Journal of Information Security, 2011, 2, 85-90
doi:10.4236/jis.2011.22008 Published Online April 2011 (
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JIS
Proposed Framework for Security Risk Assessment
Zakaria I. Saleh, Heba Refai, Ahmad Mashhour
Faculty of Computer Science and Information Systems, Yarmouk University, Jordan
Email:, Refai86@ya ho, mash ho ur_ a hm a m
Received November 28, 2010; revised January 11, 2011; accepted April 12, 2011
Security risk assessment framework provides comprehensive structure for security risk analysis that would
help uncover systems’ threats and vulnerabilities. While security risk assessment is an important step in the
security risk management process, this paper will focus only on the security risk assessment framework.
Viewing issues that exist in a current framework, we have developed a new framework for security risk and
vulnerabilities assessment by adding new components to the processes of the existing framework. The pro-
posed framework will further enhance the outcome of the risk assessment, and improve the effectiveness of
the current framework. To demonstrate the efficiency the proposed framework, a network security simulation
as well as filed tests of an existing network where conducted.
Keywords: Security Risk, Vulnerabilities, Framework, Simulation
1. Introduction
The substantial usage of information and communication
devices, and the increasing interconnectivity among sys-
tems and organizations, is exposing organizations for
security risk and vulnerabilities, including intentional
threat that would be associated to sabotage and vandal-
ism. Therefore, there is a growing interest in applying
risk analysis and risk management to eliminate security
problems and protect networks.
Security Risk management is an ongoing process of
identifying these risks and implementing planes to ad-
dress them and risk assessment is the part of the ongo ing
risk management process that assigns relative priorities
for mitigation plans and imple mentation [1]. Thus, a risk
assessment framework is needed with an approach for
categorizing and sharing information about the security
risks of the information technology infrastructure. Fur-
thermore, to establish useful framework for risk analysis
we have to clearly identify the risks, it is not sufficient to
refer to probabilities and expected values [2]. This paper
will evaluate different frameworks that are being in use
and then will develop an enhanced framework that will
improve the outcome of the existing security risk as-
sessment frameworks.
1.1. Overview of Vulnerabilities and Security
System Vulnerabilities are defined as fault or weakness
that reduces and limits system ability [3]. Assessing se-
curity risk is the initial step to evalu ate and identify risks
and consequences associated with vulnerabilities and
provide basis for management to establish cost effective
security program. The vulnerability analysis is a part of
risk assessment process that focuses on methods for
identifying vulnerabilities and implementing measures to
mitigate the vulnerabilities, by implementing suitable
protection and safeguard to maintain acceptable network
security level and protect information. Many types of
network attacks require a high degree of technical exper-
tise and some may require significant financial resources
to be carried successfully; however some attacks may be
accomplished with few resources and little expertise.
Johnston (2004) defined a framework as structure
upon or into which co ntents can b e pit and further relates
it to thoughts that are directed for a purpose. A security
framework provides holistic structure for risk analysis
covering both terminology on risk and vulnerabilities
concepts and methodology for risk and vulnerabilities
analysis for safety and security [2]. The natural of risks
however, could include the possibility of threat event
(e.g. flood, earthquake, and fire) that have impact on the
organization’s information asset as well as its physical
structures [4]. In addition, the nature of information net-
works allows for an attack to be launched from anywhere
in the world, making identifying the origins of an attack
a major difficulty, if the attack is detected to start with
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1.2. Research Objectives
Secured networks and information systems assist or-
ganization in sharing its business in trustworthy way,
helping organization to build strong relationship with
customer, supplier and other business partner. Creating
trust relationships through the security of information
and by means of effective security controls will improve
the cash flow and profitability of organization [6,7]. In
addition, security risk assessment provides complete
view on existing security risk and necessary security
safeguard, and provides approach to security manage-
ment with alternative solution for decision-making and
basis for future change made in security measure [8].
Therefore, a proper and efficient security risk assessment
will result in improved outcome. To prove the effective-
ness of this framework I will use network security emu-
lation to answer the following research questions, which
1) How effective is the proposed framework for secu-
rity risk assessment?
2) Does criteria process have an impact on the security
risk assessment?
3) Does the proposed security risk assessment have an
impact on the security strategy development process?
1.3. Security Risk Assessment Overview
Security risk assessment is being defined as the process
of evaluating security risks that is conducted identifies
the required security measures [9]. The assessment is
conducted at the very early stages of the system devel-
opment as well as when there is change to information
asset or its environment. The process includes the evalu-
ations and analysis of all asset and processes related to
the system to identifying the threat and vulnerabilities
that could affect confidentiality, integrity or availability
of the system, and setting required co ntrol to manage the
risk [1]. Risk assessment is an essential element of risk
management and to be effective, risk assessment must be
an ongoing process. Depending on the purpose and the
scope of security risk assessment it can be categorized
into three types: (1) high level assessment that can be
applied for system at design phase to identify security
risks before implementation; (2) comprehensive assess-
ment that can be used to evaluate the security risk of par-
ticular system in department to provide recommendation
for improvement; (3) pre-production assessment con-
ducted on new information system before it’s rolled out
or after there is major functional ch ange [10].
