Int. J. Communications, Network and System Sciences, 2011, 4, 514-522
doi:10.4236/ijcns.2011.48063 Published Online August 2011 (
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJCNS
A Comparison and Performance of Different Optical
Switching Architectures
Salman Ali AlQahtani
Faculty Information and Communication Technology Department, King Fahd Security College,
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Received June 10, 2011; revised July 13, 2011; accepted July 20, 2011
Optical Packet Switching (OPS) and transmission networks based on Wavelength Division Multiplexing
(WDM) have been increasingly deployed in the Internet infrastructure over the last decade in order to meet
the huge increasing demand for bandwidth. Several different technologies have been developed for optical
packet switching such as space switches, broadcast-and-select, input buffered switches and output buffered
switches. These architectures vary based on several parameters such as the way of optical buffering, the
placement of optical buffers, the way of solving the external blocking inherited from switching technologies
in general and the components used to implement the WDM. This study surveys most of the exiting optical
packet switching architectures. A simulation-based comparison of input buffered and output buffered archi-
tectures is presented. The performance analysis of the selected two architectures is derived using simulation
program and compared at different scenarios. We found that the output buffered architectures give better
performance than input buffered architectures. The simulation results show that the-broadcast-and-select ar-
chitecture is attractive in terms that it has lees number of components compared to other switches.
Keywords: Input-Output Switch, Optical Packet Switching (OPS), Packet Loss Probabilities, Performance
Analysis, Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM), Random Access Memory (RAM),
Optical Gate, Buffer
1. Introduction
Optical Packet Switching (OPS) and transmission networks
based on Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) have
been increasingly deployed in the Internet infrastructure
over the last decade in order to meet the huge increasing
demand for bandwidth [1-2]. An optical packet network
consists of optical packet switches interconnected with
fibers running WDM. The switches may be adjacent or
connected by lightpaths. A lightpath is a circuit-switched
connection consisting of the same wavelength allocated on
each link along the path. It may consist of different wave-
lengths along the path if converters are present. The user
data is transmitted in optical packets, which are switched
within each optical packet switch entirely in the optical
domain. Thus, the user data remains as an optical signal in
the entire path from source to destination. No opti-
cal-to-electrical or electrical-to-optical conversions are
Packet switches based on photonics have some potential
advantages over their electronic counterparts. Some studies
have shown that the ultimate capacity of photonics-based
switches will exceed the capacity of large electronic
switching nodes [1,3]. Another advantage offered by
photonics is the potential of optical transparency. Trans-
parency means that, except for the packet header, the
packet payload can be encoded in an arbitrary format and
at an arbitrary bit rate. In addition, Wavelength Division
Multiplexing (WDM) can be exploited to increase the
switching performance since more than one packet can be
carried by different wavelengths at the same time and the
same input/output port.
One difficulty in the implementation of optical packet
switching systems is the lack of optical Random Access
Memory (RAM). There has been much effort to investigate
and develop optical RAM’s [4]. Unfortunately, optical
RAM suitable for optical packet switching has not yet been
found [4-5]. The alternative is to use optical fiber de-
lay-lines incorporating other optical components such as
optical gate switches, optical couplers and amplifiers to
realize optical packet buffering [6-9].
Several different technologies have been developed for
optical packet switching such as space switches, broad-
cast-and-select, input buffered switches and output buff-
ered switches. These architectures vary based on several
parameters such as the way of optical buffering, the place-
ment of optical buffers, the way of solving the external
blocking inherited from switching technologies in general
and the components used to implement the WDM.
In this study, we survey most of the existing architec-
tures and compare their performance. Our simulation-based
comparisons analyzes and compares the performance of
two selected architectures.
2. Contention Resolution
When two packets from different input ports must be
switched to the same output port at the same time, conten-
tion arises. This is a problem that commonly arises in
packet switches and is known as external blocking. In this
case, the switch controller and the switch fabric must em-
ploy some strategy to resolve the contention. Output port
contention can be resolved in three domains: in wave-
length domain (using converters), in time domain (using
fiber delay lines), or in space domain (using deflection
routing). Strategies that combine more than one method are
also possible. Most of the OPS architectures use fiber delay
lines and/or wavelength converter to solve the contention
problem. Below we discuss these two solutions.
