190.0 13659.4 5625.0 8736.6 Dajiao 0.17 4622.9 1243.7 1287.6 4552.5 1463.7 1942.6 Guangfen No. 1 0.67 20824.1 8325.1 6684.5 ― ― ― Fengzha No. 1 0.64 15798.2 5648.7 5527.5 19375.2 1348.9 22078.5 Gongjiao 0.74 18168.3 8001.0 10319.3 16970.4 10766.4 20361.2 Haigongjiao 0.65 14502.6 5741.3 9357.0 14997.6 10399.8 27113.9 Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AJPS ![]() The Cost-Benefit Analysis for Bananas Diversity Production in China Foc. Zones 566 1463.7/ha/crop; Fenzha No. 1 is $ 1348.9/ha/crop; Gong- jiao is $ 10766.4/ha/crop; Haigongjiao is $ 10399.8/ha/ crop. 4.7. Ratoon Annual Profit Ratoon annual profit is the ratoon crop profit converted ratoon cycle to 365 days values. The Table 3 showed that Fenzha No. 1, Gongjiao and Haigongjiao’s profit are obviously higher because of short cycle. This means the land is more productively than Cavendish Baxijiao. Cavendish Baxijiao is $ 8736.6/ha/crop; Dajiao is $ 1942.6/ha/crop; Fenzha No. 1 is $ 22078.5/ha/crop; Gong- jiao is $ 20361.2/ha/crop; Haigongjiao is $ 27113.9/ha/ crop. 5. The Existing Problems in the Banana Cultivars 5.1. Cavendish (AAA) Cultivation risk of Cavendish is higher since the avail- able Foc. TR4 resistant cultivars, named Kangku No. 5, Yueyoukang No. 1 and Nongke No. 1 are poor in eco- nomic characters, such as longer growth cycle (12 - 18 months), poor bunch shape less hand number, abnormal fingers in first hand, choking, ratoon rihzome tends to climb out to earth, and the poor cold tolerance [6]. There is no better prevention and treatment of chemical and biological agents to against blight, integrated control technology research and development are slow; high- quality banana production technologies is only applied in part of the banana plantations in Hainan province. Tech- nology promotion work needs to be strengthened; Siga- toka become top disease in some production zone. Ba- nana harvested in summer easy becomes green-watery- rot phenomenon before ripening. Cold chain storage and transport large cargo are damaged. This is the reason of low price during summer time. No crop rotation was studied for sustainable production in Cavendish planta- tion. 5.2. Dajiao (ABB) Cultivation risk of Dajiao is lower. Advantages: Extensive management, low cost, resis- tant to Foc. TR4 and fungi. Shortages: low level of com- modity production, fruit taste sour during summer and autumn. Panyu Dajiao tissue culture would easy degrada- tion, lower hands dysplasia so that were rejected to sell. The purchase price is generally lower than $ 0.10/kg, there is no economic profit; not soled in the northern market. 5.3. Guangfen No. 1 (ABB) Cultivation risk of Guangfen No. 1 is higher. Advantages: higher purchase price and bunch weight. Shortages: many off types in tissue culture plantlets, there is no effective integrated control techniques against Foc. No resistant varieties and biological agents, the har- vest rate is low; economic instability. Fruit packaging, transport technology are to be developed, northern mar- ket still to be developed. 5.4. Fenzha No. 1 (ABB) Cultivation risk of Fenzha No. 1 cultivation risk is lower. Advantages: higher purchase price, resistant to Foc. TR4, virus and fungi. Shortages: off type, twinned and abnormal fingers, lower yield and local consumption. Packaging transport technology and northern China mar- ket are to be developed. 5.5. Gongjiao (AA) Cultivation risk of Gongjiao is higher. Advantages: Top price, shorter life cycle time. Short- ages: Low-yielding, not resistant to cold and wind, sus- ceptible to Foc. TR4, CMV, BBTV, integrated control Foc. TR4 technology is not developed yet. 5.6. Haigongjiao (AA) Cultivation risk of Haigongjiao is lower. Advantages: higher purchase price, resistant to Foc. TR4 and the shortest life cycle. Shortages: low-yield, autumn and winter fruit cracking, dropping after ripened; the flavor is slightly acidic, susceptible to CMV and BBTV, chilling damage. Packaging, storage, transport technology are not yet developed. 6. Perspective Plan and Suggestions to Enhance the Economic Benefit of Banana Diversity in Foc. TR4 Zones 6.1. Cavendish (AAA) In order to maintain the annual harvest and good price, Cavendish planting and suckering time should be ad- justed to keep the harvest season mainly in winter to the early next summer, supplemented by mid-fall, a small amount of the supply in summer. Fruit is off-season dur- ing January to June every year. With higher market de- mand, the price is stability and good, so the incomes are guaranteed. But June-September sometimes got higher prices because of chilling and typhoon. The bunch weight is the highest, so the revenue is good, but risk for typhoon. Breeding to disease resistance should be en- hanced in Cavendish as well as integrated control tech- nology and high-quality banana production technology should be improved. The resistant cultivars: Kangku No. 5, Nongke No. 1 etc. are planted in Foc. TR4 areas and the benefits are more secure in Foc. TR4 areas. The cul- Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AJPS ![]() The Cost-Benefit Analysis for Bananas Diversity Production in China Foc. Zones567 tivation techniques R & D (cold resistance, bunch protec- tion, fertilizer, irrigation, off-type, cropping systems etc.) should be highlighted to screen the new clones to im- prove disease resistance and early flowering. Research should be developed on purification for seedlings, the storage and transportation technology for rotten fruits in summer, as well as rotation crops. In the future the input of Cavendish plantations was as low as about $ 6600 - 11000/ha and the profits access to $ 4400 - 11000/ha. 6.2. Dajiao (ABB) The promotion of the productive Dongguan Dajiao, as well as Fendajiao (ABB) and other sweet plantains are necessary. Highlight R & D for Dajiao bagging, fruit thinning, fertilization and cropping systems. Developing high-quality plantain production order studies, cropping adjustment for harvest in good price, promote it as an organic healthy food in northern market and Dajiao proc- essing to adding value. Evaluating the good taste (sweet, meat hard) Dajiao (AAB, ABB, BBB) these cultivars play a cold, disease resistance, planting low-cost advan- tages, can be grown in the northern part of South China. So Dajiao can output $ 4400/ha, then got $ 2200/ha profit, become a farmer an economic cultivation of cash crops. 