1.4. Security Risk Assessment Frameworks
1) The iterative process of IT security management,
which starts with assessing security risk and based on the
assessment results, an appropriate security protection and
safeguards would be implemented to maintain a secure
protection framework as illu strated in Figure 1 [1].
2) The national infrastructure protection plan risk
management framework (NNIP-RM) is structured to
promote continuous improvement to enhance critical
infrastructure protection and key resource protection as
shown in Figure 2 [4].
3) Framework for information security culture, pro-
vides organizations with understanding of how to estab-
lish an information security culture to minimize risks
posed by employee behavior regarding the use of infor-
mation assets (Figure 3), where the interaction between
information security co mponents su ch as a po licy and th e
behavior of employees would have an impact on the re-
sulting information security culture [11].
Figure 1. Security risk management process.
Figure 2. NIPP- RM framework.
Figure 3. Information security culture framework.
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2. Research Model
Security risk and vulnerabilities assessment has many
benefits and challenges associated with it. The security
risk assessment should provide complete view of the
existing security risk and help provide alternative solu-
tion and changes to the security measures and controls.
In light of that, this research believes that none of the
discussed frameworks is fully providing the desired out-
come. Therefore, we propose that an enhancement is
needed, which will improve the security risk assessment
process, and that enhancement can be made to Ogesio [1]
security risk management approach (see Figure 1). The
approach should include two more components which
will be added and placed as process 2 (Identify infra-
structure vulnerabilities) and process 3 (Analyze Risks &
Vulnerabilities) to the existing security risk assessment
process as being illustrated in Figure 4.
Network infrastructure vulnerabilities are the core of
all technical security issues in any information systems.
The extreme importance of infrastructures to modern
network systems shall be recognized. These infrastruc-
tures are complex and interdependent; therefore protect-
ing the infrastructures is an enormous challenge. Recog-
nizing that an organization cannot afford the costs asso-
ciated with absolute protection, it is necessary to identify
and prioritize the vulnerabilities in these infrastructures.
These vulnerabilities can affect everything running on
the network. The information infrastructure now a day is
still regarded as an easy and vulnerable entry point. But
discovering the threat and the likely nature of an attack
— remains difficult [5]. Therefore, infrastructure vul-
nerabilities and infra structure evolution requires effec-
tive crisis management and preventive, strategic planning,
to try and eliminate them whenever possible. This re-
quires an evaluation of the information infrastructure,
where the main operational components of the informa-
tion technology infrastructure are examined for weak-
nesses and technology vulnerabilities. Any basic risk
assessment would identify and quantify this vu lnerability.
Figure 4. Proposed framework for security risk and
vulnerabilities assessment.
However, establishing risk assessment criteria and then
implementing & maintaining secure framework before
Identify infrastructure vuln erabilities and analyze risk s &
vulnerabilities will not be as efficient as it would be de-
Infrastructures vulnerabilities might arise from the
common links where failures might propagate through
the different systems. Thus, intrusion and disruption in
one subsystem might provoke unexpected threats to other
subsystem. There are four types Infrastructure threat (see
Table 1), where attacks on the systems in all four types
involve the malicious use of the information infrastruc-
ture either as a target or as a tool [12].
3. Research Method
The proposed framework effectiveness will be tested
using SpiceWorks network management software ver-
sion 4.7 (see Figure 5). SpiceWorks is a complete net-
work management software, helpdesk, and PC inventory
tools designed to manage networks in small & medium
businesses. SpiceWorks gets a full and accurate scan of
all network devices including Windows, Mac, and Linux
machines and keep track of the network assets, run a
helpdesk, monitor activity, receive reports and trouble-
Table 1. Infrastructure threat matrix [12].
Means/Tool Physical Cyber
1) 2)
- Severing a telecom cable with a backhoe
- Smashing a server with a hammer
- Bombing the electric grid
- Use of electromagnetic pulse and radio-frequency weapons to
destabilize electronic components
3) 4)
Cyber - Hacking into a SCADA system that con-
trols municipal sewage
- “Spoofing” an air traffic control system to
bring down a plane
- Hacking into a critical governme nt networ k
- Trojan horse in public switched network
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JIS
Figure 5. Spiceworks 4.7 screenshot.
shoot network problems [13]. The software will be used
to test the network of a university (for security and pri-
vacy reasons, the name of the university will remain
anonymous). Using SpiceWorks, we will implement
Ogesio framework process [1] and the proposed frame-
work, test a network, and then compare the findings.
4. Data Collection and Analysis
SpiceWorks network management software was installed
and to test the network and to identify infrastructure
vulnerabilities and analyze risks if any found (process 2
& 3). Evaluating the major events that were taking place
in the network systems by applications and other devices,
the evaluation revealed a number of audit failure, warn-
ings and errors as displayed in Figure 6.
