7. Conclusions
Simulating results have been presented for two conden-
sation models and two different geometries. The physics
of the problem and the heat transfer characteristics have
been discussed for these models. The aim was to evalu-
ate numerical modeling capabilities to predict water va-
pour condensation from a flue gas that contains high
concentration of CO2. The results are summarized as
e to experimen-
ture. However at higher inlet temperatures
nd velocities the sensitivity to these parameters de-
oefficient was estimated by calculat-
1) Both models are capable to predict the trends i
condensation process. However, the model based on
oundary layer theory shows closer valu
tal correlation. The effect of the CO2 presence in the flue
gas as a non-condensable gas was predicted correctly by
both models.
2) Heat transfer coefficient decreases as a consequence
of the increase in CO2 mass fraction for constant wall
temperature as a result of the higher resistance to diffuse
from the flue gas bulk to the boundary layer.
3) The total heat transfer rate depends on inlet velocity
and tempera
4) Heat transfer c
ing the interface temperature. However, it was found that
it is possible to get approximately same results by as-
suming this temperature equal to wall temperature. This
assumption facilitates the numerical efforts.
5) A brief description of the technical approach that
was implemented for current study is:
Modeling surface contact condensers with Fluent© re-
quires the Eulerian model. This Eulerian multiphase
model is an advanced model of Fluent and requires quite
a bit of experience to handle. In addition, modification of
these model to suit condensation process, which itself is
a very complex process, would require both, good under-
standing of the physical process and good knowledge of
model inside the Fluent. The accurateness of the nu-
merical modeling results is determined by the empirical
correlations specified to model the condensation process.
In the industry, there is a practice to model the process
with some correlations available in the open literature
and then tweak various parameters to results which are
close to the experimental results. Such a tuning is neces-
sary in numerical modeling as well for most of the cases,
as the general correlations may not yield accurate results
for a specific set up. It is advisable that designing a con-
denser just based on Numerical results may be a difficult
and expensive task.
8. Acknowledgements
Fluent Inc.’S solver capabilities are highly a
d I hereby knowledge use of it in the current paper.
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