F. H. Liu et al. / Agricultural Sciences 2 (2011) 111-116
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/AS/
Table 7. Response type of ramie MSLs to photoperiod-temperature.
Type Re spon se s ensit ivity to photope-
riod-temperature FBA of short photo-
period† Temperature response index‡ Representative MSLs
1 High sensitivity to both photoperiod and
temperature ≥ 60% > 3.0 GS13-942
2 Sensitivity high to photoperiod and low
to temperature ≥ 60% ≤ 2.5 SS370
3 Sensitivity low to photoperiod and high
to temperature < 60% > 3.0 GS14-1
4 Sensitivity low to photoperiod and mod-
erate to temperature < 60% 2.6~3.0 GS14-4, GSA-2
5 Low sensitivity to both photoperiod and
temperature < 60% ≤ 2.5 GS15-8
†Represents the photoperiod sensitivity; ‡Represents the tem perature sensitivity; FBA—Flower budding acceleration.
cident indicator for observation, but the effects of temon
the development of the male reproductive organs of the
MSLs were neglected. In fact, in some experiments it
was observed that the environmental temperature could
change the pollen fertility of some rape male sterile lines
[13,14]. This was considered as a result of th e combined
effect of the environmental temperature and the nutrition
status in the MSLs [14]. In our experiment we also
found a yearly difference in the development of the sta-
minate flower buds in some MSL, and the bigger and
higher plants had somehow better developed staminate
flower buds. Are there interactive effects of the envi-
ronmental temperature and the nutrition status on the
expression of fertility in the ramie MSLs, and on the
temperature-sensitive response? This is a new problem
to approach. Besides temperature and photoperiod, it is
worthwhile to investigate the effects of changes in sun-
light intensity, wavelength and humidity from spring to
summer on the development of ramie MSLs.
The conclusion was derived by summarizing the de-
velopmental response to photoperiod and temperature of
six male sterile lines (MSLs) of ramie in the study. The
MSLs showed different development rates in the repro-
ductive growth stage under the conditions of higher
temperature and short photoperiod, but a stable vegeta-
tive growth duration. On the other hand, higher tem-
perature accelerated vegetative growth, while the short
photoperiod treatment accelerated the reproductive gr-
owth of the MSLs. The short photoperiod treatment
combined with higher temperature obviously accelerated
both the vegetative and reproductive growth of the MSLs .
But the effect of higher temperature decreased, or even
disappeared along with the photoperiod elongation. Five
photo-temperature response types were constituted based
on the flower budding acceleration of short photoperiod
and the approximate temperature response index of the
MSLs. The results would provide guidance for deter-
mining cross combinations, assist with the breeding of
new cultivars and assist with ramie seed production.
The authors are grateful to the National Natural Science Foundation
of China (Project No 30360058, Project No 30971825) for financial
support to this study.
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