6.3. Guangfen No. 1 (ABB) The off-type tissue culture plants of Guangfen No. 1 should be eliminated during the greenhouse and 15 leaves plants. Guangfen No. 1 can be extended to virgin land of central district in Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian provinces. In the case flowering in cold, bagging as the bug emergence, spraying cold-resistant medicament to reduce the formation of young fruit that were frostbitten fruit deformity dysplasia. Enhance the Foc. Integrated control techniques, such as from the plantation selections, the fertilizer, water management, disease control, pack- aging, leek rotation, cold chain logistics technology re- search and development, protocol development promo tion. As a high-quality, healthy food, Guangfen No. 1 should step up marketing in the northern China. So Guangfen No. 1 can promote sustainable development, invests $ 6600 - 13200/ha, incomes $ 4400 - 11000/ha of profits. 6.4. Fenzha No. 1 (ABB) The off-type tissue culture plants of Fenzha No. 1 were eliminated in the greenhouse and large leaves 15 plants. Thinning fingers to minimize abnormal fingers when cut bud. In the case flowering in cold, bagging as the bug emergence, spraying cold-resistant medicament to reduce the formation of young finger that were frostbitten fruit deformity dysplasia. Highlight R & D cultivation, pack- aging, cold chain logistics technologies so that increasing revenue. As a health food, Fenzha No. 1 should step up marketing in the north to ensure sustainable production. Suppose invest $ 5500 - 9900/ha incomes $ 4400 - 11000/ha profit, and can cropping 3 - 4 years. Yatsen Fenjiao, the high yield fenjiao was screened from Fanzha No. 1 by writers in Zhongshan city, Guangdong province in 2009, which is more than 30 kg bunch mass, good bunch shape, taste good and resistant to Fusarium wilt race 1 & 4, Sigatoka, Fleckle and virus. The life cycle is 1 month longer than Fanzha No. 1. It will be released in 2010. Rosamonde Fenjiao was screened from Fanzha No. 1 by writers in Ledong County, Hainan province in 2009, the Max bunch weight was 41 kg. 6.5. Gongjiao (AA) Strengthen R & D for Foc. TR4 integrated control, quality cultivation, bunch protection, packaging, cold- chain logistics, and the cultivation of technical schedule. As Gongjiao is the best quality, high value banana, there is big potential market can be planted in the new zone. Suppose input $ 6160 - 10120/ha, incomes $ 6600 - 13200/ha of profits. 6.6. Haigongjiao (AA) Strengthen R & D to obtain low or no fruit cracking, taste slightly acidic, low-yield etc. Applies fertilizer in- creases sweetness. Formulates the high quality Haigong- jiao production order and promotes in the plantations. The packing, the cold chain logistics technology should be worked out. Promote the product in the north market. Because of short life cycle, it can be planted in northern territory. Suppose input $ 4400 - 8800/ha, incomes $ 4400 - 11000/ha profits. 6.7. Rotation Rotation crop celection should adapte according to local conditions. The first crop for the virgin land could be Cavendish, Gongjiao and Fenjiao for 1 - 3 years. In case the plantation was infected by Foc. TR4, then it rotate to Fenzha No. 1, Haigongjiao and disease-resistant Caven- dish, and then rotate to other crops after 3 - 5 years. And sweet corn, papaya, vegetables, sugar cane can be planted since they do not need to carry on the furrow, the preparation of soil, the deep plowing, the fixed facility and special irrigation system. According to time limit of the land, other crops rotate for 3 - 5 years, and then ba- nanas can be planted again. So it can save the cost on labor, trace element fertilizers, chemical, soil cultivation, and reducing diseases and pest, becoming a virtuous cir- cle. According to the author investigates the leek rotation and the inter-species may delay plant disease to occur, and decrease the Foc. TR4 incidence rate. The responsive principle waits for further study to achieve the goal of Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AJPS ![]() The Cost-Benefit Analysis for Bananas Diversity Production in China Foc. Zones Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AJPS 568 sustainable production of banana. 7. Acknowledgements These studies were sponsored by the project of the key technologies R & D for banana industry promotion and Guangdong Modern agricultural technology system: Lingnan fruit industry innovation and team building system. REFERENCES [1] A. B. Molina, “Banana Fusarium Wilt Management: To- wards Sustainable Cultivation,” The International Net- work for the Improvement of Banana and Plantain, Mon- terpeller, 1999, pp. 7-8. [2] FAOSTAT, 2011. [3] Peikun Qi, “Status Report of Banana Fusarium Wilt Dis- ease in China, Banana Fusarium Wilt Management: To- wards Sustainable Cultivation, The International Network for the Improvement of Banana and Plantain, Monterpel- ler, 1999, pp. 118-120. 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