Superior sources may be found at a fairly early age. Read (1983)
noted that 2- and 3-year-old seedlings from the NE-SD areas
among the tallest in his nursery study.
Summary and Conclusion
Fast-growing trees are desirable for establishment in the
Great Plains. Ponderosa pine is often planted in homestead and
field plantings in the Central and Northern Plains. Plains-wide
studies conducted in the 1960s showed that sources from south
central South Dakota and north central Nebraska were the best
planting material. The present study was conducted to test a
greater number of families to further refine selection areas for
ponderosa pine sources. Materials from 75 individual trees
were planted in the Central Plains sites for evaluation. Within
this relatively small area, analyses indicated that ponderosa
pine provenances affected growth of this 15-year-oldplantation.
The best families came from central Nebraska. Environmental
or geographic factors did not influence growth.
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