2.1. Contention Resolution in Time Domain:
Optical Buffering
The lack of an efficient way to store information in the
optical domain represents a major difficulty in the design
of OPS nodes. Research has focused on ways of emulat-
ing electronic RAM capabilities through the use of Fiber
Delay Lines (FDLs) to delay optical signals [10-12]. An
FDL can delay a packet for a specified amount of time,
which is related to the length of the delay line and the
speed of light. A buffer for D packets with a FIFO disci-
pline can be implemented using D fiber delay lines
whose lengths are equivalent to multiple of slots. A slot,
T, is the time required for a packet to be transmitted and
propagated from an input port to an output port. As
shown in Figure 1, delay line i delays a packet for i time
slots. A counter keeps track of the number of packets in
the buffer. It is decreased by 1 when a packet leaves the
buffer and increased by 1 when a packet enters the buffer.
Suppose that the value of the counter is j when a packet
arrives at the buffer; then the packet will be routed to the
jth delay line.
However, the delay is chosen at packet arrival and a
Figure 1. An optical buffer base d on fibe r de lay line s.
packet is lost when the required delay is larger than the
maximum delay available which is (D 1)T.
It is worth to mention that FDL-based buffers are able
to store multiple packets with the constraint that only one
packet enters and leaves the buffer at a time, unless
WDM is invoked. Also, similar to their electronic coun-
terpart, optical buffers may be placed at the input, output,
or both, of a packet switch. However, limited by the
length of the delay lines, this type of buffer is usually
small and does not scale up.
2.2. Contention Resolution in Wavelength
In WDM, several wavelengths run on a fiber link that
connects two optical switches. This can be exploited to
minimize external blocking by means of wavelength
conversion. Wavelength conversion [12-13] is the ability
to convert an optical signal on a given input wavelength
to some other output wavelength. This can be used as a
mechanism for contention resolution that can improve
the utilization of resources in an OPS. Let us assume that
two packets are destined to go out of the same output
port at the same time. Then they can be still transmitted
out, but on two different wavelengths. This method may
have some potential in minimizing external blocking,
particularly since the number of wavelengths that can be
coupled together onto a single fiber continues to increase.
More detailed discussion and comparison of wavelength
converter technologies can be found in [13]. As a con-
tention resolution method, wavelength conversion has
some highly desirable properties in that it does not in-
troduce delays in the data path and it does not cause
packet resequencing.
Converters may be fixed or tunable and can be placed
at the input and/or output ports of an optical packet
switch; moreover, each port of the switch may be
equipped with its own dedicated converter, or the con-
verters may be shared by all ports. Consequently, a vari-
ety of switch architectures are possible depending on the
availability and placement of converters.
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJCNS
3. Optical Switch Architectures
A wide variety of switch fabric architectures have been
proposed for OPS. In general, we can classify the switch
architectures to the following classes:
Space switch architectures;
Broadcast and select switch architecture;
Input buffered switch architecture;
Output buffered switch architecture.
In the following subsections, we discuss each of
these architectures.
3.1. Space Switch Architecture
Space switch fabric architecture is shown in Figure 2
[14]. The switch consists of N incoming and N outgoing
fiber links, with W wavelengths running on each fiber
link. The switch is slotted and the length of the slot is
such that an optical packet can be transmitted and
propagated from an input port to an output port.
The switch fabric consists of three parts: optical
packet encoder, space switch and optical packet buffer.
The optical packet encoder works as follows. For each
incoming fiber link, there is an optical demultiplexer
which divides the incoming optical signal to the W dif-
ferent wavelengths. Each wavelength is fed to a different
Tunable Wavelength Converter (TWC) which converts
the wavelength of the optical packet to a wavelength that
is free at the destination optical output buffer. Then,
through the space switch fabric, the optical packet can be
Figure 2. Space switch architecture with N ports, W wave-
lengths, and D FDLs.
switched to any of the N output optical buffers. Specifi-
cally, the output of a TWC is fed to a splitter which dis-
tributes the same signal to N different output fibers, one
per output buffer. The signal on each of these output fi-
bers goes through another splitter which distributes it to
D + 1 different output fibers and each output fiber is
connected through an optical gate to one of the FDLs of
the destination output buffer. The optical packet is for-
warded to an FDL by appropriately keeping one optical
gate open and closing the rest. The information regarding
to which wavelength a TWC should convert the wave-
length of an incoming packet and the decision as to
which FDL of the destination output buffer the packet
will be switched to is provided by the control unit, which
has knowledge of the state of the entire switch.
