Open Journal of Soil Science
2011. Vol.1, No.1, 1-7
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. DOI: 10.4236/ojss.2011.11001
Interrelation of Chemical Elements Content in Plants under
Conditions of Primary Soil Formation
Vladimir Mukhomorov, Liudmila Anikina
Agrophysical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Received May 25th, 2011; revised June 18th, 2011; accepted June 24th, 2011.
It is presented the results of a long-term and intensive experiment, which models the processes of primary soil
formation under controlled agro-ecosystems. The influence of mineral substrate transformation is analyzed on
the content of chemical elements in plants tomato, and wheat. For the first time have been established dynamic
synergistic and antagonistic interrelations between the chemical elements in a various bodies of the plant (roots,
reproductive bodies, stems, and leaves). Using methods of the theory of information was revealed dynamics of
collective state of chemical elements in the plants. It is shown that the collective states of the chemical elements
which defined by the information function is strictly differentiated for different plant bodies, and have hierarchic
order. We analyzed the following chemical elements Si, Al, Fe, Mg, Ca, K, P, S, Cl, Na, Mn, Zn.
Keywords: Chemical Elements, Dynamics, Synergism, Antagonism, Information Function, Hierarchic Order,
Soil Formation, Mineral Substratum
The problem of accumulation of chemical elements and their
relationships to each other in plants has been paid much atten-
tion. A series of fundamental studies (Vernadskii, 1922; Poly-
nov, 1956; Aristovskaya, 1980) dealt with the problem of the
close association between the chemical elements composition
of plants and the soils. In this paper first analyzes the dynamics
of chemical elements in plants under conditions of intense
transformation of the root-inhabited media.
It is performed a complex experiment accordance to an in-
tensive and prolonged cultivation of plants of spring wheat and
tomato on the granular mineral substrate (granite crushed rock
and zeolite). The experiment demonstrated that the controlled
agroecosystem is an intensive biogenic and physicochemical
weathering of minerals and the formation of soil like bodies.
Such processes involving root systems of plants simulate evo-
lutionary processes of the first stages of soil formation under
natural conditions. The most important consequence of this is
increased activity of multiple biochemical processes of ex-
ogenous transforming rocks into soil-like bodies. These pro-
cesses are accompanied by accumulation of organic matter in
the root-inhabited media (RM), a change in its fractional com-
position, specific and numerical composition of the microbiota
community (Ermakov et al., 2001; Ermakov et al., 2007). These
processes occur simultaneously and in close synchronous inte-
raction. Controlled agro-ecosystems can significantly accelerate
the natural processes of soil-forming bodies. When evolutio-
nary pedogenesis is undergoing profound changes in the condi-
tions of weathering of mineral substrate. They are accompanied
by changes in the mineral composition of soil solution and mi-
neralization of organic matter of the root-inhabited media. This,
in turn, leads to variations of chemical elements in plant tissues.
As is known, the chemical elemental composition of plants
differs significantly from the composition of rocks. This causes
the plants to look for ways to self-sufficiency of chemical ele-
ments and to adapt to the peculiarities of geochemical envi-
ronment. This adaptation is reflected in the existence of links in
the content of chemical elements in plants, that is, leads to syn-
ergism or antagonism. These interactions are due to the ability
of a chemical element to inhibit or stimulate the absorption of
other elements by plants. This problem is of interest both from
theoretical and practical points of view. Identification of dy-
namic relationships allow the development the methods of ele-
mental composition regulation for agricultural production in
high farming.
Materials and Methods
Tomato plants (cultivar Ottawa-60) and spring wheat (cultivar
Siete Ceros) were grown on the granite rubble for 23 vegetations
under controlled conditions. In addition, we cultivated tomato
(for 12 vegetations) and spring wheat on the zeolite for 11 vege-
tations. First tomato plants were grown from 1 to 12 of vegeta-
tions. After cultivation of tomato we were cultivated spring wheat
from 13 to 23 vegetations. It was found that the intensive exploi-
tation of mineral substrate leads to the accumulation of organic
matter. Organic matter contains in its composition of physiologi-
cally active compounds, which can inhibit plant growth, as well
as reduce the activity of rhizosphere microflora. In the experi-
ment method of acid-base regeneration of mineral substrate (two
versions) was used. Acid-base regeneration can effectively re-
move some organic matter components and thereby improve the
trophic conditions of plant growth (Ermakov et al., 1987). Expe-
rience on the granite ruble was carried out for three variants: the
test experiment and subject to the controlling factor (the ac-
id-base mineral substrate for regeneration of the two variants).
