A. Y. An et al.
size and time step as the DNS method. In addition to the classical conservation equations considered in FDS, in-
cluding mass species momentum and energy, thermodynamics-based state equation of a perfect gas is adopted
along with chemical combustion reaction for a library of different fuel sources. FDS has a visual post-processing
image simulation program named “smokeview”. In FDS, the Heat Release Rate (HRR) per unit area of a fire
source can be prescribed and numerically characterized directly avoiding calculating the heat release using
chemical combustion reaction. Therefore, it is important to find accurate HRR curve or fire load according to
various types and amount of fire sources. Madrzykowski [3], Kar lsson and Quintiere [4], Au [5], and Cho w [6]
reported experimental or numerical studies about HRR curves in various fire environments. Especially, Madr-
zykowski [3] performed fire experiment on office roo m with different work station configurations and measured
HRR and radiation during fire. In the study, peak HRR of work station ranged from 2.8 MW to 6.9 MW and
growth ra te changed from “slow-medium” to “fast-ultra fast” phase.
Since the fire simulatio n focuses on predicting fire propagations based CFD of fire-d riven fl uid flow and has
limitation on predicting temperature distribution inside the structural members, transient heat analysis needs to
be performed in order to evaluate safety of fire damaged structures. Choi [7], Choi, Kim, Haj-Ali [8], and C hoi,
Haj-Ali, Kim [9] proposed sequentially coupled analytical methods for predicting temperature distributions and
structural behaviors of structural members considering temperature dependent thermal and mechanical proper-
ties of concrete. In their studies, the proposed methods were applied to simulate reinforced concrete beams,
steel-concrete building, and bridge under fire for the model validation and showed good agreements. Harmathy
[10] [11] provided properties of building materials such as concrete, steel, etc., at elevated te mperatures and re-
ported that the properties of different concrete are within upper and lower bounds depending on aggregates, ad-
mixtures, and mix proportions. In addition, Choi [9] performed parametric analyses, in order to examine effect
of the wide ranges of material properties on thermal and structural behaviors of fire damaged concrete struc-
tures .
This paper aims at evaluating safety of structural members of office rooms based on fire simulation and tran-
sient heat transfer analysis. Towards that goal, fire simulating approaches by investigating effect of various in-
fluencing parameters on fire propagations. Then, the spatial-temporal te mperature infor mation ob tained fro m the
fire simulation is used as boundary condition of structural members for transient heat transfer analysis. Finally,
safety of the structural members is evaluated based on temperature distributions predicted from transient heat
transfer analysis considering temperature dependent thermal and mechanical properties of concrete.
2. Modeling Approach
2.1. Fire Simulation Approach
In this study, fire simulation is performed on a 5-story building located in Seoul, South Korea. The structural
system of the buildin g is fram ed struct ur e made of normal strength concretes reinforced by deformed steel bars.
Since fire simulation requires relatively long computational time, only two out of five stories are modeled with
an assumption that fire is initiated from a room located on a fourth floor shown in Figure 1. With the assump-
tion, only fo urth and fifth flo or are modeled because heats tend to be propagated toward the upper floor. Based
on architectural and structural plans, elements for walls, slabs, and ceilings are generated. For walls and ceilings,
concrete and insulation material properties are included in the model and slabs are consid ered as reinforced con-
crete with 150 mm of thickness. Doors and windows are assumed as open and 2.17 m/s of northwestern winds
are prescribed.
In order to investigate effect of parameters on fire and heat propagation, variables for fire simulations are
chosen as period of fire, size of inflammable materials and fire gro wth phase. Fire simulations are performed for
30 and 60 min to examine effect of fire period to heat propagation. In addition, sizes of inflammable materials
are 15 m2, 42 m2, and 210 m2, determined by size of typical work stations, one room, and five rooms, respec-
tively. However, area of hallway is not included in the size of inflammable materials because possible fire
source is not stacked in hall way by law. From the fire si mulation, te mporal-temperatures are ob tained at differ-
ent locations of the rooms and hallway of fourth and fifth floor. Finally, fire loads are prescribed in a form of
heat release rate (HRR) curve, and the time to reach steady phase of HRR curve determines whether the fire is
slow, medium or fast growth phase. Figure 2 shows two p ossible HRR curve s for office building, based on the
literature revie ws [4]. In addition, maximum value of the HRR curve is prescribed as 876.1 9 kW/ m2, according
to Madrzykowski’s study [3].