The ID of the system where the audit failures occur is
displayed in Table 2 along with the source of failure,
event count, and the location and the time/date in which
the failures occur.
The warnings are listed in Table 3, along with the ID
of the applications that may failure or error occur on it,
source of these expected errors, the event count, the sys-
tems involved and the time/date of warning.
The security issues are listed in Table 4, along with
the ID of the systems where the errors occur, source of
errors, event count, the systems involved, and the time/
date that the errors occur. In addition, Table 4 displays
the type of security issues and the device (name or ad-
dress) where the issue is identified.
Analyzing Tables 2, 3 and 4, we can specify the like-
lihood of the events to occur by looking at the count
Figure 6. The major events in the network.
Table 2. Audit failure report.
ID Sources Count Computers 4/12/2010
4001 SWService 2 Srvs 18:07:32
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JIS
Table 3. Warnings report.
ID Sources CountComputers 4/12/2010
8032 BROWSER 3 Srvs 20:59:43
8021 BROWSER 3 Srvs 20:57:19
7000 Service Control
Manager 2 Srvs 20:55:22
20 Print 1 Srvs 20:12:55
7034 Service Control
Manager 4 Srvs 20:08:48
7031 Service Control
Manager 3 Srvs 20:03:35
7001 Service Control
Manager 12 Srvs 19:51:21
7022 Service Control
Manager 11 Srvs 19:51:21
7032 Service Control
Manager 1 Srvs 19:15:09
Table 4. Security issues report.
ID Sources CountComputers 4/12/2010
1 WinVNC4 5 Srvs 21:15:47
107 Report Server
Windows Service 2 Srvs 20:54:55
18456 MSSQLSERVER 2 Srvs 20:54:53
3 SQL Browser 4 Srvs 20:54:00
1001 MS Installer 3 Srvs 20:26:15
0 System Service
Model Install 10 Srvs 20:17:05
0 Net Runtime 14 Srvs 20:08:47
column that specifies how many time this event was re-
peated and reported. For example, we can conclude that
most of the errors events have high likelihood of occur-
rence, and some of the warning event has high likelihood
and some warnings have medium likelihood of occur-
rence, but the audit failure has low likelihood of occur-
rence because the event count is only 2.
Errors were also reported during the system test (see
Table 5). In light of that, we need to assess the impact of
the errors and warnings on the critical data assets to de-
velop the appropriate method to manage the risks and to
protect data assets. For example, an effective firewall
provides the software or hardware necessary to validate
and authenticate traffic and user against a security policy
or set of rules to allow them to pass the private or trusted
side of network. Firewall problems and issues could
mean that external unauthorized people can access the
private network and disclose sensitive and critical data
Table 5. Reported errors type.
Device Name Error Permission or Firewall Problem
okhreis-pc Permission or Firewall Probl em Permission or Firewall Problem
yu-9c2f5e2e9e4b Permission or Firewall Probl em Permission or Firewall Problem
dr-y-aaage Permission or Firewall Problem
drsalah Permission or Firewall Probl em
5. Conclusions
Based on the results and the findings, we conclude that
the framework process is providing the desired results,
where each process depends on the result of the previous
one. For example, during the tests, we have identified
warnings and security issues. Unless the two proposed
components are added to the existing security risk as-
sessment process as illustrated in Figure 4 (process 2:
Identify infrastructure vulnerabilities) and (process 3:
Analyze Risks & Vulnerabilities) those warnings may
become real issues and introduce new vulnerabilities
soon or later. The only way to confirm that they will (or
will not), is by identifying the vulnerabilities that each
warning may have, and then analyzing the risk associated
with it. Therefore, the risk analysis process depends on
the result of the infrastructure vulnerabilities identifica-
tion, where in this process the vulnerabilities are identi-
fied, and then the risk is analyzed based on its impact
and probability of occurrence. Th e monitoring process is
based on the result of the established risk assessment
criteria, where reports are produced to indicate all alerts
or warning of all possible threats. The monitoring is con-
tinuously repeated to insure the development of effective
security system, and an appropriate action is taken to
handle the risks associated with those threats, which
should result in improving the security system. In addi-
tion, the risk assessment criteria should be based on the
result of the reporting process. In other words, manager
will use the report that summarize the status and per-
formance of the security in the organization, and based
on that, management will update the security system (and
policy) to eliminate security weakness, and thus enhance
the security system.
In light of the findings, we can conclude that the
framework is effective for security risk assessment be-
cause the processes are proven to be highly interacted
with each other. We also conclude that the risk assess-
ment criteria process has appositive impact on security
risk assessment, as the test results have shown in the
different stages of the process. In addition, the security
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JIS
risk assessment process has a positive impact on the se-
curity strategic development, through continuous devel-
opment of the security system to improve the security
system. The security plan and strategies may specify the
priorities and area of concerns as well as the degree of
risk that management can accept, however, without ap-
plying the added process the system may not be as effec-
tive, as the results indicate.
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