Each output buffer is an optical buffer implemented as
follows. It consists of D + 1 FDLs, numbered from 0 to
D. FDL i delays an optical packet for a fixed delay equal
to i slots. FDL 0 provides zero delay and a packet arriv-
ing at this FDL is simply transmitted out of the output
port. Each FDL can delay optical packets on each of the
W wavelengths. For instance, at the beginning of a slot,
FDL 1 can accept up to W optical packets, 1/wavelength
and delay them for 1 slot. FDL 2 can accept up to W
optical packets at the beginning of each time slot and
delay them for 2 slots. That is, at slot t, it can accept up
to W packets (1/wavelength) and delay them for 2 slots,
in which case these packets will exit at the beginning of
slot t + 2. However, at the beginning of slot t1 it can also
accept another batch of W optical packets. Thus, a
maximum of 2W packets may be in transit within FDL 2;
similarly for FDL 3 through D. The performance of op-
tical space switch is analyzed in [13].
3.2. Broadcast-and-Select Switch Architecture
Figure 3 shows the architecture of a broadcast-and- se-
lect switch proposed as part of the European ACTS
KEOPS project [15]. The switch has N input and output
ports and it is equipped with D FDLs such that a packet
can be delayed for an integer multiple of the slot time T,
up to DT. The architecture in Figure 3 assumes that each
input fiber carries only one wavelength that is different
than the wavelengths carried by the other input fibers;
hence the total number of wavelengths is N. The switch-
ing fabric consists of three blocks: encoder, buffer and
selector. The wavelength encoder block consists of N
fixed wavelength converters (FWCs), one per input and a
multiplexer. The buffer block consists of a splitter, D
FDLs and a space-switching stage implemented by
means of splitters, optical gates and combiners. Finally,
the wavelength selector block consists of N wavelength
channel selectors implemented by means of demulti-
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJCNS
Figure 3. Broadcast-and-select switch architecture with N
ports, W wavelengths, and D FDLs.
plexers, optical gates and multiplexers. These three
blocks make up the broadcast-and-select switch fabric.
The switch is slotted. At the beginning of a time slot,
each wavelength converter in the wavelength encoder
block converts the wavelength of the incoming packet
to a fixed wavelength. The output of the N converters is
combined and then distributed through a splitter into D
different FDLs. Each FDL has a different delay which
is an integer number of slots. That is, FDL i has a delay
of i slots. The N optical packets are stored simultane-
ously to the D different FDLs. At the beginning of the
next slot, a maximum of D * N optical packets exit
from the D FDLs and up to N of them are directed to
their destination output ports without any collisions.
This is achieved through a combination of splitters,
optical gates, demultiplexers and multiplexers. Specifi-
cally, the output signal from each FDL goes through a
splitter which distributes it over N outputs. We recall that
this output signal consists of N multiplexed optical pack-
ets, one for each wavelength. The signal from output j of
each splitter is directed to output port j. Since there are D
such splitters, there are D such output signals, of which
only one is selected and directed to output port j. This
selected output signal is fed into a demultiplexer, which
breaks it up into the N wavelengths, of which only one is
transmitted out. The operation of this broadcast-and-
select switch fabric is managed by a control unit. Note
that performing broadcast or multicast transmission is
straight-forward: all that is needed is for multiple output
ports to select the same packet.
3.3. Optical Packet Buffer Based on Wavelength
A new wavelength routing-based packet buffer is pre-
sented in [9]. It is based on arrayed-waveguide grating
(AWG) multiplexers [16-17] and wavelength conversion
techniques [14,18]. In order to explain the operation of
this kind of buffer, we should first explain the wave-
length routing model of an AWG. Consider a K * K
AWG and let be the wavelengths operating in each port
of the AWG [16]. The wavelength that connect the i-th
input to the j-th output of the AWGM can be expressed
modqij K (1)
In other words, packet entering from port i and destin-
ing to port j will be converted to wavelength according to
Equation (1). For example, consider the 4 * 4 AWG
shown in Figure 4. Suppose that there is a packet in in-
put port number 0 that needs to be switched to output
port number 3. The wavelength of this packet will be
converted to (q = (0 + 3) mod 4 = 3) which connects in-
put port 0 to output port 3.
