V. E. Shapiro
so the terms
and I of (3) are. But the evolution of
by Equation (3) and these terms are in effect
invariant only in the case of the ideal where I comes down to a Poisson bracket
a func tion of
z, t, thus making the sum
a generalized potential (a dressed Hamiltonian) governing the system.
Obviously it is not the patches beyond this ideal that are rare in reality, it is the patches of ideal. Beyond this
ideal, the terms
, I and
are hardly invariant and cause persistent flows already in the very
stati ona r y c o ndi tions of energ y co nse r va ti o n, wher e Equa tion (2) is a utonomo us ( see [2]). Such au t onomy offer s
a clearer view of the vortex energy realm versus the quantum postulates by (1), (2). Below we shall concentrate
on this case.
The realm of the classical ideal in point is then the domain of stationary vortex-free phase fluid flows of
and H bound from below for stability. This necessitates rigid
constraints on I: the irreversible drift and diffusion must then be in detailed balance-tend to zero in self-
compensation for each of all n degrees of system freedom. As diffusion means sources, the irreversible drift is to
be sinks, dissipatio n, cause relaxation to the state o f ideal. In conditions of e nergy conservation be yond detailed
balance, the irreversible drift and diffusion inevitably ca use persistent (not entrai ned in stationary chaos on the
average) phase fluid flows.
An e xotic exa mple of s uch i mb alanc e is t he s yst ems with no n-holonomic constraints that do no work on each
of n degrees of systems freedom; it can be viewed as a limit of zeroth diffusio n and utmost stron g frictio n, i.e.,
zero-time r ela xa t io n ca u si ng t he non -holonomy. Both this limit and a general imbalance between the irreversible
dri ft and d iffu sio n of fi nite rat es, whic h do work o n the syst e m, but in a wa y of ze ro th tot al work o n the syste m,
are within the realm of vortex energy. This encompasses all conditions of conserved vortex energy realm with
its persistent flows of phase f luid within autonomic Equation (3).
Let us now juxtapose the outlined realm of vortex energy with that of density distribution
for the
quantum-ideal proble m statem e nt.
4. Fundamental Contradictions
The quantum theory is indissolubly related to the uncertainty principle, hence, its domain is to be beyond the
purely dynamical non-holonomic systems of zeroth diffusion. The quantum phenomena to be observed as
recurrent against ambient chaos suppose conditions of relaxation, stability and ergodicity, and all that, if this
were the case, would be only in the vortex energy realm beyond the ideal nonholonomy. But there is no niche
for the systems having discrete energy spectrum of states in the vortex energy realm of diffusion and relaxation
of finite rates: finite rates inevitably cause spectra of finite line-widths.
So, the inherent hallmarks that together constitute the notion of quantum ideal have no niche in whatever
autonomic conditions in question. It means that the quantum ideal construction fails as a rigorously defined
bridge to energy conservation observations, appears without footing beyond the classic ideal. These things are
verities when treating the states of quantum systems as a mixture of pure states each given a statistical weight in
the sense used in classics, i.e., reso rting to a semi-cla ssical appr oach to the irreversible kinetics and the concept
of entropy.
Along with the incompa tibility set-forth abo ve, the followi ng basic inconsiste ncy takes place. Its crucial point
is the density distr ibu tion
of the quantum ideal, its pure states, is independent of t in autono mic co nditions.
The solutions to autonomic (3) in detailed balance are also independent of t as then
, and it is
assumed so in the semi-classics modeling in question. However, the conditions of energy conservation of
autonomic Equation (3) beyond detailed balance is another story and makes a difference.
Thereat, it is not just that
in (3) links to imbalance, it is the variations (correlations) between
densities of phase fl uid at different t’s is a matter of princip le, signifie s persistent flo ws of fluid as observable in
space of systems in the stationary realm of vortex energy. So, while t-dependent phenomena in
stationary outer conditions are usually referred to non-equilibria, this is not the case of vortex energy realm,
where it is just the equilibriu m states of motio n with conse rved energy [2]. The persistent flows in point can be
fast and stable depending on conditions of self-sustained imbalance. It is largely admitted of a test.
The same should be expected from the quantum phenomena, including its ideal by (1) and (2) for
independent of t. However, since
reduces then to a sum