For the zeolite, we performed only test experiment.
In the scheme of experiment we included the following va-
riants: variant 1 (tomato) and variant 4 (wheat). In these expe-
riments, after each growing season, we removed the roots of
plants, compost mineral substrate for 20 - 30 days, and then
perform a complex acid-base working (regeneration 1). Com-
plex acid-base regeneration is 0.01 n H2SO4 acid treatment of
mineral substrate. Then, a water rinse of the substrate and
processing of mineral alkali KOH of concentration of 0.05 n. In
variants 2 (tomato) and 5 (wheat) additionally performed an
acid-base treatment of mineral substrate, with the roots of
growing plants: the flowering phase and the phase of fruit set
(regeneration 2). Test experiments were 3 (tomato) and 6
(wheat). In these variants, we performed only cleaning and
composting roots mineral substrate.
In the experiment were used luminaries based on DNaT-4
sodium lamps with a solid-state heat-absorbing colour filter.
The intensity of the radiation stream corresponded to 100 ±
10 W/m2 in the photosynthetically active radiation region. The
photoperiod was 16 h/day with growth length of 75 days.
Analysis of the elemental composition of plant ash after each
growing season we made using X-ray fluorescent analyzer A-30.
Studies have included investigations into the ash composition
and the percentage of plant tissues (roots, stems, leaves, fruits
and grains) of the chemical elements Si, Al, Fe, Mg, Ca, K, P, S,
Cl, Na, Mn, Zn after each vegetation.
Results and Discussion
Experimental data were obtained for the chemical ele-
ments composition of plant tissues which for the first time
have allowed to analyze quantitatively the dynamics of the
chemical elements interrelation in various of plants organs
under conditions of an evolutionary primary soil formation. It
was found that the relationship between the chemical ele-
ments can be accompanied by a change of direction relations
in the opposite direction to those elements, but in other parts
of plants.
Let’s show it, on an instance of interrelation dynamics of the
silicon content and the potassium content in the roots and re-
productive bodies of plants. It is known, that the potassium is
most consumables by plants and its role in plants is multifunc-
tional. In recent years significantly increased interest (Samso-
nova, 2005) in the role of silicon in plant life as a factor in
boosting crop yields. This chemical element has an impact sti-
mulating influence on development of the root system, leaves
area, growth rate of plants, their dry weight. However, in the
scientific literature practically there is no information on inter-
relation of silicon content (percent to ash) with other elements
in plants. We established that in the plants root tomato and
spring wheat the interrelation of the elements Si and K is anta-
gonistic for 23 vegetations (Figure 1(a)). At the same time for
reproductive bodies this interrelation is synergetic (Figure 1(b)).
Cultivation of a tomato on zeolite keeps qualitatively these
interrelations, but results in appreciable quantitative difference
in comparison with the results that obtained at cultivation of
plants on the crushed granite. The use of zeolite synergistic
relationship intensifies. (an angle of slope of the trend line is
more (Figure 1(b)), than for granite).
There is little information about the relationship of chemical
elements manganese and magnesium, both among themselves
and with other elements in plants. No experimental data on the
dynamics of their content in different plant bodies. The interre-
lations of chemical elements Mn and Mg in roots and reproduc-
tive bodies of a tomato for all variants of experience are pre-
sented in Figure 2. For these elements the dynamics of anta-
gonism is kept during all experience for roots, and reproductive
bodies of the plants.