As mentioned above, a new wavelength routing-based
optical packet buffer is presented in [9] and it is based on
arrayed-waveguide grating (AWG) multiplexers. As
shown in Figure 5, this optical packet buffer consists of
a pair of AWGs [16-17] and a set of D optical fiber delay
lines connecting AWGs. The buffer has L input ports and
L output ports, through which L packet streams can simul-
Figure 4. 4 * 4 arrayed-waveguide grating (AWG) multi-
Figure 5. Wavelength routing based optical packet buffer.
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJCNS
taneously access to the buffer.
The delay lines are numbered 0, 1, 2, ···, (D 1) from
top to bottom. The i-th delay line has a delay amount of
packet duration (slot), T. Note that the buffer has L in-
put/output ports and D FDLs. Therefore, we need an
AWG with K input/output ports where K = max (L,D).
Consider the case where L = D = K. With reference to
Figure 5 and the relationship of wavelengths connecting
the inputs and outputs of a AWG, it can be seen that
WDM packets entering the buffer at the i-th input port
will be routed (or demultiplexed) to different outputs of
the first AWG, according to their wavelengths. After
passing through different lengths of delay lines, these
packets are multiplexed by the second AWG and then
leave the buffer from the i-th output port. In other words,
a packet entering the buffer at the i-th input port will
leave the buffer from the i-th (same input port index)
output port after receiving a certain delay time deter-
mined by the packet wavelength. Note that a packet with
a given wavelength entering the buffer at a different in-
put port will receive a different packet delay. For exam-
ple, a packet of wavelength λ2 entering at the zeroth input
port will receive a delay with a two slots (2T); while a
packet of the same wavelength, λ2, entering at the 1st
input port will receive a delay with one slot (T). There-
fore, the delay received by a packet is determined by the
wavelength of the packet and by the input port at which
the packet enters the buffer. On the other hand, if a
packet entering the buffer at the i-th input port requires a
delay of a Q slots (i.e., QT), the packet has to be con-
verted to wavelength λq [14,18] where q is given by:
QmodKqi (2)
3.4. Input-Buffered Switch Architecture
This switch was proposed in [2] and is shown in Figure
6. Each incoming and outgoing link carries a single
wavelength. The wavelength of an output port varies
with packets. The switch consists of the scheduling part
and the switching part.
Figure 6. Input buffered optical packet switch.
The scheduling part is used for contention resolution
and is composed of N TWCs, one for each incoming
wavelength, two K × K Arrayed Waveguide Gratings
(AWGs) and D FDLs, where K = max(N, D). Buffering
in the scheduling part is based on the optical wavelength
routing-based buffering discussed in the previous part.
i.e., a packet entering input i of the first AWG will ap-
pear at output i of the second AWG after a specified de-
lay. The delay of an optical packet is selected using the
following two rules: first, no two optical packets may
appear at the same slot at the same switch output; second,
no two optical packets may appear at the same buffer
output at the same slot.
The switching part is used for switching optical packets
to their destination output ports and is made up of an
AWG and TWCs. The TWCs are used to assign the opti-
cal packet the right wavelength corresponding to the de-
sired output port. This kind of architecture suffers from
head-of-line blocking, which is inherent in input buffering
switches. For example, suppose that optical packet 1 in
input i must be routed to output 1, while optical packet 2
behind optical packet 1 in input i must be routed to output
2. If optical packet 1 must be delayed for one time slot,
optical packet 2 has to be delayed for at least one time slot
due to the second rule, even though optical packet 2 goes
to a different output port.
3.5. Output-Buffered Switch Architecture
Figure 7 shows the schematic of an N * N output-buff-
ered optical packet switch. It consists of a set of N TWC,
an N * N optical space switch matrix and an N * N wave-
length routing-based packet buffer. The N * N optical
space switch performs the switching of packets to their
desired outputs.
