Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JMP
fermion. All the couplings in the model are given in
terms of the electric charge. It is interesting that there is a
quartic self-interaction coupling for the scalar fields even
in the absence of a coupling
. Within the one-loop
renormalization program we give the expression for the
wave-function renormalization, and according to the
standard prescription we compute the critical exponents
from the beta function and the anomalous dimen-
sions. Finally, we have discussed spontaneous supersym-
metry breaking a la Fayet-Iliopoulos mechanism. There
is a case in which both supersymmetry and gauge sym-
metry can be broken at the same time. The photon ac-
quires a non-vanishing mass, and the Landau-Ginzburg
parameter is computed. We find that its value corre-
sponds to type II superconductors. Our values of the
Ginzburg parameter and of the critical exponents are
similar to the ones obtained in [4], without many fer-
mions and without the introduction of a second coupling
constant for the scalar quartic self-interaction.
5. Acknowledgments
The author acknowledges financial support from FPA
2008-02878 and Generalitat Valenciana under the grant
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