As statistical analysis has shown the influence of the com-
plex acid-base regeneration of mineral substrate on interrelation
of the elements Mn and Mg is insignificant. Indeed, for example,
a comparison of variances 2
S and 2
S by Fisher test for
variants 2 and 3 leads to a much smaller critical values: F = (S2
/S3)2 = 1.06 <12,12;0.95
F= 2.7. Hence, the action of complex
regeneration is not effective. This conclusion is valid for all
paired interactions between the chemical elements. We found
that the difference between variants 1, 2 and 3 is statistically
insignificant (the similar conclusion would hold for spring
wheat). At the same time the cultivation of tomato on the zeo-
lite leads to a statistically significant difference from the re-
sults of crushed granite. However, it may be noted that the
slope of the trend lines for zeolite and crushed granite about
the same.
(a) (b)
Figure 1.
Antagonism of potassium and silicon contents in root tissues (a) and
synergism these elements in tissues of the reproductive bodies (b) of
tomato. Crushed granite: - tomato; test experiment; trend ——; -
spring wheat; test experiment; trend – · –. Zeolite: -tomato; trend · ·
· ·. o -pring wheat; trend – – – . Here and below: for crushed granite
experimental data are resulted only for odd growth periods; zeolite
present experimental data for life cycles from first to twelfth.
(a) (b)
Figure 2.
Antagonism of magnesium and manganese content in root tissues (a)
and reproductive bodies (b) of the tomato. Crushed granite: - test
experiment, trend —— ; - variant 1, trend – · – ·; - variant 2, trend
· · ·. Zeolite:
- tomato, trend — — —.
In contrast to roots and reproductive organs of plants, we
found synergism of manganese and magnesium in the stems and
leaves. Also there are changes in the direction of the dynamic
interactions silicon and potassium. In the roots of plants, this
relationship is antagonistic. At the same time, relationship for
fruits and grains is synergistic between silicon and potassium
(Figure 1). This result does not confirm opinion that chemical
elements Mg, Ca, and P are principal antagonistic elements with
respect to absorption of many other chemical elements.
Methods of regeneration of the mineral substrate have little
effect on the dynamics of synergism and antagonism of the
chemical elements.
It was found that the relationships between the chemical
elements might have specific difference. We have analyzed the
dynamic synergistic and antagonistic relationships of among all
the chemical elements. Table 1 summarizes the relationships of
chemical elements in different bodies of tomato and wheat
plants. In most cases, these relationships are the same. However,
for some pairs of chemical elements there are species differ-
ences. Let's show it on an example of interrelation of zinc and
magnesium in fruits of a tomato and wheat grain. Figure 3(b)
shows that the content of magnesium in the tomato fruit has a
synergetic relationship, whereas for the grain of wheat that
interrelation is antagonistic. We found similar species differ-
ences for some of the other chemical elements, for example,
phosphorus, and potassium (Table 1). For tomato fruit the in-
terrelation is a synergetic, whereas for the grain of wheat the
interrelation is antagonistic. At the same time, the relationship
of these elements in plant stems changes direction. For tomato
relationship is antagonistic, and for wheat relationship is syn-
ergetic. The nature of these specific distinctions remains the
same for all variants, does not depend on the mineral substrate,
control factor (that is regeneration) and of the temporary factor,
i.e. the number of vegetation.
Table 1 includes the relationships between matched chemical
elements only in the same plant bodies. However, the experi-
mental data allow us to establish the dynamic relationships
between the chemical elements in different plant bodies. First
of all, between the roots and reproductive bodies. Identifying
these relationships makes it possible to control the chemical
composition of the reproductive bodies. It is important for ob-
taining high-quality vegetable production. Figure 4(a) shows an
antagonistic relationship between the content of magnesium in
the reproductive bodies of plants and silicon content in the roots.
Increase of the silicon content in the roots of plants leads to the
decrease of magnesium content in the reproductive bodies. It is
possible to note, that for crushed granite the range changing of
the silicon content in roots of spring wheat and a tomato is in
the same interval of values approximately. For the tomato cul-
tivated on zeolite the saturation of reproductive bodies by
magnesium is descended at the greater in comparison with sili-
con content in the roots for crushed granite. Practically silicon
in plant roots for all chemical elements is the antagonist to
chemical elements in reproductive bodies, except for manga-
nese (Figure 4(b)). This relationship does not change over the
entire observation period, does not depend on the mineral sub-
strate and the botanical plant species. It may be noted that for
granite rubble the range of change of silicon content in the roots
of wheat and tomato is located approximately in the same range
of values. For zeolite this range differs markedly and magne-
sium saturation of reproductive organs occurs at the higher
silicon content in the roots.