Unlike the input-buffered packet switch, the N * N op-
tical space switch in Figure 7 cannot be replaced by a set
of N TWC’s and an N * N AWG. This is because, if the N *
N optical space switch is replaced by a set of N TWC’s
and an N * N AWG, then up to N packets may appear at a
given output of the AWG.
In this architecture, there may be more than one packet
destined for the same output in a time slot, resulting in
packet contention. However, this packet contention is re-
Figure 7. Output buffered switch architecture.
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJCNS
solved by wavelength conversion and wavelength rout-
ing-based buffering. More specifically, in each time slot,
packets that are destined for the same output will be
shifted to different wavelengths before they are routed to
the desired output by the optical space switch. Since these
packets have been given different wavelengths by the
wavelength converters at the input of the switch, they will
receive different packet delays at the succeeding wave-
length routing-based buffer so that only one packet will
emerge at a given output of the switch in any time slot and
hence packet contention is resolved.
4. Comparing Optical Packet Switch
In this section, the performance analysis of different ar-
chitecture will be presented. Then, The component com-
parison of photonic packet switches including the space
switch, broadcast and select switch, input-buffered switch,
and output buffered switch will be discussed.
4.1. Performance Comparisons
So far we discussed several optical packet switching ar-
chitectures. Performance analysis of the space switch and
broadcast-and-select architectures is available in [9,13]
respectively. In this study, two simulation programs for
input buffered and output buffered architectures have
been developed. The average packet delay and packet
loss probability for these two architectures are compared
under different number of Fiber Delay Lines (FDLs).
Both simulations assume a random traffic model in
[20]: 1) each input has an identical and independent ar-
rival of packets with a probability p in any time slot and
2) each packet is equally likely destined for any of the
outputs. The probability p can also be seen as the offered
traffic load at each input. Upon packet arrival, a sched-
uling algorithm is invoked in order to assign an ideal
time slot to the arriving packet according to its destination.
If no available slot, the packet will be lost. The main pur-
pose of packet scheduling algorithm is to prevent packet
contention. More specifically, concurrent packets arriving
at different inputs and destined for the same output will be
given different delays in the scheduling part. The delay of
a packet in the scheduling part is in turn determined by the
wavelength to which the packet is converted. The function
of packet scheduling is to allocate a minimum time delay
to each packet, subject to the following two conditions
in any time slot: 1) no two packets will be addressed to
the same output of the switching part and 2) no two
packets will appear at a given input of the switching
part. A packet that cannot be assigned a time slot is
blocked by turning off the corresponding TWC at the
scheduling part and hence lost.
Figures 8 (a)-(c) show the relation between packet
loss probability and offered traffic load p of input buff-
ered optical packet switch for various buffer capacities
D (number of fiber delay lines), when the switch size N
is 16, 32 and 64, respectively.
As expected, the packet loss probability is substantially
reduced by increasing the buffer capacity, which effec-
tively increases the number of available time slots.
Similarly, Figures 9 (a)-(c) show the relation between
packet loss probability and offered traffic load p of input
buffered optical packet switch for various buffer capacities
D (number of fiber delay lines), when the switch size N is
16, 32 and 64, respectively. It shows also the packet loss
IB_O PS 16x16
0.1 0.2 0.30.4 0.5 0.6
Loa d
P acket L oss Pr o bab ilit y
D= 1 2
D= 1 6
D= 3 2
D= 4 8
IB_O PS 32x32
0.1 0.80.91
Loa d
Packet Loss Probability
D= 1 2
D= 1 6
D= 3 2
D= 4 8
IB_O PS 64x64
Loa d
Packet Loss Probability
D= 1 2
D= 1 6
D= 3 2
D= 4 8
Figure 8. (a) 16 * 16 OPS; (b) 32 * 32 OPS; (c) 64 * 64 OPS.
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJCNS
0.1 0.2 0.30.4 0.5 0.60.7 0.80.91
Packet Loss Probability
0.1 0.2 0.30.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.80.91
P acket Lo ss P rob ab ility
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.80.91
P acket Loss Probab il it y
D= 12
D= 16
D= 32
D= 48
Figure 9. (a) 16 * 16 OPS; (b) 32 * 32 OPS; (c) 64 * 64 OPS.
probability is substantially reduced by increasing the
buffer capacity, which effectively increases the number of
available time slots.
