A. A. ALY75
Figure 10. (a) The angular motor shaft position of sin wave
reference input; (b) GPID controller output; (c) Servovalve
flow rate.
5. Conclusions
This paper presents an optimization method of PID con-
trol parameters for the position control of nonlinear elec-
trohydraulic servosystem by GA as a search technique
with minimum information specific to the system such as
the defined fitness function.
From the results, it is demonstrated that the optimized
PID improve the performances of the hydraulic servo-
system in order to achieve minimum settling time with
no overshoot and nearly zero steady state error. The re-
ciprocal of ITAE criterion is modified to be an appropri-
ate fitness function for GA to evaluate the control per-
formance of the given feedback gains. A disadvantage of
the proposed method is the necessity of the definition of
parameters for a performance index by the user, which
impedes the procedure to be fully automatic. It seems to
be easy to adapt the method presented here to tune other
controller types, where some optimization is involved,
such LQR, LQG or pole placement controllers, when
weighting parameters or weighting functions can be
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