As results of experiment have shown the same chemical
element may have the characteristics of synergetics and the
antagonist. Figure 5 shows the dynamic relationship between
the content of phosphorus in the roots of plants and content of
manganese and calcium in the reproductive bodies. Phosphorus
is antagonistic to the content of manganese in tomato fruits and
grain of wheat. At the same time increasing the phosphorus
content in the roots increases the calcium content in fruits of
tomato and wheat grain. The potassium contents in the tomato
fruits three times is more, than in roots of the plant. The con-
tents of silicon in the roots of plants are ten times more, than in
reproductive bodies. These relationships do not depend on the
type of mineral substrate, the botanical species of plants, me-
thod of regeneration and number of vegetation.
Using statistical methods, we were able to group chemical
elements according to their content in various plant bodies of
four homogeneous nonoverlapping groups (Mukhomorov et al.,
2009). According to an analysis of the groups composition
(a) (b)
Figure 3.
(a) Synergism of the magnesium and manganese content in tissues of
the tomato stems. Crushed granite: - test experiment, trend —— ; -
variant 1, trend – · – ·; - variant 2, trend - - - - -. Zeolite :
- to-
mato, trend — — — . (b) Interrelation of zinc and magnesium content
in tissues of reproductive bodies of the tomato and spring wheat.
Crushed granite: - tomato, test experiment, trend ——, - spring
wheat, test experiment, trend — — — . Zeolite: - tomato, trend · · ·
· ·. o – spring wheat, trend – · – · – ·.
(a) (b)
Figure 4.
(a) Antagonism of silicon and magnesium contents in tissues of the
reproductive bodies and roots. Cruched granite: - tomato, test expe-
riment; trend —— ; – spring wheat, test experiment; trend – · – ·.
- tomato, trend – –. (b) Synergism of silicon and manga-
nese contents in tissues of reproductive bodies and roots. Crushed gra-
nite. - tomato, test experiment; trend —— ; - spring wheat, test
experiment; trend – · – ·. Zeolite:
- tomato, trend — — —.
Table 1.
Synergism and antagonism of chemical elements in plant tissues of a tomato (the first column) and spring wheat (the second column). The first line-roots, the
second line-reproductive bodies, the third line-leaves, the fourth line-stems*). For leaves of spring wheat the experiment was not carried out.
Ca Mg S P Cl K Na Mn Zn Fe Si
*) -antagonism of chemical elements; + synergism of chemical elements; × the interrelation is not found.
(a) (b)
Figure 5.
(a) Antagonism of manganese and phosphorus contents in tissues of the
reproductive bodies and roots. - tomato, test experiment; trend —— ;
– spring wheat, test experiment; trend – · – ·. Zeolite: - tomato,
trend · · ·. – spring wheat, trend — — . (b) Synergism of calcium and
phosphorus contents in tissues of reproductive bodies and roots.
Crushed granite: - tomato, test experiment; trend ——; - spring
wheat, test experiment; trend – · – ·. Zeolite: - tomato, trend · · ·.
– spring wheat, trend — —.
doesn’t depend on the number of life cycles and the experiment
variant. It is established (Ermakov et al., 2006) that between the
chemical element contents in different parts of plants has a
cause-and-effect correlated relationships. Therefore, it is im-
portant to know the collective state of the chemical elements in
various plant tissues. Balance and harmonicity of chemical
elements collective state in plants is the main condition for their
normal growth and development. V. I. Vernadsky (1922) have
repeatedly drawn attention to the unknown role of specific ra-
tios of chemical elements in living matter. The study of bio-
geocenoses always been of considerable scientific interest.
Currently these studies have gained great practical importance
in connection with the ecological problems of the environment.
An important direction of solution of this problem is the search
of values (or descriptors) that characterize the multicomponent
system as a whole.