When comparing the packet loss probability of the input
buffered delay and the output buffered delay architectures
vs. the offered load for different switch sizes as shown in
Figure 10 we found the following:
The output buffered architecture has less packet loss
probability for all buffer sizes. This is because that in-
put buffered switches suffer from head-of-line block-
ing which results in more packet droppings;
For a given offered traffic load and a given buffer
capacity (i.e. fixed D), the packet loss probability is
almost independent of the switch size for both input
buffered and output buffered switches. As shown in
Figure 10, each of the two architectures has almost
the same packet loss probability curves for all packet
sizes. Note that the legend “OB 16 × 16” used in this
fig. 10 means output buffered 16 * 16 switch. Simi-
larly “IB 16 ×” means input buffered 16 * 16 switch.
Figure 11 shows the packet delay (in terms of time slots)
versus offered traffic load for a switch size of N = 64 and a
number of delay lines of D = 64. It can be seen that the
output-buffered switch has better delay performance.
By fixing the switch size N to 64 and offered load p to
0.8, we show the relation between the packet loss prob-
ability and the number of fiber delay lines, FDLs in Fig-
ure 12. This Figure shows that the optimal (minimum)
number of FDLs for both input buffered and output buff-
ered architectures that ensures a packet loss probability
less than 106 is D = 32.
Finally, the switching speed of the input buffered and
output buffered switched is computed through the simu-
lation. In our measurement, we keep feeding packets to
input ports until the packet loss probability becomes
grater than 10–6. We found that the input buffered switch
can operate in 2.5 Gbps while the output buffered switch
Input_Buf f Vs Out _Buf f
0.7 0.8 0.91
Packet Loss Probability
Figure 10. Comparing packet loss probabilities for input
buffered and output buffered architectures for different
switch sizes.
I n _Bu f f V s Ou t_ Buf f
0.1 0.20.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.70.8 0.9
Avg. delay
Figure 11. Delay versus offered load for input buffered and
output buffered architectures for switch size N = 64 and
number of FDLs, D = 64.
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJCNS
12 16 32 48
Packe t Loss Proba bility
Ou t_Buff
Figure 12. Optimal No. of FDLs for N = 64 & p = 0.8.
can operate in 10 Gbps.
4.2. Component Comparisons
The photonic packet switches for component comparison
include the space switch, broadcast and select switch,
input-buffered switch (IB), and output buffered switch
(OB). All of these packet switches use FDLs packet buff-
ers. The comparison is done in terms of major compo-
nent counts. Let N be the optical packet switch size (i.e.,
the number of input/output ports), and D be the number
of optical fiber delay-lines for use in the packet buffer.
Table 1 gives the formula for calculation of each com-
ponent for different optical packet switch architectures.
Space switch has the maximum number of compo-
nents. This collection of components results in two major
features of the space switch. The first feature is that a
packet can be broadcast to all the outputs or multicast to
several outputs by appropriate turning of the optical
gates. Another feature is that multiple packets can appear
at the same output port since they have different wave-
lengths. For the broadcast-and-select packet switch, fixed
wavelength converters (FWCs) are used and no tunable
wavelength converters (TWCs). This result in simpler
architecture compared to other switches since the archi-
tecture of FWCs is much simpler than the architecture of
TWCs. In general, the broadcast-and-select has the
minimum number of components.
5. Conclusions
In this study we have surveyed most of the exiting opti-
cal packet switching architectures. A simulation-based
comparison of input buffered and output buffered archi-
tectures is presented. We found that the output buffered
architectures give better performance than input buffered
architectures. Another comparison based on the compo-
nents involved in various architectures is also presented.
The-broadcast-and-select architecture is attractive in
terms that it has lees number of components compared to
other switches.
Table 1. Component comparisons of different OPS archi-
Comt. Arch. IB OB Space switch
& select
FWC 0 0 0 N
Optical gates 0 N2 N
FDLs 32 32 N2 WM + NM 27
AWG MUXs (N*N)3 2 0 0
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