In this work we fulfilled the analysis of the dynamics of col-
lective (common) state of chemical elements using the methods
of an information theory. An integral index of the collective
state of multicomponent systems and, in particular, of chemical
elements composition of plants tissues is the information func-
tion (entropy). Information approach has been used repeatedly
in ecology as a measure of diversity of multicompo-
nent ecological communities (Mc Arthur, 1955; Lurie, 1983).
Information function H of a finite ensemble of heterogenous
objects belonging to one set can be written in the following
Htp p
. This function characterizes the de-
gree of structuredness or organizations of the relative content of
n elements of the set under the additional conditions: 0
pt 1,
; pi is the number of realizing ith event.
Here we used the combinatorial approach of A. N. Kolmogorov
(1987). 1, 2,, 23t are the number of the vegetations
(growth periods). The values of pi are determined by the results
of the experiment to study of the ash chemical elements com-
position. Such realization of the method is similar to B. B. Po-
lynov's (1956) approach that determines the contents of weight
parts of chemical elements of ashes. The information approach
allows us to obtain a holistic view on the evolutionary pheno-
mena on the basis of knowledge about the structure of corre-
lated multi-component systems. Quantitative characteristics of
the measures of the multi-component systems are conditional
and unconditional information functions. Methods of informa-
tion theory allow us to obtain new non-trivial knowledge about
the dynamics of inter-related multi-component systems.
Information function is an integral indicator of a dynamical
multi-component system. This function describes a structure,
diversity and the information content of the system. It is found
statistically significant sequence information functions for dif-
ferent plant bodies. For example, for tomato (mineral sub-
strate-granite crushed stone) averaged over all variants the se-
quence of information functions the following: H(roots) =
1.72 > H(leaves) = 1.62 > H(stems) = 1.50 > H(reproductive
bodies) = 1.31 nat. It is important to emphasize that a determi-
nistic non-random sequence of inequalities is preserved for the
long- term experiment for tomato and wheat. The sequence of
inequalities does not depend on the type of mineral substrate
(Figure 5) and the number of vegetation, although the content
of elements in plants can significantly change due to changes in
the trophic conditions (Mukhomorov, Anikina, 2009). We have
restricted only eleven vegetations. This makes it possible to
compare the results of an experiment for granite crushed rock
and zeolite. Figure 5 shows that the information content in the
roots is most, and in the reproductive organs it is minimal. He-
terogeneity of the chemical element contents in the reproduc-
tive organs is maximal, and at the roots is minimal. If pi is mi-
nimally differ from each other, then it leads to an increase in the
informative function. That is, it leads to an increase in disorder
and structural homogeneity. The long-term exploitation of min-
eral substrate leads to an increase in the differences in the hete-
rogeneity of the element content in the bodies of plants. At the
same time the structural heterogeneity of the roots is reduced.
Structural instability of the elemental composition of leaves,
stems and reproductive organs is directed towards the increase
of structuredness or structural heterogeneity (Figure 5). In this
case, the values of probabilities
p at the most differ from
each other. Thus the elemental chemical composition of the
roots, leaves, stems, fruits and grains correspond to different
levels of structural organization. This structural organization
does not depend on the type of mineral substrate, number of
vegetation, botanical plant species and method of the regenera-
Table 2.
Information functions (in nat) for bodies of plant. Experiments 1- 6 are situated in accordance with reduction of a formed organic matter.
Tomato. Crushed granite
Variant Roots Leaves Stems Reproductive bodies
3 1.72 ± 0.02 1.61 ± 0.01 1.49 ± 0.05 1.28 ± 0.06
1 1.74 ± 0.02 1.63 ± 0.02 1.50 ± 0.05 1.32 ± 0.06
2 1.71 ± 0.03 1.62 ± 0.02 1.50 ± 0.04 1.34 ± 0.03
Spring wheat. Crushed granite
6 1.70 ± 0.04 - 1.56 ± 0.05 1.51 ± 0.02
4 1.73 ± 0.04 - 1.58 ± 0.05 1.53 ± 0.03
5 1.75 ± 0.04 - 1.54 ± 0.05 1.51 ± 0.03
Tomato. Zeolite
Test experiment 1.87±0.07 1.60 ± 0.02 1.52 ± 0.05 1.32 ± 0.04
Spring wheat. Zeolite
Test experiment 1.87 ± 0.03 - 1.66 ± 0.05 1.52 ± 0.04
Organic RM 1.67 ± 0.04 - - 1.29 ± 0.03
Granite crushed rock 1.88 ± 0.03 - - 1.37 ± 0.03
Regenerated crushed granite 1.94 ± 0.03 - - 1.29 ± 0.03
Tomato. RM is polyethylene film
Experience*) 1.69 ± 0.04 1.49 ± 0.03 1.46 ± 0.03 1.18 ± 0.02
Test experiment 1.50 ± 0.03 1.48 ± 0.03 1.48 ± 0.03 1.10 ± 0.02
*) In a nutrient solution are added 80 mg/L of metasilicate.
(a) (b)
13579111315 17 19 21
15 16 17181920 21 22 23
(c) (d)
Figure 6.
The dynamics (trend) of information function H of chemical elements com-
position in tomato roots, reproductive bodies, stems, and leaves tissues
during 11 growth periods: (a) for the tomato cultivated on zeolite, (b) for the
tomato cultivated on crushed granite, (c) for spring wheat cultivated on
crushed granite. Variant – test experiment. (d) for spring wheat cultivated on
zeolite. Variant – test experiment. —— roots, · · · reproductive bodies, – – –
leaves, — · — stems.
tion. Table 2 shows the values of the information function
averaged over all the observations. In this table were added
results of an experiment on the cultivation of cucumber plants.
In addition to Table 2 shows the results for the cultivation of
tomato plants on plastic film under controlled conditions. The
sequence of inequalities for the informative function keeps in
these cases.
Peculiarities of the chemical composition of plants is shown at
its comparison with the chemical composition of mineral sub-
strate after intensive operation. From the experiment should be,
that the plants do not only control their own elemental content,
but using the root system of influence on mineral substrate,
transforming it. For example, for tomato (test experiment; gra-
nite crushed rock) values of information functions have the fol-
lowing sequence: H(roots) = 1.72 > H(5) =1.51 > H(4) = 1.44 >
H(3) = 1.42 > H(2) = 1.18 > H(1) = .93 nat, here 1 is the chemi-
cal composition of the initial granite crushed rock, 2 is the
chemical composition wash-out with the surface of granite
crushed rock 15 vegetations, 3 is the chemical composition of
organomineral film on the surface of the rubble after 23 vegeta-
tions, 4 is the chemical composition wash-out with the surface
rubble after 23 vegetations, 5 is the chemical composition of the
surface of the melkozem after 23 vegetations. This sequence of
inequalities indicates that under the intense action of the root
system of plants and organic matter mineral substrate is trans-
formed. This result confirms the conclusion V.I. Vernadsky
(1922) about the active geochemical role of plant vital functions.
The evolution of elemental content of mineral substrate, the
available plants are shown from structured status to the chaotic
The extensive experimental material on dynamics of loca-
lization and interrelation of chemical elements in various
bodies of plants under conditions of primary soil formation is
obtained. The executed researches reflect a number of impor-
tant features of interaction of plants and inert mineral sub-
strates. The results of this work show that various plants bo-
dies in different ways with the chemical elements under con-
ditions of a long and intensive exploitation of mineral sub-
strates. The content of chemical elements in plants varies in a
complicated way. For example, the dynamics of synergism of
chemical elements in the same organs of plants can be con-
trasted dynamics of antagonism in other organs of plants. At
the same time, the collective states of chemical elements in
the various plants bodies are subject to strict rule, which does
not change under conditions of mineral substrates transforma-
tion. Such research has a practical value, aimed at rational use
of the land and balanced mineral nutrition of plants. These
studies promise a purposeful change of elemental chemical
content in the plants, as well as the production of high-quality
agricultural products. This is important in conditions of
man-caused pollution of the environment and intensive
chemicalization of agriculture.
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